September 2016




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Sep. 6th, 2013


I think my favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate with the swirls of caramel. Or that one by Ben & Jerry's. I think it's called Phish Food? Yes, that's it!

Sep. 2nd, 2013


With some of the departures, we've got a couple of positions open at the sheriff's station. Right now, we could really use someone to answer phones and take messages. So a receptionist or two.

Please let me know if you're interested.

[Neal and Henry]

I'm taking the evening off. We should do something. As a family.

Aug. 30th, 2013


If you're looking for something to do on the long weekend, the shooting range is offering 2 for 1 lessons. That applies to archery (taught by moi) and guns (though why you'd want to learn to shoot guns I don't know).

For students who want to learn archery but can't make it this weekend, I'll be TAing the archery section of PE.

Aug. 29th, 2013


Fuck this.

Aug. 19th, 2013


I quit medicine for a reason. But it seems like me going back is the only thing that's going to pay the bills.

Unless there's some recovering drug addicts that need a sober companion.

Does anyone want to go for a run?

[Molly Hooper]
How are you holding up? You know you can come stay with me any time you want and get away from the boys.

Aug. 17th, 2013


Okay now that the shininess of having all these fictional characters I love being around has worn off I have to say this town is boring as hell.

I have realized I'm going to miss Comic-Con! And the next meet up for Moondoor! I'm going to be dethroned just for not being there. This sucks guys.

Aug. 12th, 2013


So no kingdom to rule. No Blight to stop. No chantry board to get jobs off of. What's a misplaced king to do with his time and to earn his supper.

Aug. 11th, 2013


Hey new roomie of mine! what are the chances you're going to go through my stuff without me knowing? My other one did that a few times and I'd appreciate a heads up. Gotta hide some stuff first ;)

Aug. 10th, 2013


So I'm curious and a bit obsessive and wondered about everyone since we have so many amazing people here. I'd love to know where everyone is from, what they can do, and you know, if you're not totally human, what you are. I'll start!

I'm Charlie, I'm from a world much like this one, and I'm run of the mill human. I don't have any special powers or anything, just some mad computer and gaming skills.

Feel free to use filters if you don't want to share with the whole class!

Aug. 8th, 2013


Filtered to the crew of the Normandy

So. Looks like we've all been moved to a block together. Not that I won't miss the stairs, but I've got to say I'm pretty pleased with this. Garrus, I know you'll probably have to re-calibrate everything, but that'll at least give you something to do. How about we all get together this weekend? I know, we just had a party but, hey, another one really can't hurt, right? Also, how do you guys feel about fish? If we're going to stay here, I think I should get another tank. I would have suggested

Filtered to Garrus )
Filtered to Tali'Zorah )
Filtered to Liara )

Aug. 5th, 2013


Is there a gym around here?

I'm not going to let myself get out of damned shape, just because I've been kidnapped.

Aug. 3rd, 2013


So, this guy has stuck around for three days now and shows no sign of going anywhere. I guess it's about time he had a name. I'm not exactly doing so well in the ideas department, so I'm open to suggestions.

Where do you work here? I'm thinking about trying the library, which might be handy even if almost everything about everyone seems to be online here.

Speaking of which, it took me a while, but I finally tracked down 'Manticore' and figured out who your 'face twin' is. Or I've narrowed it down to two people, rather, and I'm really hoping it's the sane one and not the serial killer. Because apparently in some other world there was a serial killer clone running around with your face for a while.

Adding that to my mental list of reasons why I hate it when people who aren't you look like you, incidentally. It's getting to be a long list.

So, I've settled in a bit. You were going to tell me more about your magic? And I saw that you met


I now see why the school was hesitant to employ me. I thought it wouldn't be that hard catching up on everything I needed to learn but now I'm not so sure.

If anyone needs me I'll be in my apartment surrounded by books and my laptop - it is so much smaller than the ones I was used to in my time.

Aug. 1st, 2013


So. I know I kind of failed to hold up to this the last time I said it, but, anyone feel like meeting up at the beachbecause I was thinking about going for a run to try and get tired.?

Jul. 30th, 2013


I found an issue of Guns and Ammo. I got to say the guns here are rather primitive and antique. Not even calibrating them would help. I suppose they get the job done however. Damn I miss my rifle.

Did you want to get a lesson in before the party?

Jul. 28th, 2013


One minute you're working on calibrations, the next...

This is awful. I'd rather be fighting reapers. I thought taking a rocket to the face was bad, but this, I don't even want to see the mirror.

Jul. 27th, 2013


My apologies to those of you I'd made plans to stargaze with last evening. We'll have to make a take a pause for a bit.


I am uncertain how to start, so I suppose this is as good a start as any. Hello, I am Dr. Liara T'Soni. This is quite an adjustment to make. Partly because the last time I saw Earth it did not look at all like this, and partly because I was another species. Now I am human. It is jarring to say the least.

Jul. 26th, 2013


All this technology is so primitive. Trying to configure my omni-tool with this has proven difficult. How do you humans manage?

My name is Tali'Zorah vas Normandy and I am was a Quarian but it appears I am human now. It is very odd. What do you do with all these extra fingers and toes?

[Commander Shepherd]
I heard you were here. Is is true? What is this place? I am human but my immune system is still shot.

Jul. 24th, 2013


Filtered to Zoe

So. We haven't seen much of each other. I know we're room mates but this whole..having a room that doesn't move is...weird. I also sleep horribly, if you haven't noticed.

Meet somewhere in town, since it looks like we should start actually getting comfortable?


Assuming that sleep doesn't get any easier, would anyone care to go star gazing tomorrow night, say, down by the docks?

Jul. 23rd, 2013


I've heard the bottom line here, and it's not good enough, because I have a kid and he's alone somewhere with an "adult" less mature than he is. So whatever needs to happen to make this move faster, let me know. Otherwise I'm going to go slamming into this barrier or whatever it is until something changes.

Jul. 11th, 2013


So, I know it's early morning but, sleeping these days isn't exactly my strong suit. Is anyone else but me having trouble sleeping due to awful nightmares andthe lack of being in space, or the strangeness of non-cycled air? I can understand a small adjustment or discomfort, but this is a bit much..

I guess you could say this is a bulletin for space travelers, specifically those who're used to living on them? I know there's got to be more than the two I know about and being displaced I just who made a living on a star-ships?

Jul. 10th, 2013


Ai ya! Tian fan di fu—

Never lived in a house before.  Don't much see the point of it.



Darcy Lewis here again and I think we should have a mixer. We can hang out at that Granny's Diner tonight, have a meet and greet, eat some pie, I can bring the tunes. Anyone in? Bring your party shoes and listening ears.


Right then.

My name is Emma Swan, and I'm the Sheriff here in Storybrooke. You've all met the Mayor, and been given your welcome kits, but if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me, or my deputy, David Nolan.

And if you could all fill this out for me, so I get a feel of who's who, that would be great.

[OOC: Characters, can try to lie, but Emma has had the Blue Fairy charm the form with a spell that prevents people from doing so!]
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Jul. 8th, 2013


I'm not even going to pretend I understand this, and just hope it's part of these nightmares I've been having but if I'm wrong, I'm going to need a lot more than a room so I better see who's out there.

This is Commander Jane Shepard, of the Systems Alliance, service number 5923-AC-2826, to all Normandy crew and Alliance personnel requesting..

..Hell..I don't even know what I'm requesting. Someone? Anyone? The sky looks different and I'm not a big fan of waking up to questionnaires from strangers that give me answers that don't make sense, even if it is followed up by someone giving me spending credits and pointing me in the direction of somewhere for me to stay.

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