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Dec. 30th, 2013


This is not what I expected. I think.

Dec. 25th, 2013


Merry Christmas, everyone.

I'm bursting to tell everyone who will listen... and since we told Sam's family this morning...well...

I'm engaged!


[DEAN... & JOHN]
Am I the only one who's noticed that the magic portals seem to be using some of our lists of 'people to watch' as a checklist for 'who to bring' lately?

That Original Vampire reunion isn't exactly making me feel comfortable around here, and I'm not even one of the people on their hit list. I guess it just had to feel like a proper Christmas around here, didn't it. So much for only having good news to share today


Klaus is here.

I have reason to believe my life is in danger. There is a man who arrived yesterday. His name is Klaus and he's not a man at all. He's a vampire/werewolf hybrid who cannot be killed. For centuries, he has pursued me. He has tortured me. He murdered my entire family, because I turned myself into a vampire to prevent him from killing me.

I am human now and being stuck in this town means I can't simply run from him. I am doing my best to avoid him, but in such a small town, there is a very good chance he will learn I am here. Because of this, I am asking for your protection. I fully believe he will kill me if he has the chance to do so.

Dec. 24th, 2013


I'm starting to wonder if I hit my head and am in a hallucination.

Probably should introduce myself. I'm Detective Stahl.

Dec. 23rd, 2013


Right, so, maybe I'm thinking ahead, but I can't help but think that we're only a week or so from New Year's, too. And the beginning of a new year. I can't believe it's almost 2014 So, what resolutions do people here have? What things about your current lives do you want to change? What things do you want to do better next year? And saying that you want to leave this place doesn't count - only include things you can actually do something about.

And also...shouldn't we have a New Year's Party? Christmas is for family, but New Year's is for getting together with friends.

Dec. 22nd, 2013


Filter: Sam Winchester and Elijah Mikaelson
I found someone who seems willing to help. Do either of you know a Lissa Dragomir. She claims to be a vampire with some kind of healing magic. I don't know if it works on old age, but she seems willing to give it a try.

I guess there are some things about this place that aren't so bad.


I'm going to sound like an old man yelling about kids on my porch, but the buttons on this damn thing are too small.

Occurs to me I should probably say I'm sorry to people I wasn't all that friendly with at first. I thought you were demons. Apparently, only a couple of you are.

Dec. 20th, 2013


Well, that didn't work out like I thought it would.

At least I didn't hit a car. That would not have been fun.

Dec. 14th, 2013


I just arrested the Grinch. He was trying to steal the Christmas decorations from Town Hall.

And no, not someone dressed up as the Grinch. The real deal.

Dec. 11th, 2013


[Filtered to Dean Winchester]

Christmas. I've got some ideas of what to get for Sam, but I need to ask you about some things.

[SPN Filter]

We should have a Christmas get together. Just us.

Dec. 8th, 2013


Why do I get the feeling that something strange might happen for Christmas?

It's the vibe I'm getting from this place.

Dec. 4th, 2013


I've started to become accustomed to strange things in this world, but lightsaber chopsticks are a bit too much.

Nov. 29th, 2013


Well. Happy Thanksgiving, Storybrooke. It's been a surprisingly nice one.

Nov. 25th, 2013


Thank god that broadcasting is back to what constitutes as normal around here. I was about ready to stab someone with a knitting needle.
In other news, I'm doing a fluff piece for the paper and since Thanksgiving is this week, here's the obligatory question for us all...

"What are you thankful for?"

Discuss. I'll probably quote you unless you don't want to be mentioned.


This place can really drive a woman to drink sometimes.

How do you want to handle the holidays?



Are you quite finished yet?

This is getting terribly bothersome.

And don't even pretend it isn't you, serpent.

Nov. 24th, 2013


Step up from the usual mindtricks I get.

Fairy tales and storybooks? Where the hell did they get that from?

This isn't how things usually work around here. They don't usually hand out hardware to tap out words on.

Nov. 19th, 2013


TWD spoilers under the cut. It's still public )

Nov. 14th, 2013


Hello, everyone. Charming and I will be hosting a bonfire on the beach Saturday November 23rd beginning at around 4pm. Everyone is invited, no matter your age or origin and we do hope to see you there.

Thank you very much for Fix for the suggestion. It really was a wonderful one.

Nov. 13th, 2013


Jane Shepard's invited us over for a little party at her place. I'd like it if you all came and met her, she's a good friend of mine.

Also, I was thinking. Thanksgiving?

Nov. 10th, 2013


Remind me again why I watch this show.

[OOC: The Walking Dead spoilers in comments.]

Nov. 11th, 2013


I imagine this is the best way to advertise lessons in swordplay.

The skill is not quite so much use in this world, but there is no harm in learning how to defend yourself if you wish and it is a way to maintain fitness somewhat. Plus, I readily believe the suggestion of a joust in the local park might well be frowned upon and this is a more acceptable use of my knowledge.

I cannot yet offer sparring, but I plan to. For now, the lessons would comprise mostly of sword position; parry and defence, as well as footwork and move on from there. For now the weapons will be light bamboo crafted arming swords. Eventually, I plan to graduate to steel, and though blunted you would require some form of armour for such practice.

I have many years of experience training and I will ensure you'll be quite safe. If I have the interest, lessons would be once or twice a week, possibly running for a couple of hours.

Feel free to express your interest here, or contact me via my device in some way.

Nov. 8th, 2013


So, I've seen a few of you making mention of disappearances again? This place just doesn't seem to let up does it?

To those of you who don't know me, my name's Jane Shepard. If any of you out there need someone to talk to, or just want some company, please, look me up. This place isn't taking it easy on any of us. As an added bonus, since arriving here, I've gotten a handle on how to make a decent cup of coffee and would be happy to share with anyone who needed it.

I'm in Tower Three, Room #405
Filtered to Danny Mahealani )

Filtered to Sam Winchester )

Nov. 3rd, 2013


The plan is simple.

We kill the Batman.

Nov. 2nd, 2013


According to the online Wiki page about me, today is the anniversary of my death. November 2, 2005. So, somewhere, I've been dead for eight years.

I'm not quite sure how to feel about that.

Oct. 31st, 2013


This might be an odd question but.. am I dead?


Show of hands, those that are smart enough not to dress up tomorrow.

Oct. 29th, 2013


This place really is terribly strange.

Emma, is this really where you and Snow came from?

Am I doing this right? Can anyone see this?

Oct. 27th, 2013


I don't know if you noticed, but another member of my weird family showed up on Friday.

Hey, kid. You want to go to the shooting range with me sometime, if it's okay with your dad? We can get another cheeseburger afterward, if you want.


[Private to Walking Dead people but filtered away from Carl Grimes]
I need help knowing how to get Carl through this. I wasn't there for him the first time we lost his mother, I have to do better this time.[End private]

[Private to Mayor Mills]
Is there a therapist of some sort here that I could talk to?[End private]

I would have thought that losing my wife once would have made it easier the second time but it didn't. And I don't even have our daughter this time

Oct. 26th, 2013


Call me curious, but despite the recent magic issues around here lately, are there people here that don't want to go back to where they were before Storybrooke? Or at least don't want to go back empty handed?

Oct. 25th, 2013


Magic. Right. I'm just going to go ahead and call bullshit on this one. It's either the angels screwing with me again or one of their pissed off big brothers.

How'd you Michael to shut up?


So...I don't suppose any one there is looking for a room mate?

This place just keeps getting better and better..

( Filtered to Jack )

Please tell me you're still here? Everyone else is gone.


With Isabela gone out of nowhere, which really sucks by the way, Hook has me stepping up to help run the place. Well the bar end of it...not so much the business end. Anyway, I may not be a pirate, but I definitely know my way around a bar.

( Dean )
So, wanna celebrate you having your favorite parts back?

Oct. 24th, 2013


[Filtered from Padme Amidala]

Now both of the people I believed to be my children are gone.

At least Padme's still here.


Filtered to Padme Amidala]

Would you mind terribly if we shared an apartment, Padme?


Mom's gone.

I should have expected this.

That means Judith is gone, too.

Oct. 18th, 2013


Holy mother, maybe I didn't get changed but I think being a woman could have been an interesting sort of thing, especially with the way so many men seem to think it's proper to treat them. Might teach some men a lesson, mightn't it not?


Being a woman again is amazing. I never thought I'd be this happy to be the gender I was born.

[Filtered to Glenn Rhee]

Where are you? I need you. Now.

[Filtered to Daryl Dixon]

I guess it's time for me to stop teasing and actually follow through with things.

[Filtered to Rick Grimes]

I am a horrible person. Also, I will return your clothes soon, I just need to wash them.

Oct. 17th, 2013


There needs to be more to do here. Either that, or I need to be elsewhere.

Is there anything to do in this wretched place?


Well, so far I'm still a girl. I hope it stays that way.

Not that it wouldn't be interesting to see what it's like to be a guy...but I'd much rather it be by my choice.

Oct. 16th, 2013


I feel like there was a point in my life where I could have been the one to tell Anakin Skywalker that he was going to turn into Darth Vader, and be gentle about it.

I think I've passed that point. Maybe you should do it.


I need someone to tell me about my connection to Darth Vader.

Someone who isn't a seventeen year old kid.

Also, Luke Skywalker is gone.

[Filtered to Leia Organa]

This is going to be a strange question, but do you know who your father is?

Oct. 15th, 2013


Anybody up for a run tonight?


Any word on how long this all is supposed to last?

Oct. 13th, 2013


Our show starts back up tonight. I plan on watching it. Anyone else who wants to is free to join me in my room.


Pretty sure I've laughed more at girly Angel than I ever did at puppet Angel.

Oct. 12th, 2013


Does anyone else find it really weird to read news about what's going on in the rest of the country and the world? I mean, we're not really a part of it anymore. I've been keeping up with it just out of habit, but it kind of just makes me feel more cut off from everything. We're basically trapped in Crazy Land

I've also been trying to find something that might help with the gender... problem, but no luck yet, sorry. Still working on it.

Oct. 5th, 2013


This...this is new. Not unpleasant.

This is Dean.

I'm apparently now a girl.

And I didn't do anything. I swear.


Am I the only one who remained the gender they went to sleep as?

I am really glad I am exempt from this.

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