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Oct. 11th, 2015


Who: Pack, Friends of Pack, and anyone who wants to show up
What: Canadian Thanksgiving
Where: Pack House
When: Sunday
Warnings: Too much food?
Status: Party Post!

~+~+~+~ )

Sep. 1st, 2015


Who: Diana Meade and OPEN
What: Working
When: Tuesday morning
Where: The animal shelter
Warnings: None
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~" )

Dec. 4th, 2013


People here certainly aren't very polite, especially the men, and especially the police officers.

I would only be 'truant' if I were supposed to be somewhere. So clearly I was not.


Filter: Vampire Academy Cast and Friends*
I demand a night off from the crazy. I'm not suggesting we throw a party or anything, but there has to be something fun to do around here, right? I say we do it. No Council business, no drama. Just friends hanging around and having a good time. You know, like the normal teenagers we're not.

*if you want to be included in this, feel free to assume. I'm happy to handwave Rose having made friends with any of your characters!

Dec. 3rd, 2013


Who: Diana and [open]
What: Christmas shopping... or pondering it, anyway.
When: Tuesday evening
Where: Randomly around town
Warnings: None I can think of
Status: Open/On-going

Shopping and thinking... oh dear. )

Dec. 2nd, 2013


When I leave school my cousin and I are going to go traveling. I think we might tour Europe. Perhaps as far afield as Egypt if we're feeling particularly adventurous. A year ago I might have said America too, but I don't much see the sense in visiting twice.

Are there any particular destinations you might recommend? Keeping in mind that I can't jump about through time as I please and likely it'll be 1933 when we go.

Dec. 1st, 2013


Um, hello?

My name is Gwen Shepherd. I'm not entirely sure where I am or how I got here. I can't seem to reach my mum or my friend, Lesley, with this phone.

Has anyone heard of the Lodge of Count Saint-Germain? They should be able to help me get home.

And, um, this might sound crazy, but what year is it?

Nov. 25th, 2013


Who: Diana Meade and [open]
What: Walking and thinking
When: Monday morning, 8ish
Where: Some random street
Rating: PG to start with?
Status: Open/Ongoing

She's thinky. That's bad. )

Nov. 24th, 2013


I have to be dead. This can't be real.

Nov. 9th, 2013


Locked to Cassie and Diana

I wanted to check in on you two. You okay?

Nov. 7th, 2013


Filtered to Alicia and Diana

I saw that you're on the guardian list and offered to help Marley. If she doesn't come stay with you, do you think maybe my sister and I could? We've been ducking authority figures since we arrived and I can't speak for Diana, but I know I'm tired of it. We're both teenagers, not really troublemakers unless someone else starts it. We were both really good students at home.

And uhm, I'm a witch. I don't use my magic on people unless thry're trying to hurt people I care about or innocent people.

Oct. 26th, 2013


Who: Diana Meade and Cassie Blake
What: Hiding and talking
When: Morning, October 26th
Where: The building they're hiding out in
Warnings: Possibly a little language
Status: Closed/Incomplete

Cranky witch is cranky. )

Oct. 19th, 2013


Hi, my name's Harry Dresden. I've been a wizard since I was 10.

And this freaking bubble is pissing me off. Wizard-mode engaged, I'm about to do what I do best: formulate really bad plans.

First guess was that the barrier was a mutated version of thaumaturgy. Which in wizard speak means that if you do something on a small scale and feed enough energy into it it'll happen on a large scale. Think a map of Indiana with a circle around Madison Valley and something funneling energy into maintaining the integrity of the circle. Except the actual effects are happening to us here. The types of things that can bring us here and feed energy into a circle that big means we should just quit life while we're still breathing because we're screwed.

Second guess was a magic circle. If you wanna see a demonstration of that my apprentices or I can show you. The center's the focus and used to contain things, or sometimes keep them out. But there are mortals here who can't get passed it, and that breaks every law of magic that I know and understand. If there are any practitioners who have a different experience it's time for show and tell, kids.

Who wants to show and tell anyway? Most people go out on Friday nights, I wanna play with your magic. Sue me.

Anyway. I was theorizing that we have a series of different practitioners and science types who understand the laws of physics and energy manipulation to some degree. So, maybe we could combine our strength and funnel energy into the barrier to knock it down. Depending on the spellcrafting. I've been testing the stupid barrier and a lot of magic gets absorbed, but the physical objects get thrown back with equal force.

The problem being that if the spell is reflected instead of absorbed, the expansion of energy will level a good portion of the area. If not the whole town. To counter that though, we could do a working where the barrier meets the river. Since I heavily suspect that's the weakest point. We can ground the reflecting energy out into the river itself, since water washes away energy.

Grounding energy into the earth would probably cause a quake and knock some buildings down or something. Not eager to do that. I have a clean record so far.

Oct. 6th, 2013


[Filtered to refugees under the age of 20]

Further to discussion after my previous message, the nominees for youth representative candidate are:

Cuthbert Allgood

Lissa Dragomir


Voting is now open. I've attached a link to a secure site where you can cast your vote. You can only vote once, and your vote is secret. If you're a candidate, you can vote for yourself. In fact it would be odd if you didn't.

Voting closes in 24 hours at which point we'll offer official support to the successful candidate.

Oct. 1st, 2013


What the hell have I walked into? As if not knowing where I am isn't bad enough!