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Jan. 20th, 2014


I lost Scott. And Isaac.

How could this have happened?

Scott and Isaac, you are both in so much trouble.

Jan. 18th, 2014


[Filtered to Rick Grimes]

I enjoyed our dinner together the other night, Rick.

I would like to have dinner with you again.

Except... I may have to wait. Because Scott and his friend Isaac are now six.

And I also offered to let a child Jim Kirk stay in my apartment before Scott and Isaac turned six.

You can come over when they're all asleep, though, if you want.

Jan. 14th, 2014


I don't even know what's going on here.

All I know is that I need some new clothes. The clothes in my closet are strangely too small.


I thought this had been a dream. An elaborate dream, yes, but a dream.

Any chance Scott is still here? Stiles? Anyone?

Also, I think I need my job back at the hospital.

Jan. 11th, 2014


[Filter to Elijah]

Getting less drunk yet?

You okay?


I've been here a while now, maybe I should try out this job thing. I haven't really done the job thing in a lot of years, but it could be fun. It seems to be the in thing to do here, might check it out.

So, who actually needs employees? I'm a fast learner and enjoy seeing new things.


I guess this place isn't so bad. At least people seem somewhat safe here.

[Filter to Elena, Bonnie and Caroline]

How are you three doing?

We should have a girls night soon.



Do what you know right? So, talked to Dr. Hopper, seems another shrink around here could be useful.

So, if anyone needs to talk, you can find me at Dr. Hoppers office.

Or at the bar, looks like-


Being stuck in a town with no way of leaving was not exactly how I planned on spending holidays.

But I must admit, the locals did try to make it somewhat pleasurable for the newest citizens of Storybrooke.

I am just glad that it seems as though I avoided the mistletoe crisis of 2013.

Jan. 10th, 2014


I see a lot of people talking about their shows not being on anymore and I'm really kind of hoping that applies to mine. I mean, I'm not sure how much worse it could possibly get and I'm kind of curious to know if Katherine actually dies (but probably not, because she's like a Timex), but it would be a relief not to have to deal with whatever is going on at home anymore.

Especially when most of it is just really confusing depressing.


Personally, I'm relieved our comics have been canceled.

Blissful ignorance is a relief when you're from a medium that seems to delight in killing people off or torturing them for giggles.

Jan. 7th, 2014


[Private to Glenn]
It's still okay that I'm here right? I don't want to live with Maggie and Daryl. I would rather stay with you.

[Private to Carl]
Maggie wants to meet for coffee tomorrow. I should probably stop avoiding her I guess, right?

I didn't miss school one bit. I had fun at the ball. More fun than I thought.

[Private to Lily Evans]
Can we get dinner or something tomorrow?


{Filtered to Sam Winchester]

Can we go to Granny's one day? I want some fries.

[Filtered to Beth Greene]

Thanks for going to the ball with me, I had fun.

If you need anyone to talk to about what's going on with your sister, you can talk to me.

[Filtered to Rick Grimes]

Do you want to watch something on Netflix with me tonight? I bought us some popcorn and sodas.

Dec. 12th, 2013


NO FILTER BUT CONTAINS: Walking Dead Spoilers for Winter Finale )


[Backdated to after this.]

Filtered to Daryl Dixon]

I told Glenn.

Can I stay with you for a while?

[Filtered to Rick Grimes]

Glenn knows. He wanted to get married soon and I told him and he knows and I'm sorry.

[Filtered to Beth Greene]

Things are going to be a bit tense in the apartment...

Dec. 11th, 2013


[Filtered to Rick Grimes]

I'm going to stay with Beth tonight, is that okay?

Dec. 2nd, 2013


this way for TWD spoilers )

[Private to Sam Winchester]
I wasn't in any shape to help Carl last night I'm still not really so I'm glad you were there to take him for a cheeseburger. I appreciate it.

[Private to Jude Martin]
I need an appointment. Now. That son of a bitch My little girl

Dec. 1st, 2013


The Walking Dead spoilers. )


The Walking Dead spoilers. )

Filtered to Rick Grimes, still TWD spoilers. )

Nov. 29th, 2013


Well. Happy Thanksgiving, Storybrooke. It's been a surprisingly nice one.


Thanksgiving was nice. It reminded me of the day we all had dinner on Hershel's farm. Sure, there's a lot of us who aren't here, but it was nice to spend time with those of us that are here and not have to worry about Walkers ruining the moment.

So, Christmas is next. I've never actually spent the winter anywhere outside of Georgia. It gets really cold up here in Maine, doesn't it? Not sure I'm prepared for that.

Nov. 25th, 2013


Thank god that broadcasting is back to what constitutes as normal around here. I was about ready to stab someone with a knitting needle.
In other news, I'm doing a fluff piece for the paper and since Thanksgiving is this week, here's the obligatory question for us all...

"What are you thankful for?"

Discuss. I'll probably quote you unless you don't want to be mentioned.

Nov. 24th, 2013


I don't like that I am missing my show because of this.... televangelism and infomercial thing.


I have just invested in Netflix. There was only so much infomercials and televangelism I could take.

Scott, I left you the account information for Netflix. I thought you might be tired of this as well.

Nov. 17th, 2013


I'm not really certain how we're meant to celebrate Thanksgiving this year. Assuming you believe in concepts like years and celebrations and certainty. There's no Brownstone Spire for us to grovel on our bloody knees after crawling through the desert and give thanks for all it has done and not done and hope it accepts our words so we can carry on with our lives. Is there a great, looming spire anywhere that you all use as a substitute?

Nov. 15th, 2013


It's always been my experience that alcohol is a good way to drown your sorrows. I also know that you should not drink alone.

So, anyone want to meet up for a drinking night -- or if you don't like crowds, we can hang out in my apartment.

Nov. 14th, 2013


Why's the radio playing Christmas music? Did they forget there's a whole holiday between Halloween and Christmas? And how do I make it stop since apparently I can't shoot it?

( filtered to Natasha Romanoff, Phil Coulson, Alex Udinov, Nick Fury, Melinda May, Maria Hill, EDITED TO ADD: Also Fitz-Simmons, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Bruce Banner, Thor Odinson, Jane Foster, Darcy Lewis )
My alternate universe less dead brother may or may not have invited me to Thanksgiving, which I declined because fuck that.

That said, you guys are invited (not you, Nat, because invited implies you can say no) to the annual Barton-Romanoff Secret Agent Thanksgiving Dinner. By dinner we mean takeout, vodka and poker. We can assure you with reasonable certainty nobody will die and the barrier pretty much prevents international incidents.

RSVP. Or don't. Whatever. I may open this up to Science Babies and Avengers, but I'm not sure they'd really enjoy our idea of holiday festivities. Yes there is a non-SHIELD person on the list, but she's basically a mini-Nat, so deal with it. I collect Russians.

Also, THOR IS NOT ALLOWED TO BRING HIS BROTHER. This shouldn't require saying, but I'm saying it.

( filtered to Natasha )
Also, you have a date Friday night.

( filtered to Phil )
Also, I may have set Nat up on a blind date with a guy from work. So if I get disappeared, that's why.


[Filtered to Rick Grimes]

Spaghetti Tuesday every Wednesday. We should make this a thing.

Nov. 13th, 2013


[Filtered to The Hunger Games folks]

Apparently there's a holiday called Thanksgiving coming up. I think we should have a Thanksgiving dinner. I am useless at actually cooking, but I can bake things. So I may need some help with cooking the actual dinner, but at least we'll know the desserts will be taken care of?

[/end filter]

If any one is in need of baked goods, I will be more than willing to provide them. I need something to do.


Watching yourself on screen is an incredibly surreal experience.

And right now, I wish I could get drunk.


[Filtered to The Walking Dead]

I was thinking I could cook something for Thanksgiving for us. Is anyone against having a big Thanksgiving dinner?

Nov. 12th, 2013


Apparently my "show" is back on. Not here exactly anyway. But I managed to find a way to get it.

I don't know if I can bring myself to watch it. But part of me has to know.

Nov. 11th, 2013


I'll be at The Rabbit Hole getting drunk if anyone wants to join me. I need it after tonight's show.

[Filtered to Beth Greene]
Can you keep Carl company until I get back? I just don't want him here alone but I need to get out for awhile.

Nov. 8th, 2013


So that's what he meant about being too smart to dress up for Halloween.

Being someone else for a few days was pretty interesting. I don't think I actually managed to injure anyone, but if I did I apologize. I was not quite myself.


Sirius Black, this is not. on.  Kidnapping isn't funny, remember?  We've been over this.  If I'm late, Lily will kill me.  And it will be all your fault.


It's a sad day when I'm missing Matthew.

So people randomly come and go here. No pattern. No rhyme or reason. And no one knows where they go when they leave here. I'm not satisfied with that. If I can be of assistance in some way to whoever is trying to fix this problem, just say the word.

Nov. 6th, 2013



Nov. 5th, 2013


My son thinking he's the Joker and trying to kill one of our friends is really making me miss the days when people woke up as the opposite gender.

[Daryl Dixon and Michonne]
Please tell me you guys aren't affected by whatever this is?

Nov. 4th, 2013


People are acting quite strange recently. this normal for Storybrooke?


This is not Gotham.

Nov. 3rd, 2013



Is this finally working? I've been trying to use it for at least two days. I assume that it is a means for communication. Fascinating really, almost as nice as my crystal ball which I seemed to have misplaced. Let me know if you come across it. It's an orb, so it would be round. And made of crystal. I'd love to know what magic gives it power. This thing, not my crystal ball. I know how that works, as I was the one that enchanted it.

But since I have this working, could someone be a dear and tell me where I could find a Gorvil? I came here looking for one that I heard was terrorizing the village, but the only thing I've found was a tree that I'm positive was a Treant plotting to destroy us all. I was forced to set it ablaze to end its tyranny before it started. No need to thank me, but I won't turn down a few gold pieces. Adventurers have to pay for meals too.

Don't worry, the fire will die down in a few hours. Whatever you do, don't touch it. It is a very temperamental spell and when you try to put it out, it simply spreads further. I should fix that, but something always comes up before I'm able to. Just let it die on its own and won't spread unless to agitate it. It will be fine, really.

Now, about that Gorvil. I'll settle for something else if there are any other beasts terrorizing the area, but I need to find it eventually. I simply know I can't leave until I've found it and slain it. Those are the rules and we must always follow the rules of adventuring, until we don't. Follow them I mean.

Oh dear, I think I've found another Treant. I had better go deal with this. A wizard's work is never done!

((OOC: Shortly after this post, another lonely gnarled and completely innocent tree was set on fire. No one would be hurt, but that makes two trees currently on fire. Lois is currently an easily distracted adventuring wizard straight out of a slightly off kilter game of Dungeons & Dragons. She's highly fond of learning, saving people, shiny objects, alcohol, and fire.))


Has whatever is doing this ever heard of overkill? At least back home when this happened it was only one night.

Oct. 31st, 2013


This can't be real.

Oct. 30th, 2013


This place is WAY quieter than Sunnydale ever was. It's so weird. I've never lived somewhere so quiet and ~normal~.

Oct. 27th, 2013


[Private to Walking Dead people but filtered away from Carl Grimes]
I need help knowing how to get Carl through this. I wasn't there for him the first time we lost his mother, I have to do better this time.[End private]

[Private to Mayor Mills]
Is there a therapist of some sort here that I could talk to?[End private]

I would have thought that losing my wife once would have made it easier the second time but it didn't. And I don't even have our daughter this time

Oct. 26th, 2013


Just a reminder guys.

The Storybrooke Youth Center will be hosting the Halloween dance for students this Thursday night. There will be costumes and music and it should be really fun. High school and college students are all welcome, and we really hope that people will attend.

Also, to any new young people in town, if you need help getting settled and registering for school, you can contact me and I will assist you with that. I know I sound like a broken record, saying that all the time, but it's important.

( Derek )
Is it insulting or flirty if I dress up as Little Red Riding Hood? Opinions?


Call me curious, but despite the recent magic issues around here lately, are there people here that don't want to go back to where they were before Storybrooke? Or at least don't want to go back empty handed?


I guess that settles it. What would it take to move to this town permanently?

[ooc: spoilers for new episode of Haven in comments]


Werewolves. Vampires. Witches. A man who turns into a green monster.

I'm not sure how I am going to handle all of this.

Oct. 24th, 2013


[Filtered from Padme Amidala]

Now both of the people I believed to be my children are gone.

At least Padme's still here.


Filtered to Padme Amidala]

Would you mind terribly if we shared an apartment, Padme?


Mom's gone.

I should have expected this.

That means Judith is gone, too.

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