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Aug. 27th, 2013


So, I went from having no job to having two. I went by the pool the other day and the stables on Sunday and now I've got both jobs. I'm going to be a lifeguard and a...stable hand or whatever at the stables. The guy who runs the place seemed intrigued that the horses took to me so quickly, but when you can communicate with them, it helps a lot. So, this'll be interesting. I've never had a real job before unless saving the world counts, which I don't think it does.

Aug. 26th, 2013


Speaking as sort of an expert on the whole finding yourself in a world where you exist in a tv show, I feel like I should give out some pointers. I'm pretty sure these translates to all media.

- Don't Watch Your Show. (Read your book, Your Comic..etc).
- Don't google your name.
- Stay away from fans.
- Don't read anything they might have written.
- Don't look up actors.

Trust me, it'll just mess with your head. Obviously, these are just suggestions but trust me, you'll thank me.

Aug. 24th, 2013


You know, having too much time on your hands can be a bad thing. I somehow ended up scrolling through this twitter feed, and this one hits a little too close to h I think that's a sign that I need to take up a hobby or something.

Otherwise I might end up watching my own life on television, and I really don't think that's a good plan.

I noticed a couple more people showed up from your world. Including your son, and someone you seem much less happy to see. You alright?

Aug. 22nd, 2013


This message is mostly for the teenagers around, but also for their parents and guardians so that you know what's up.

Hi, I'm Paige Matthews. I'm going to be joining Kitty's staff as a counselor, and I just want you all to know that you can come to me with anything you need or want to talk about. It's kinda my job to help people, and I'll do what I can to help any of you who needs something, whether it's help in picking the right classes or just a shoulder to lean on.

[Piper & Phoebe]
How'd it go? Is it safe to Does she want t

Aug. 21st, 2013


Filtered from anyone in law enforcement, from town officials and anyone with the last name Weasley

Anyone know where I can get my hands on a fake I.D. ?

Aug. 20th, 2013


I signed up for classes at the college today. A little late, but I was going to school back home, so why not? Might as well get a decent education while I'm here.

Guess I should start going shopping for school supplies.

Aug. 19th, 2013


Wait, people can get sent back? Where do I sign up?

Aug. 17th, 2013


Does this town have a shooting range?

Aug. 16th, 2013


I want to learn to drive a car. Can someone teach me?

Aug. 11th, 2013


Is anyone else feeling restless living here in Storybrooke?

Chloe, Lois

So, uh, I flew the other day. Just thought you'd like to know.

Kara Zor-el

I have a few questions. Can I ask them to you?


So it looks like I'll be going back to school in the fall. If anything goes horribly wrong, you can blame Annabeth Chase.

[Filtered to Rose Hathaway]
You should talk to Sheriff Swan. I told her about our plan to set up a training place and she said she'd help. She offered a room in the sheriff's office or in the forest, but I think we'd be too cramped in the office. Let me know if you need anything from me that doesn't involve paperwork.

[Filtered to Jason Grace]
Don't think I'll be shirking my Big Sister duties just because we're not rooming together anymore. I propose a sibling dinner once a week.

Aug. 8th, 2013


I was curious, is there anyone else here from New York? I guess I'm curious about the differences between my New York and other dimensions or universes or whatevers New York. Does that make sense? Then again, a lot of the stuff that happened in my New York, mortals wouldn't have even known exactly what was happening.

[Filtered to demi-gods]

Are any of you guys like really restless? I know that the likelihood of a monster attack here is low, at least not like at home, but I keep finding myself looking over my shoulder when I'm out.

Aug. 7th, 2013


So I was thinking about seeing a movie and I went to check on new releases, and, uh, looks like we're Hollywood material.

Aug. 6th, 2013



Big, potentially illegal, definitely curfew breaking, Bonfire at the beach tonight. Whose coming with me?

Come on, Guys, it'll be fun.

Aug. 2nd, 2013


WHO: Bianca & Thalia.
WHERE: The park
WHEN: After Bianca’s arrival
WHAT: There’s a lot of events Thalia needs to catch Bianca up on, including the fact that she’s dead.
RATING: Low; mentions of character death
STATUS: log; complete.

I didn’t make it out of the desert, did I? )


FILTERED: Everyone interested in self-defense/sparring.*
Dmitri and I are working on getting some premises. My idea is to open a kind of gym/training place where we can offer classes in self-defense and some more advanced things for those with more experience in that kind of thing. There's a ton of paperwork and we'll actually have to find a space, but in the meantime, I thought maybe we could organize some more informal stuff. Someone mentioned just sparring out in the woods, which could definitely work.

So maybe we could get a virtual show of hands for who's definitely interested and give us an idea of when would be the best time for you guys/

* basically everyone who commented on this post and anyone else who might be interested!


Alright, so I finally filled out that mandatory thing. I'm still not happy about it, but I did it. So, my birthday is this month. My first where I won't be able to talk to my mother at all. I want to do something, but I don't know what exactly. I haven't actually gotten to do something normal on my birthday for awhile.


Filtered to Emma Swan

Hi Sheriff Swan,

So I really don't know how normal people do things, so I'm hoping you can help me out, or at least point me to someone who can.

A few of us were thinking about the possibility of offering self-defense or just plain fitness classes, but we don't actually know how these processes work. What would that entail? Is there a space? Do we get permits? What do we do?


Every time I think I've discovered everything this world has to surprise me with, it pulls out something new. Whatever this "reality TV" is, it is truly strange. And engrossing.

Thedas People - except Isabela

I want to get Isabela something to commemorate her opening a legitimate mostly-legal business. Ideas? It's not going to be naked people, before you suggest that.

Aug. 1st, 2013


So what kind of career options are available to an immortal Hunter/archer here? I'm really good at shooting or stabbing monsters until they don't move anymore. Also, I read and write Ancient Greek.

Jul. 30th, 2013


Is there anywhere in town to swim, aside from the bay itself?

Jul. 29th, 2013


It was suggested that to alleviate my boredom that I get a job.

...a job. Honestly. I'm only now beginning to breathe properly after the ensuing fit of laughter.

Note: Where can I procure a house elf?


How far do this forest run?

Jul. 28th, 2013


[Filtered to PJO-verse]
Hey. So...I'd been debating whether I should say anything or if I should just leave you guys alone, and I decided I needed to say this.

First, I know that there's no apology that could ever make up for what I did. People, including some of you, died because of what I made happen and what I let happen. I'm not saying any of this because I want any of you to forgive me. I know I don't deserve that, and I don't expect it. I'm saying this because I'm trying to do the right thing this time around, and I think that has to include facing what I did before.

So...I'm sorry. I can't even say how much. I won't go through any of the explanation unless somebody wants me to, because I don't really think it's important - I did what I did, and it was wrong. I just want you all to know that I don't want to hurt anyone anymore, and I'm going to do my best not to bother anybody here, especially not any of you. If you do want to talk to me, or yell at me, or anything else, let me know. I'll be around.

And I guess that's it. Thanks for reading.

Jul. 26th, 2013


[Danny & Thalia]

I've got an idea that we should try out tonight.


Well, it looks like I'm going to be here for a while, and I've decided I'm okay with that. Back home, I was dead.

So I've gotten a job: teacher's assistant and soccer coach. I'm actually really excited about it - I used to be good with kids, and I think I'll be better now that I don't have to deal with prophecies and monsters and all the other stuff that drove me literally crazy. For the first time in my life, I'm really looking forward to the school year starting.


I never thought I'd enjoy something as normal as job hunting so much.

Jul. 24th, 2013


Okay. This is really staring to piss me off.

...And you wouldn't like me when I'm pissed off.

Jul. 21st, 2013


So this is new. Better than a rampaging robot

Hi everyone? My name's Bianca.

Jul. 19th, 2013


Filtered to Demigods

A curfew. What the Hades. As if we haven't been taking care of ourselves and not trashing any place all our lives!

Well, aside from Percy. But still. A curfew.


Faith's post got me thinking. There are quite of a few of us fighter types here, right? This place seems pretty nice and quiet, but I don't want to lose my edge. Is there some kind of place here we can all train together? I mean, if the rest of you are interested. I haven't even seen a gym in town and a girl has to stay in shape!

Jul. 18th, 2013


Okay, so it's not like I've never used a portal before. I have. Lots of times. But they usually just take me to other places in Morganville. I appreciate the jailbreak, but I expected there to be a bigger difference in the weather between Texas and Maine, too.

Anyway, hi, I'm Claire! If you happen to see a couple of really hot guys with emo hair and Texan accents or an adorable goth looking girl running around, can't you send them my way? Or a psychotic vampire

Jul. 17th, 2013


Tobias? Jake? Cassie? Come on, I'll even take Marco or Ax. Please tell me you guys are here somewhere.

How sure are we that we're not all just dead?


[Kara x2, Steph, Tim, Thalia]

I found a god here! Loki, one of the Norse deities. Though I think he's actually an alien or something, but close enough, right?

Jul. 16th, 2013


Well, a town in Maine is better than Tartarus, I guess. Even though I do have something really important I need to do at home.

Introductions, I guess. I'm Annabeth Chase. Would anyone mind telling me if they've seen anyone named Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Piper McLean, Leo Valdez, Hazel Levesque, or Frank Zhang around? Or even a Thalia Grace?

Jul. 15th, 2013


[Filtered to Jason]
Piper's probably already told you this, but you're going to this tonight.

[Filtered to Luke]


Filtered to everyone under twenty

So I know there was some get-together at Granny's like...the night I got here, I think, but I didn't make it and I know a lot of other teens have shown up since.

Who's up for our own teens-only bonfire on the beach tonight?

Jul. 14th, 2013


Hey Storybrookers, this is a nice town you've got here, and I've developed an addiction to Granny's pies, but I do have a war to get back to so if there's anything I can do to help get the portal reversed or whatever, just let me know, okay?

To everyone else: hi, I'm Thalia. This happen to anyone before?

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