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Mar. 30th, 2018


I never actually thought I'd be grateful for my father being a relentless bastard who delighted in pushing me to my limits.

All the same? I think I'll sleep for a week and a half whenever it's all over, if nobody minds.

Mar. 29th, 2018


These nightmares really need to go away. I'm tired of finding myself outside or in another room because I phased in my sleep to escape.

Mar. 27th, 2018


I swear this town is trying to drive me to drink fresh blood right out of the vein.

You okay?

Mar. 26th, 2018


I actually called off work today. I couldn't get any sleep. I kept having nightmares, half weren't even from my own experiences.

Need more coffee.

Mar. 25th, 2018


Not!Daryl is gone, I think.

Meaning Murphy MacManus.


At the end of that last fuckery I got memories from home, but I really didn't stpp to think on em until last night. Man, my life is really a roller coaster.

Mar. 21st, 2018


Pulled two weeks of doubles to make up for a week of missing work totally.

I think I'll go die now.

Mar. 20th, 2018


I didn't even do anything this time! Why am I in trouble? And why do people feel like the best way to punish me is to lock me up in small enclosed spaces?

Mar. 18th, 2018


I may be hungover until next St. Patrick's Day but I survived the pub crawl I was on yesterday. I consider that a win.

Mar. 17th, 2018


Morning can't come fast enough. Everybody is Irish as of six minutes ago. Enjoy it for the next 24 hours, aye?

Lá Fhéile Pádraig! Beannachtaí na Féile Padraig Ort!

rogue, connor, Johanna Mason
ladies, join us for tomorrow's celebrations?

Mar. 9th, 2018


Who: Rogue and Nico J.
What: Hanging out
Where: Lou's to start at least
When: Friday night
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed

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I'm sorry I've been so quiet, little sister. The memory ordeal was [...] unpleasant.

My silence should not be interpreted as disinterest. I have been having [...] moments.

Should I assume that you're familiar with Rogue outside of simply a young woman I may have been getting myself into trouble with?

If you need money for whatever it is you need for prom, don't hesitate to ask.

Private )

Mar. 2nd, 2018


I know this is probably a rather stupid thing to do, but I feel like I need to be honest about this.

I think the memory loss issue was my fault. No...I know it was. I was working on a spell to help Adrian remember, and it backfired. I didn't think it would be so powerful, and I had no idea that it would do what it had.

I'm sorry.

I hope nobody is permanently damaged in any way.

Mar. 1st, 2018


Who: Rogue and Lisa Snart
What: Drinking and Confessions
Where: Lou's
When: Evening
Warnings: language mostly but TBD?
Why: Rogue has REGRETS
Status: closed, in progress

I am not a monster )


I'm sorry to anyone who's mind I read or thoughts I heard. I couldn't block it out like that. I had...no control. I was so scared.


oh, fuck me can I go die now?

I have the worst headache.

Did you survive the week?

[Anakin, Phoebe, Nico Jackson, Clove, Sif, separate but same message]
I am so... so .... sorry.


Who: Rogue and OTA
What: Aftermath
Where: Her house she shares with Johanna then out
When: During her Texts, but morning
Warnings: language mostly but TBD?
Why: Rogue has REGRETS
Status: open, in progress

Oh my god, I tried to kill like three people )


I feel like...death.

What the hell happened?

Feb. 28th, 2018


Who: Phoebe and Rogue
What: Adding to Rogue's Collection of People in her Head
When: Post Sif/Clove sparring, way before Rogue/Nico
Where: Cafe
Why: We're mean?
warning: Rogue is controlless okay?
Status: Closed In Progress

This is who I am )


I'm so hungry. And I have a need to punch someone in the face. I don't know who or why, just that I need to.

And I'm hungry and I'm pretty sure it's not for burgers.

Feb. 25th, 2018


I have no idea who the hell I am.

But I have a gun that makes things gold.


Dagny is a weird name.

Feb. 21st, 2018


Do you know why girls should never settle down with just one guy?

Because all guys are pigs. That's just the way it is. The best thing to do is use them just exactly like they use you. Get your fun out of them and then cast them aside.

Feb. 15th, 2018


Well, aren't you all just filled with love?


Well, what do you know? I actually didn't end up single (sort of) for Valentine's Day. I'll take it.

Thank you for the lovely gift, darling. I say we raise a little hell.

Thanks, big brother. Oh, and I so saw you all cozy with Rogue at the movie. It was cute.

Feb. 11th, 2018


Who: Everyone on the list.
What: Movie and Dinner Night
Where: A hotel
When: Feb 13th
Warning: Shouldn't be any. Let me know if I should update this.

Read more... )

Feb. 8th, 2018


One of these days I will no longer be surprised by anything this place does.


I'm sorry you got that kind of info dump.

Feb. 6th, 2018


After looking through my closet more, I've decided young me thinks living extremely dangerously is fun. Great choices, young me.


I'm startin' to settle in. Maybe this place ain't so terrible after all.

Feb. 3rd, 2018


Who: Rogue and the MacManus boys
What: Drinking and such
Where: Lou's
When: Saturday
Warnings: Rogue and MacManus boys. Drinking.
Status: Closed

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Feb. 1st, 2018


I'm back to my sexy self or older self.


Looks like I got up to plenty of trouble. Just my style.

Nico J.
I'll buy you a few rounds

Sorry, ish, for the trouble your sister and I got up to. Okay, not really that sorry.

Jan. 31st, 2018


I love this place. Ain't had this much fun in a long time. so many new clothes, so many new shiny things. Wish I could get a drink, though.

Come overrrrrrrr. I found older!me's stash of whiskey!

Jan. 26th, 2018


Who: Leonard Snart and Rogue
When: Last Week (sometime before the Free For All plot!)
Where: Rogue's place
What: Talk of Rogue's powers and delicious food!
Warnings: Not really!
Status: Closed/Completed GDoc

I’m hoping the news is good considering how good this looks. )

Jan. 24th, 2018


Oh, the hazards of being young, none of my clothes fit.

Lisa Snart
Want to get into trouble?



Jan. 22nd, 2018


Waking up with new memories and understanding the events of someone's arrival even better is not how I meant this weekend to go.

Lisa & Leonard Snart
Please use caution if you run across David, he's unstable at his best and insane with strong abilities at his worst.

Jan. 21st, 2018


[Erik, Raven, other mutants]

My god, I'm sorry.

Jan. 16th, 2018


Who: Rogue & Sara Lance
What: A formal meeting
Where: Verdant
When: Monday evening
Why: Well, Lenny won’t introduce them
Warnings: None
Status: Completed Gdoc

It was time to meet Sara )

Jan. 15th, 2018


Well, well, look at me. Going on the straight and narrow with a legitimate job.

Jan. 9th, 2018


[ Filtered to those in the food service industry, particular those with catering. ]

Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes is having its grand opening this Saturday. It'll start at 8:00 AM and I hope to have everyone out by 4:00 AM the next morning.

I will need three different meals prepared for large groups of people: breakfast from 9:00 AM-10:30 AM, lunch from 12:00 PM-2:00 PM, and dinner at 7:00 PM. I figure we can let that one run longer, as more people are likely to come in the evening but I would love to hear thoughts.

I would like three different places to cater the different meals. I will also need a bakery who can provide snacks and a couple beverages between each meal.

Please let me know your thoughts and ideas on this and how best to proceed. I have my job and do it well and you all have your job and do it far better than I could ever dream, so I will fall to your experience on the matter.

Jan. 6th, 2018


I have to admit I had a really nice New Year's Eve for the first time in a while. I'll take it.

Lisa Snart
Thank you, for listening. I think I'm going to take your advice.

Leonard Snart
I had an interesting conversation with your sister, she pointed something out to me and I think it's time I was a little more open about myself.

If you'd open to hearing about it anyway.


Who: Rogue & Lisa Snart
What: Hanging out
Where: Lou’s
When: Evening, Sometime in January
Warnings: It’s rogue and lisa - language probably XD small violence because it’s rogue?
Status: Completed G-doc

Surprises. )

Jan. 1st, 2018


Well, holidays are done and what now? Anything else exciting happening? Crazy mayhem of some sort.

Dec. 25th, 2017


I help save Christmas and this is what I get for it? The universe gives the worst presents.

So...where the hell am I?

Dec. 24th, 2017


Christmas Eve.

A strange thing to be so far from home. I sincerely believed that I would not be here as long as I have been, but I can’t say I’m unhappy here. This place is the small-scale version of the world I’ve always dreamed of, where humans and mutants could live together openly, and in peace. This is the world as it should be.

See, Erik? My dream was not as hopeless as you believed.

I wish all of you the happiest of holidays.


Dec. 20th, 2017


Who: Lisa Snart & Open
What: Drinking
Where: Lou's
When: Wednesday Night
Rating: TBD
Status: Open; Incomplete

I hate feeling weak. )

Dec. 18th, 2017


If anyone is interested, I do have a Christmas list that needs fulfilling.

Just saying...

Do I even dare ask if we are doing anything for Christmas?

Dec. 16th, 2017


Where has the year gone? I can't believe it's almost Christmas. Times gone by so quickly. While I'm not big on Christmas,I do like New years, so that I'm looking forward to.

Johanna Mason
I know we're both pouting that Daisy isn't our Daisy, but, you want your Christmas present early to go beat up something with?

Dec. 15th, 2017


WHO: Rogue and Allanon
WHAT: Sparring and drinking
WHEN: Recently
WARNINGS: violence, some swearing
STATUS: Closed and Complete
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