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Feb. 24th, 2021


Sometimes if I drop a taco on the floor, I'll put it aside for me to eat later anyway.

[Nico Di Angelo]

I'd like to ask you out on a date


I'm feeling all kinds of things after my break up with Stiles. Sad. Angry. Embarrassed. Even relieved. I want to place everything on him, but I know I can't. I have a habit of sabotaging everything good in my life. Like I can't be happy for any length of time because it'll always end. So if that's true, I might as well do it myself. Have control over it. Stiles was the nicest boyfriend I'd ever had. Since the one prior to him had been a mass murdering pirate vampire who tricked me into drinking his blood so he could turn me without my permission, the bar was set pretty low. Does that mean I destroyed my relationship with Stiles? I honestly don't know. It had felt like it had run its course, and I didn't know how to deal with that without being angry. Kinda my Go To emotion. I'm diagnosed Bipolar Disorder. I know it. Not many people do...until now. I hate it. It embarrasses me. I'm broken, and there's no fix for it. I like to blame the mistakes I make and my bad reactions on that. Sometimes I wonder if I do that too often. Use it as an excuse. Did I do that with the break up? I don't know. Maybe not at first, but definitely with the no gift thing. It just felt so damn good to be angry! IDK

Sep. 18th, 2016


WHO: Sydney Sage and Draco Malfoy
WHERE: At the college
WHEN: Friday at class and after
WHAT: The Truth Plot hits Draco and he confesses things he hadn’t meant
STATUS: log; completed

”...” )

Sep. 7th, 2016


WHO Diana & J'onn J'onzz
WHAT Meeting a new friend
WHEN Friday, Oct 2, shortly after this (backdated)
WHERE Coffee shop
WARNINGS TBD, likely low!
STATUS Closed | Incomplete

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Sep. 6th, 2016


Who: Rose Hathaway & Sydney Sage
What: Truth Plot Shenanigans
Where: Starbucks
When: Saturday afternoon (backdated)
Warnings: references to eating disorders
Status: Complete gdoc

she was about to give Sydney a reality check )

Sep. 5th, 2016


Who: John Murphy and Raven Reyes
What: He's worrying about her
When: Monday morning
Where: Her apartment
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Tea and Xander
What: Making bad life choices
Where: Xander's place
When: After Tea's first post
Warnings: Drug use

She couldn't deny that any attention was nice )


Who: Sara Lance and Sam Winchester
What: Stuff
Where: Dean and Sara's house
When: Monday evening
Warnings: Mentions of sex and violence
Status: Closed/Complete

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Bucky Barnes & Kara Danvers
What: Confessions
When: September 5th, post-labor day party shenanigans
Where: The Farm -> Kara's place
Warnings: Discussions about Bucky's past inside!
Status: Closed/Complete

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


[Public; filtered away from Nick Gant]

Uh. What just happened? Why is Nick looking like the green muscle man who takes his fashion advice from Ariel?

[Text to Nick Gant]

So, I'm going to stay in my room. Unless you want a hug?


ooc: he's looking for a fight

You're a dick. A big, stinky, diseased cock.

[Phil Coulson]
Stay the fuck away from Cassie or I'll kill you myself.

[Bruce Banner (because if you're going to poke a bear...)]
Why the hell aren't you locked up somewhere for public safety?

She's not ever going to stay with a creeper like you, got it?

Somebody better fucking stop me before I get myself killed.

Cold bitch rabid lesbian.

Sep. 4th, 2016



Hey. What are you doing?


Kind of almost feeling like I'm back in Sunnydale with the whole let's tell the truth game.


[Private to Elena]
It scares me how much I like you. I haven't had good luck with relationships in the past and I'm afraid that I'm going to screw this up.

[Private to Lydia]
If things were different, I could see us together.

[Private to Isaac]
I'm sorry that I wasn't good enough.


Private to Charles

Erik thinks we should have sex. What do you think?


Who: Melinda May and Cameron Mitchell
What: more truth
Where: Melinda's place
When: Saturday Evening (backdated)
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


Who: Open to anyone that would come to the party
What: Labor day gathering
Where: The farmhouse
When: Monday afternoon (forward dated to give people time)
Warnings: Truth plot ongoing, anything is possible
Status: Open party type post

Read more... )
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I'm not sure what the big deal is, I'm saying everything pretty much the same way I always do.

And I'm kind of proud of not turning someone inside out when they told me they wanted to lick me to see if I tasted as good as I looked.


Who: Alex Udinov and Pietro Maximoff
What: telling some difficult truths
Where: Pietro's place
When: Sunday Afternoon
Warnings: discussion of human trafficking (potentially triggery)
Status: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )



I thought I died back home and I was fine with it because I died protecting someone. I'm mad at my brother for not telling me sooner, and I'm annoyed at him because I would like to date. Reed was a lot of things, but an attentive boyfriend wasn't one of them. I love him, and I probably always will, but he's not here and if he was? I'd never see him anyway with this dome going on.


This truth thing makes me want to punch people. Seriously, I do not need to be admitting things right now.


WHO Oz & Hermione
WHAT Coffee break + Truth
WHEN Friday afternoon
STATUS Closed | Completed GDoc

~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )


I was pregnant by my boyfriend's best friend and I gave the baby up for adoption. It was a little girl and her name is Beth.



I have grown very fond of so many people here. I cannot begin to show all of you how truly wonderful you have all been to me. Before I arrived here, I had resigned myself to living as a servant to Lady Tremaine and her daughters in my parents' home. I never expected to find happiness, or even too many friends in my world, but Madison Valley has filled my heart far more than I ever could have expected.

From the very bottom of my heart, I wish to thank all of you for your love, your kindness, and your friendships. They mean the world to me, and I will not let a day go by where I do not show my appreciation. You are all always welcome in our home, whenever and for however long you might need.

[Additionally, filtered to the werewolves who frequent the Pack House]

I just wished to express my gratitude in particular to all of you that I have met in my many visits to your home. Thank you for welcoming me with open arms, and for answering my many questions. I take great pleasure in cooking for all of you, and I hope to continue to do so for as long as I am in Madison Valley.


Derek, I blame myself for the fire.

I knew that you were sleeping with Kate Argent, but I was naive and hoped maybe that she would make you happy. I should have known better than to trust an Argent.


I'm not sure what scares me more - the idea that Clary's telling the truth, or the idea that she's not.

I've been with lots of girls in my life but they've all been mere distractions for a night, two at most. I've never had a relationship because love is dangerous and destroys anyone who dares to give into it.

I know it's the right thing to do. It's the safe thing to do.

But I'm ridiculously lonely.


WHO: Liam Dunbar and OPEN
WHAT: Blabbing the truth
WHEN: Sunday morning
WHERE: Horst's Little Bakery Haus
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


I betrayed my people and I killed my father.

I know I should feel bad about this, but I don't. I just feel kind of hollow inside. Empty.

The worst part is, I also feel that I did the right thing in both cases.

Sep. 3rd, 2016


I'm a spy back home. I know something weird is happening because there's no way I'd be compelled to type this otherwise. I was good at it, that's why I know I'd never slip up and reveal this.

I was consumed with revenge and vowed to take down the organization responsible for killing my parents, along with the man who hired them. I even joined Division just to help take it down from the inside. I knew it would be a slow process, but my plan was in action.

Then I ended up here. I've been here for over a year now, and I'm finding revenge is not consuming me anymore. I don't know if this is a good or bad thing. I know I like my life here, so there is that.


I've had a crush on this guy for a really long time. Now I have a chance with him except all I can think of is that I helped him commit suicide. And he died while I was left with a gunshot wound in my thigh and a psyche that was shattered like a rock got thrown through it. So now I'm here. With him here and alive. And he noticed my boobs. Finally. But he was dead and I helped with that so now I'm all screwed up. Again.


I wish my brother was here so I could kick his ass.

I wish he was here so I could keep my daughter away from him. Because of him, Aurelia will never exist back home, and I want to make him pay for that.


Jill, I want to take our relationship to the next level.


I helped build the maze. It was at least partially my idea to put all of those kids in the middle of that death trap and let them die as they tried to find their way out.

I don't know why I did it, or what I was thinking at the time and I don't want to know. I hope I'm not that me anymore.


I want to hate Lydia so bad because I think that Stiles is still in love with her. And it makes me nervous as hell that she's dating someone who looks just like him.

But I don't hate her. I like her. And I think that makes it worse.


I can't help but feel sometimes like the world is backwards here and that I need to be gone so that Tessa and Will can be married. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to mess up the entire timeline by being alive. And sometimes I still feel like I'm a third wheel in the way of their happiness.


I tried to destroy the world back home because I was bitter at my dad for not being there.

I almost did it, too.

And I'm terrified that even though I've tried really hard to change since I've been here, I'm still evil inside.


Every day I wake up hoping Junior doesn't show up and ruin the life I've built here. He'd probably kidnap me again until I say I'll leave my husband for him.



This will be my first birthday since starting Hogwarts that I won't spend with my best friends. I just want to stay with Harry even though he's only a baby. He'll always be my best friend. I don't know what I'd do if I was stuck here without him, and Lily and James. I'm really lucky.


I'm a drug addict. I love pills and weed. I don't want to ever stop.


Who: Riley Matthews and Lucas Friar
What: Truth!
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: Ice Cream Desserts Factory
Warnings: TBD

~+~+~+~+~ )


[Sam and Sara]

If you're going to bang in my house, maybe try making it less obvious.

Just saying.

I wasn't going to say anything, but whatever.


If you're having sleepovers somewhere else, leave a damn note or something so I know you're not dead.


I hate that Mr and Mrs Matthews have both gone away and I don't know how to make the world okay again for Riley without her parents here. It's not right and it's not fair and sometimes I hate this town.

But sometimes I like it too. Because Shawn is here, all the time. He can't run away to his cabin upstate, or go away on some travel writing adventure. He's here, and he's like the father I never had.

And then there's Briar. And I don't want him to think I'm some silly little girl. I want to be grown up and worldly for him. And some part of me wants to do more than kissing, but I'm afraid of that too. Because in some ways I am still like a little girl who hasn't really grown up yet.

I hate that part of me.


I use my powers to get free booze.


Humans are infinitely fascinating. Though as of late, I think I prefer being wolf. I am noticing that emotions appear to be terribly complicated.


Back home, I found out I killed Sara Lance.


I dreamed last night about my wedding. Only it wasn't Glenn waiting at the end of the aisle. It was Stilinski. And...and it's not such a bad dream. I kind of like it. I mean, I'm not anything or anywhere close to thinking about marriage, to Glenn or Stilinski, or anyone. makes sense.

Stilinski has been a friend to me from the first time we spoke. And I care for him a lot. I could see me falling for him. It's already happening. Wow. It's really happening. I'm starting to live again.


I am falling in love with Faith.


I think everyone here knows about my alter ego by now. Even though I've got a good handle on keeping him under control, I live every day in fear that he will get the best of me and destroy the town.


I just felt the need to tell you both this morning that I love you. Thank you so much for being in my life Jem and Tessa.

I think we should make a plan to have a lie in together tomorrow.


I love the stares I get walking around in my show outfit. They're just fantastic.

You. Where are you? You know what you SHOULD do? Come back to the house.

Just saying.

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