May 2024




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May. 25th, 2018


Who: Faith Lehane and Dawn Summers
What: Just random catching up
When: Friday
Where: Around town
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed/incomplete

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Peter’s gone.


Who:Edward Elric and Ian
What:angst, Ian drops by for a distraction.
Where:His apartment
Warnings:Mentions of depression and death

His entire life had been focused on getting Al his body back, making sure Al had a chance at a future. Now what? )

May. 24th, 2018


Who: Lydia Martin and Leroy Jethro Gibbs
What: Redhead in need of help
When: Thursday evening
Where: Main Street
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Paige Winterbourne and OPEN
What: Baby wrangling
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: The park
Warnings: TBD
Status: OPEN/on-going

~+~+~+~+~+~ )



I am no good at this being a werewolf thing.



With school winding down for most of us, I was thinking it might be a good time to announce that the Grand Opening of Watchtower Arcade is going to be on July 6th. We're still putting the final touches on everything, but wanted to get the word out.

Watchtower Arcade is for the 13-20 year olds in Madison, where we can play old school arcade games, all the latest video games, or just chill. There'll be nonalcoholic drinks and the occasional live band performances.

Look out for more details towards the end of June.


Today is Brie's first birthday. I can't believe it's been a year already. Soon she'll be driving.

We'll be having a birthday party for her this Saturday at home at around 2pm. All are welcome. Hope to see some of you there.


[Left inside Sombra's apartment]

a small box, wrapped in black paper, a dark red ribbon with the name "Sombra" written in elegant gold script, inside: a custom pair of cyber glasses with only an "-S" as the signature on the box.


[Private Filter to Dawn Summers]

How've you been doing, Niblet? I'm sorry I haven't been around for you lately. Sort of wasn't my sodding self.

[Private Filter to Faith]

Know we had our differences, but I'm glad to see that you made it out of the Hellmouth, luv. Don't suppose you'd know who else made it too?


You'd think I'd be use to losing people but no. I just wish she'd come back already.


It almost feels like time is passing by way too quickly. I can't believe it's already almost June.

[Hermione Granger]
Hi there. I was wondering what the process was to use the room in your shop for an hour or two a few times a week?


[Filtered away from Beacon Hills people]
Is anyone else ever terrified that they'll be the next one sent home, or is it just me?


Who: Carolina and York
What: She has a job, he has news
When: Thursdayish
Where: York's apartment
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed/incomplete

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Who: Elizabeth and Open (multiples welcomed)
What: Fishing
When: Thursday morning
Where: Forest/park
Warnings: tbd
Status: open/ongoing


Who: Stiles and Liam
What: Hunting
When: Thursday morning
Where: Forest
Warnings: Language/animal death
Status: Closed/incomplete

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Went for a midnight ride. I'll get used to being out here alone sooner or later but right now it just feels wrong . I know what he went back to and it sucks. He warned me the path I was on would be a lonely one, I just didn't expect it so soon or in this fashion. I feel it lurking, ready, waiting, craving.

May. 23rd, 2018


Who: Johnny Storm and OPEN
What: Boring Errands
When: Wednesday evening
Where: Walmart
Warnings: TBD
Status: OPEN/on-going

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


Who: Amaar Rashid and OPEN
What: Definitely not buying candy
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: Cocoa Safari Chocolates
Warnings: TBD
Status: OPEN/on-going

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


Text to Buffy Summers

--I know you do, and I love you too. You're the one Buffy.


Who: Spike, Narrative
What: His return to Madison Valley (after hard canon update)
Where: Spike's flat, in bed
When: Wednesday night into Thursday
Warning: Mention of death
Status: Completed Narrative

Heart and soul )


Who: Sonya Blade and Reileen Kawahara
What: Match up
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where:  The fight school/gym
Warnings: Language, and tbd
Status: Closed/ongoing


Is there anywhere I can work on some tech projects? I can't exactly afford to build a lab here.


I broke my video game controller.

Rage games suck when you get really strong when you're pissed off.


Who: Washington and Tucker
What: Just having a beer
When: Wednesday evening
Where: Lou's
Warnings: Language, always language with Tucker
Status: Closed/incomplete

Read more... )


It always makes me anxious when a bunch of people disappear all at once.

I'm glad you're still here.


So... have you asked out Ella yet?

We should have lunch soon. It's been way too long.

Do you have any plans for Memorial Day weekend?

May. 22nd, 2018


Who: Foggy Nelson and Open.
What: Foggy gets a drink.
When: Tuesday evening.
Where: Lou's.
Warnings: Likely low.
Status: Incomplete | Open

... )


You should come try out the obstacle course.

So that's Tucker, you've heard stories. Please help me keep Carolina from killing him until he learns better.

Seems weird to have a memorial day and think about wars that haven't even happened yet.


Happy fucking belated birthday to me, thanks for taking my student, Billy, and fellow Atlantian, Arthur, from me. I didn't want a nice birthday this year. Of course not.


I never even got to really know him...

J'onn is gone too.


Hunter-Matthews Family

[backdated to morning after they're at school and work ]

Check in please.


Merlin's gone.

I..don't think I could bring myself to care anymore.

Is there anyone experienced in babysitting small children? I've a two/almost three year old daughter who can go between calmly playing by herself to being a tiny bundle of energy.

Also...she likes to hit things. Trying to reign in that habit.

Hours are from morning to late afternoon/early evening, but also appreciate those who could be more 'spur of the moment'.



No. Al just got back. I... he's gone again. Why does this place steal my friends?


I feel like I should hold a roll call to make sure all of the people I care for are still here.


I would appreciate it if this place would stop taking away my best friends!


I have lost Remy multiple times over the course of my life, and while we weren't together here, it still stings seeing him gone. The dome is a fickle place.

Drinks? Bar fight? I don't care. I am tired of losing friends.


Is this what heartbreak feels like? How interesting, I do not think it suits me.

For those who have befriended him, Remy was also taken in this latest mass-exodus.

Tell me, my friend, what trouble can a girl like me get into with a friend like you?


To those who wish it, the grounds of the Viking Settlement are open to those who mourn the loss of their friends. I have begun a feast and a bonfire to honour those that I have lost - Thor, Nora, Harry and Arthur. But it will work for any who have lost anyone in this round of the Dome's whims.


Filtered to Usa-chan and Setsuna-mama

Billy left. We were just starting to get to know each other. He was very kind to me.


I just...I just can't do this right now. Who is going to disappear next?


I can't-I can't hear hear Kurt anymore. Not Kurt. Not both of them.

Or Harry. Oh God...


What. The. Hell.

What happened?


Kurt went home and I can't go teleporting and eat Chinese food with him any more. That sucks, school was just about out too.


Voice post

Something doesn't feel right.


Who:Sigrun, Narrative
What: Reacting to Thor, Nora, Arthur and Harry's loss
Where: Viking Settlement
When: This morning
Rating: Just an Angry Angry Valkyrie
Status: Complete
Notes: Anyone tied to her will probably feel the rage, power and sorrow, Thor gave her a little touch of his power and those with ties to her will probably feel something off. Otherwise feel free to have the telepaths feel it too. She's not a happy Valkyrie, and she is calling down a lightning strike in the middle of her lands in her anger so there's that. Anyone who comes to the Viking settlement will see the smouldering spear in the center and some blackened footprints, and a feather or three and the destroyed target and the beginnings of a bonefire. If anyone wants to go to Sigrun, let me know, we'll log it seperate from this. :D

I was lightning before the thunder, Thunder, feel the thunder, Lightning and the thunder )


This isn't fair. We were just getting to know each other again.


Who: Tia and Sam
What: Helping out the new girl
Where: School
When The other day
Warning: None

Match up )


Who: Jefferson and Anya Jenkins
When: Tuesday Afternoon
Where: Magic Alley
What: A present for a friend and such~
Warnings: Anya's involved, so...!
Status: Closed/In-Progress

So, what would you buy for a young werewolf girl? )


Who: Tucker and Kitty Norville
When: Tuesday Morning
Where: Starbucks
What: Coffee times~
Warnings: It's Tucker. 'Nuff said.
Status: Closed/In-Progress

Mm! And a muffin! Uh, blueberry? Yeah! Blueberry! Go blue! )

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