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Apr. 15th, 2014


I'm sick.

And I want a puppy.

Oliver, we're getting a puppy.

But first I am going to take a bath and then a nap.

Apr. 9th, 2014


This town, this day, and this network makes no sense.

[Lydia Martin]
Someone told me you were here, along with Stilinski and Allison. What the hell is happening?

Apr. 6th, 2014


I never liked fairy tales. Or anything where the movie version has singing animals.

[Filtered to Felicity Smoak]
Felicity? A fairy nun told me you were here.

There's no part of that sentence I'm not confused by.

Mar. 29th, 2014


Does anyone know where I can get lessons on self defense? Nothing happened or anything but I just let myself get creeped out on the walk home. I'm definitely not getting a gun and I was learning a little back home.

Mar. 21st, 2014


Well, this is certainly surprising. And unsettling.

Also, this network is complete rubbish. One might think it was designed by a child. I did better work when I was a child. Has no one ever thought to update it?

Mar. 18th, 2014


Seeking: One Pepper Potts.

For: Amazing sex with your Tony (and Bruce) that will most likely result in a broken bed tonight.

Possible sexual favors for information regarding the redhead's current whereabouts.

Yes, I'm publicly calling my girlfriend out for a booty-call. wait. Just called her girlfriend without prompting. Shit. Got a problem with that? Complaints, please form a line to the left.

Mar. 15th, 2014


So, it's official. I am a business owner.

Smoak Securities is properly set up. Papers signed, office leased. Not bad for a sidekick. It's going to be weird being the boss but I really don't need many employees. I work pretty well alone.

What we do is install high tech security systems and maintain them. I'd give you references but they are back home. So I will say that I've been keeping the fact that my boss, Oliver Queen, is the Starling City Vigilante a secret for over a year.

Now, I want pie.

Mar. 9th, 2014


So, I got sent home last night.

I got shot.

And now I'm back.

Mar. 6th, 2014


You never realize just how much you lie on a daily basis until you cannot lie anymore. It's a good thing this happened to me here and not back home.

Detective Lance would have found out Oliver was the Arrow a long time ago. Oliver would know about my feelings for him. Then again all the catty women at QC would know that Oliver promoted me because he's a vigilante and I work with him.

God, I hate this. It's so embarrassing. I need alcohol.

Feb. 21st, 2014


Does Smoak Securities sound really pretentious? I'm trying to fill out paperwork to get a license to open a business and I cannot think of a good name.

Feb. 6th, 2014


Despite what Beth said, I'm not gone. I just moved into another apartment. I admit, I should have told her first, but I just needed to do it. I couldn't stay in this room or apartment or this floor any longer.

Maggie, you should probably move back in with your sister.

Jan. 30th, 2014


I miss my friends and I want to go home. You never realize how much you're going to miss working for a vigilante until he's not around.

Jan. 22nd, 2014


I was thinking of starting a security system installation business. I mean, Storybrooke isn't exactly crime central but it never hurts to be safe. I guess I'm finally accepting that I am not going to be coming home anytime soon and can't wait for Oliver to show up and need something researched.

Jan. 9th, 2014


Pretty much everything I read, watch, or consume in any way is no longer here. Which I guess makes for less awkward meeting people, but it means there are about twenty things I was waiting for the endings of, and now won't know until someone shows up to tell me about them. Which would probably be pretty weird for them since everyone's life is tragic and violent in the stuff I like.

Maybe I'll just make up endings.

But the library database magically changed itself. Which is good since I was going to work on having some kind of tantrum if I had to re-input everything. Now it's full of stuff I've never heard of, but at least it's all cataloged stuff I've never heard of, so I don't have to do it.

I'm thinking of adding some kind of ratings page to work up code to help rec things to people. So if they used to like Unicorn Cannibals in Space, they can figure out something similar to look for now. I have too much free time.

No one tell me if Unicorn Cannibals in Space is a real thing somewhere.

Jan. 7th, 2014


I have a feeling I'm not going to enjoy this "Valentine's Day" without Jasmine.

The holiday you call Christmas is just over, and now everything has hearts all over it for February. And it's only a day? Back home some things we celebrated for a whole month. This world moves so fast. I wish Genie were here

Dec. 10th, 2013


I've never not been home for Christmas.

I can't decide if I'm going to go to that ball. Is anyone else going alone?

I'd need to find a dress.

Dec. 5th, 2013


I know it doesn't seem like it but I have friends who are going to be pretty mad when they realize I've been kidnapped. Again So, whoever brought me here should just send me back before things get bad.

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