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Apr. 6th, 2014


The stories don't really get anything right, but if anyone has an easy line on mice that sew, they can come and patch my clothes, because my fingers are all needle pricks already, and I only barely started.

I miss having everything on the internet. It was strange seeing people from fictional worlds show up, but I liked being able to look it up so I didn't ask anyone uncomfortable things about their lives. Sometimes things pop out of my mouth before I think them through.

Emma, do you want to have lunch today, and catch up?

Mar. 23rd, 2014


Today I got called an old maid by one of our regulars.

I'm 25 not 85. Just because everyone I'm closest to are getting together and having babies and getting married doesn't make me an old maid.

...I love my friends but god I need some single ones.

Mar. 18th, 2014


I had a kid. He was three when the world went to shit. He died. My best friend died. My boyfriend died. Then I kept them as pets, so the other walkers would keep away. It works you know. Cutting off their hands and their teeth. I did that to them. The people I cared more about than anyone else, except my son.

I'm never going to be all right ever again.

Mar. 17th, 2014


You find out the most interesting things on your lunch break sometimes.

For example, I just found out that I'm pregnant. Can't say that that's what I expected.

Granted, it was a possibility. My husband and I have a lot of sex, and it's not like we're always exactly "careful".


Science fair projects end up much more interesting but much less scientific when there's magic in town. So far, my favorite was a project obviously done in twenty minutes the night before where they tried to explain why animals are likely to be able to talk. The conclusion was that they probably are already talking, we just aren't listening. Their research was a list of movies that aren't available to watch anymore, so they said we should just take their word.

I'm really glad I don't teach teenagers. At fourth grade, the teacher glare still works. And at least all the truth confessions I'm listening to mostly involve things that don't make me want to buy earplugs.

I still feel like I should avoid all adults until this is over, though. And I know it's probably not fair, but I still blame Regina for everything that goes wrong here.

Feb. 21st, 2014


So, this is a pretty elaborate set up. I'm impressed. But I'm dubious about the theme. Fairy tales are overdone. It's a waste of staging to go for a whitebread town where Snow White supposedly lives.

I never got that story anyway. I mean, when did necrophilia start to count as romantic?

Now that I'm impressed, I'd like to be done with this, now.

Feb. 20th, 2014


Right, now that I've been here a few days and walked around a bit? I've just got a question.

Does Storybrooke need any English teachers?

Jan. 19th, 2014


And here I thought this place was just some kind of fucked up dream.


Has anyone seen Jane Shepard? I dropped by to see if she had gotten hit by the age thing, but she wasn't there. So either she's gone, or there's possibly a tiny future biotic badass running around somewhere, confused about why there's no spaceships anywhere. I hope she's still around.

Out of curiosity, I'm making a list of everyone's changed ages and what they remember, so if you feel like telling me, I'll show you the spreadsheet I'm making. It's a reward system no one will care about.

Or at least sound off if you're NOT suddenly a toddler, missing, or an older version of yourself?

[Filtered to Billy Kaplan]
Are you normal-aged? Half the people from my world are older and weirdly hot and smug about it. It's annoying.

Jan. 16th, 2014


Hello, everyone,

I am organizing a clothing drive to outfit our influx of younger residents. If you have any spare child-sized clothing, please let me know. If you are in need of clothing, because you woke up a size that doesn't match the clothes in your room, please let me know and I will get something to you as soon as possible.

Filter: School and Youth Center Staff
I'd also like to offer my help in finding things for all of these kids to do after school, helping to make sure they're all taken care of, etc. Kitty, Logan, do you need any extra help at the youth center?

Jan. 15th, 2014


[Filter: Storybrooke Sheriff's Department]
As the town's latest magic has gotten to Sheriff Swan, I'll be heading up the department until things pass.  We need all hands on deck, though, so please stay alert.

[Filter: Adults*]

Since we have a sudden influx of rather young children, we're going to need some temporary foster parents.  Please understand that this is not a commitment to be taken lightly.  If you're interested, please let me know, and we will arrange for fosters as the need arises.

* OOC: Charming means this as people over 18, but use your best judgment, based on however your characters' canon ages people. :P


Where am I? Is this a new foster home?

...And who are these weird boys I'm with? One's dressed funny, and the other one is talking funny and keeps calling us Mom and Dad. I think he maybe hit his head on something. I'm ten, I can't be anyone's Mom.

Jan. 11th, 2014


[Filter: Emma]
Two new applicants in the past few days.  What are our staff needs here, anyway?  I don't want to jinx ourselves by saying we've a handle on things.

[Filter: Snow]

Have I mentioned lately how wonderful you looked at the Ball?  Yes, I know it was nearly two weeks ago, but the image is stuck in my mind.

A much belated thank-you to all those who attended the Ball on New Year's Eve.  It was a wonderful way to ring in the new year, here in Storybrooke.

Dec. 24th, 2013


This town is quieter than Mystic Falls and that town barely had a pulse before I arrived.


Well... that's one way to get out of a bad emotional situation.

Hey there, small town, I'm Roy Harper. Do I have outstanding warrants in Maine?

Dec. 23rd, 2013


Hello, everyone!

It occurs to me that we have had several new arrivals since the initial invitations went out, so I would like to extend another open invitation for you all to attend the New Years Ball my husband and I will be hosting on the 31st of December 2013 beginning at 8pm. [insert details about location and stuff here] I sincerely hope to see you all there!


So what exactly is this ball that everyone is taking about? I keep hearing about it but I seem to be missing the details.

Professional curiosity.


Right, so, maybe I'm thinking ahead, but I can't help but think that we're only a week or so from New Year's, too. And the beginning of a new year. I can't believe it's almost 2014 So, what resolutions do people here have? What things about your current lives do you want to change? What things do you want to do better next year? And saying that you want to leave this place doesn't count - only include things you can actually do something about.

And also...shouldn't we have a New Year's Party? Christmas is for family, but New Year's is for getting together with friends.

Dec. 21st, 2013


I've been kissed so many times these past couple of days, I'm starting to get a complex.

I've no date for the ball but that's for the best. I like being able to dance with many different people.

My dress. )

Yes, it's red. What did you expect?

Dec. 5th, 2013


Aurora isn't here anymore. Her things are simply gone with her. This is what happens here, people just fade away? How does anyone stand it? At least at home I knew she was safe with her Prince.

[Filtered to Charmings & Emma]
There is a ball? I'm not good at balls. Maybe I can stay at the Station so that you can go, Emma?

Dec. 4th, 2013


WHO: The Charmings and invited guests!
WHAT: Thanksgiving!
WHEN: Thursday November 28th
WHERE: The Charming Residence
NOTES: a very belated IC/OOC log

Feel free to comment if you character showed up so we can plan random meetings, any shenanigans, etc. This is a great opportunity to plot interactions between people who might not normally get to hang out!

Dec. 3rd, 2013


A rather belated thank you to everyone who came over to our house for Thanksgiving.  I hope you all enjoyed the food as much as I am still enjoying the leftovers!

[Filter: Snow]
We should decorate for Christmas soon, don't you think?  Lights, a tree, all of that?

Nov. 19th, 2013


I know that many of you are planning Thanksgiving celebrations with your own loved ones, but any and all of you will be welcome at mine and Charming's place. Dinner will start around 4pm, but I don't mind if you want to come by earlier than that and just spend time with us.

{ OUAT Cast }
That goes double for all of you. Yes, even Regina and Rumpelstiltskin. We are all family and I think Thanksgiving is a perfect day for setting aside our differences and spending a little time together.

Nov. 14th, 2013


Hello, everyone. Charming and I will be hosting a bonfire on the beach Saturday November 23rd beginning at around 4pm. Everyone is invited, no matter your age or origin and we do hope to see you there.

Thank you very much for Fix for the suggestion. It really was a wonderful one.

Nov. 9th, 2013


Filter: Charming, Emma
One of our newer residents brought up the idea of having a bonfire and I think it's a wonderful one. What do you two think? I would like to try organizing more social events for the portal refugees. Being displaced like this can't be easy on any of them and I think it might help.

Nov. 6th, 2013


I am exhausted! Granny's is certainly busier the last few months. And this Halloween things have been a little...crazy. I'm looking forward to my day off tomorrow.

We should get together for lunch. It's been a little while.

[Snow | Ruby | Emma]
We need another girls night.

Nov. 2nd, 2013


We should have some sort of...autumn bonfire.

Look, I'm not complaining about the season

Oct. 29th, 2013


This place really is terribly strange.

Emma, is this really where you and Snow came from?

Am I doing this right? Can anyone see this?

Oct. 27th, 2013


[Private to Walking Dead people but filtered away from Carl Grimes]
I need help knowing how to get Carl through this. I wasn't there for him the first time we lost his mother, I have to do better this time.[End private]

[Private to Mayor Mills]
Is there a therapist of some sort here that I could talk to?[End private]

I would have thought that losing my wife once would have made it easier the second time but it didn't. And I don't even have our daughter this time

Oct. 25th, 2013


Magic. Right. I'm just going to go ahead and call bullshit on this one. It's either the angels screwing with me again or one of their pissed off big brothers.

How'd you Michael to shut up?

Oct. 22nd, 2013


It's good to see everyone back to normal. I know it must have been frustrating for those who found their appearances altered for a time, even with your friends and neighbors being so kind as to lend you clothing and help you through it.

Filter: Emma Swan
I'm so thrilled for you and Neal! Will you let me take you to lunch sometime this week to celebrate?

Filter: Henry
Hey, you! How's my favorite grandson?


I'm really glad that sorted itself out. I wasn't looking forward to unstable magic just changing things. or arrogant kids assuming they can just fix magic

( Friends and family of Neal and Emma )
Em and I didn't want to say anything while things were such a mess, because the timing wasn't really right, but you should all know now that I asked Emma to marry me. And she said yes.


It seems as though spending time as the administrator of Briarcliff has finally gotten to me.

What is this... device?


I can honestly say this is the first time someone has handed me cash upon arrival in their town.


I still haven't quite figured out a costume for myself. Bonnie, Elena, have you? If not, I demand shopping! And lunch! We can make it a girls day! And I kind of want to carve a pumpkin. I'm feeling oddly nostalgic. Oh I want candy apples.

Hey...are there any haunted houses or scary hayrides around this town? Because that could be kind of fun.

[TVD/Originals Cast]
I'll be watching the show tomorrow night if anyone is interested in joining me. Sometimes its easier when you have company. And at least its not my life. I promise to have popcorn, pizza and other unhealthy but yummy snacks.

Aug. 2nd, 2013


I'm just curious. Are there any other archers here besides me and Thalia? It could be fun to have a contest.

Hi, Ms Blanchard. My name is Bianca di Angelo. I know that you teach at the elementary school, so I was wondering if I could talk to you about something. My brother Nico is 13 and I'm 12. And I think that when school starts again in the fall that we should go, but Nico and I have struggled a lot in school before. See, we're demigods. Our brains are made to read ancient Greek, so when we try to read in English the letters get all jumbled together. Like Dyslexia. And we both have trouble sitting still for very long, so it can be hard to concentrate. I thought maybe with some extra help that things might be easier for us. So, I was wondering if you know anyone we could talk to? I'd really appreciate it. Thank you.

Aug. 1st, 2013


I have to say, it's good to be back.

Wasn't sure I'd ever make it back, to be honest

Think I could get set up with one of those apartments, Em? I'm not sure staying at Granny's again is the best option. It was fine when I was planning on heading back to Manhattan, but even if I could leave, I think it's time to put down some roots.

( Emma )
Maybe you could join me there. You and Henry both.


Filtered against David Nolan
I need gift ideas for Grandpa.


Today is my birthday.

I don't know that I'll be throwing any kind of grand celebration, but some pie at Granny's wouldn't go amiss.

Jul. 20th, 2013


I just wanted to take a minute to extend a warm welcome to all of our new neighbours here! I know Storybrooke is a small town, and very different to what a lot of you are used to, but I hope you'll enjoy your stay with us.

My name is Belle, and I'm opening the library under the clock tower once it's up to scratch. It's still a little dusty in there, and I have a lot of books to index before the place is fit for the public. I want to set up a few fun events for the library for bookish types, like a book club, or meetings for fans of particular series, that sort of thing. I'm going to be looking for some staff to help me run the place too, so if you're interested, drop me a line!

Additionally, if anyone brought books with them that they would like to share with other people, I'd be happy to set up a system for that!

Jul. 11th, 2013


Experience has shown me that when something out of the ordinary happens Potter, Black, Peter, and Remus aren't too far to be found, and despite all the solid evidence and people saying that this is really happening and that I am in Maine in the year 2013 punching letters on a "PDA" to communicate with everyone, I'm still not convinced that they didn't have a hand in this. Marlene? Emme? Dorcas? Tuni? Please say you're here as well.

For all of you that don't know me, my name is Lily Evans, and I'd really love a nice, big, steaming cup of tea right now after all of that time traveling business.

Jul. 9th, 2013


I've tried to meet everyone as you arrive but I'm sincerely sorry if I've missed anyone. I'm Snow, or Mary Margaret if you prefer, and I'm native to this city. Well, relatively speaking. Anyway, if you need anything that isn't better suited for Sheriff Swan or her Deputy, or the Mayor, please don't hesitate to let me know. I make excellent tea, for starters. I teach at the Storybrooke Elementary School, as well.

I know this isn't an ideal situation for most of you but please know that we'll all be doing everything we can to find some sort of resolution so that we can find Henry and but, in the meantime, we'll do everything in our power to make this place feel as much like home as it possibly can for you. We're small, as the Mayor already pointed out, but we have most of what you'd likely need.

It's been lovely meeting everyone I've already met and I look forward to meeting the rest of you, as well.

Jul. 8th, 2013


I went to go get the mail in Beacon Hills, and think I ended up at Comic-Con.

Any chance there's just something really weird in the water?


This looks nothing like District 12, am I even in Panem? I don't know how that would be possible but the last thing I remember is talking to my dad. Right after Katniss and Peeta

Hello? I hope I'm using this correctly.


Right. Well then.

I'm Dr. John Watson. Anyone else have a splitting headache?


Looks like I can cross getting randomly transported to some random small town in Maine off my bucket list.

Because that's exactly what I wanted to do today.


At least I can take comfort in the fact that I didn't end up in Maine because my sense of direction is absolutely horrible.

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