September 2016




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Dec. 8th, 2013


[Filter: Not Harry Potter 'Verse]
Lily told me that there's a book series about my son.

I want to know what happens.

Nov. 26th, 2013


[Filtered to the Harry Potter people]

I think we need to have a movie watching extravaganza on Thursday. Food and movies. And booze.

Who's in?

Nov. 25th, 2013


Thank god that broadcasting is back to what constitutes as normal around here. I was about ready to stab someone with a knitting needle.
In other news, I'm doing a fluff piece for the paper and since Thanksgiving is this week, here's the obligatory question for us all...

"What are you thankful for?"

Discuss. I'll probably quote you unless you don't want to be mentioned.

Nov. 23rd, 2013


It’s almost too quiet for me to study I never really thought about how often I listened to the radio while doing my homework until now. And if I hear one more of those television ministers talking about magic being a tool of the devil I’m going to throw something through the screen

[Private to James Potter]
Let’s do something tonight. Even if it’s just sitting in your flat talking. I’m not ready to talk to Teddy again yet and it's hard not to when we're both at home

[Private to Teddy Lupin]
I’m sorry I know I’ve been avoiding you lately Teddy, I just don’t know how to handle what you told me yet. About my dying.

[Private to Belle]
I think I’ve changed my mind about wanting to read those books so please don’t worry about looking for them on my behalf.

Nov. 8th, 2013


Sirius Black, this is not. on.  Kidnapping isn't funny, remember?  We've been over this.  If I'm late, Lily will kill me.  And it will be all your fault.

Oct. 3rd, 2013


It looks like I was worried about the wrong thing. I should have been worried more about passing Trigonometry thank Merlin I had the textbook right next to me than learning how to help James take care of our son. He keeps saying I'm a natural and he must be right. Taking care of Harry is easy compared to this homework

Does anyone know anything about Trigonometry? I thought going to primary school before Hogwarts would make school here easier. I should be more used to muggle classes than this And might be willing to help me get a better grasp on it?

I'm Lily by the way. Lily Evans.

[Private to James]
I miss how things are at home with us I wish I was your age here I burnt the cake I was trying to bake for dessert so maybe you can pick something up on the way home for us to eat after dinner? I didn't burn that at least.

Oct. 2nd, 2013


Just so everyone knows, I am a metamorphmagus.

So if you know me, and someone you don't recognize approaches you and acts like he knows you...

Deal with it.

Sep. 20th, 2013


Blocked from law enforcement types + the mayor
Anyone NOT going to this party tonight who's good with babies?

Posted via Journaler.

Sep. 17th, 2013


Is it a normal occurrence for two people from different points in time to be here in Storybrooke at the same time?

I just...

This cannot be.


What's a bloke to do with a baby around here if he wants to take his wife out for an evening? All the people I'd normally call on are - well, they're not here and Harry might be brilliant, but I don't think he's quite up for fending for himself just yet.

Sep. 12th, 2013


Whoever's in charge of these portals certainly has an odd sense of humor.

Hello, I'm James Potter and I'm not well-pleased that my wife is only seventeen, but thank you for not bringing her here at, I dunno, twelve? Tell me, where can a bloke get something to eat around here? I'm starving.

Aug. 8th, 2013



Hey all of you. I've heard that there's a massive amount of us and, being the nosy bint that I am, I wanted to know who is all here and introduce myself properly. So... you should all be a doll and reply here and do that.

To be fair, I'm Dorcas Meadowes and I showed up here a few days ago. I'm twenty-one and it was August of 1981 when I left, so I'm kind of in a culture shock here. Getting used to it, though. I was an Obliviator back home.

All right, your turn. Let's go.


Jul. 31st, 2013


It's a bit past midnight, love, but I wanted to wish you the happiest of birthdays today before going to bed. Would you like to come over for brunch? I know a great recipe for waffles if you're interested.

I'm making breakfast for Harry in the morning, and I think it would be nice good nice if you were there as well to celebrate.

Jul. 25th, 2013


Are there any casual kind of teams around here? Lacrosse, or soccer (football, for Brits) or anything? Maybe with non-superpowered people? Or separate teams for superhumans and then the rest of us can cheerlead for you and play on our own as a warm up or something?

The library's got a lot of stock for a little place. If anyone's got books from home they don't mind letting us borrow, but don't want to leave, I managed to unearth a scanner, so I can scan in things for digital copies. Not great ones, but better than nothing for stuff that might not exist on the internet in this reality.

[Private to non-adults]
This is probably stupid to say, but I miss school. Helping out at the library wastes some time, but there's just way too much with nothing to do. But gawk. Even if it was summer back home, that's different than being here with no reason to be.

Private to Stiles )

Jul. 23rd, 2013


Harry Potter peeps

I don't know if I've spoken to all of you but I know even if I have I don't actually know any of you personally and I'd like to change that if possible.

So hi, I'm Minerva McGonagall. I'm 15 years old, current student at Hogwarts and hail from 1940.

Jul. 21st, 2013


I have yet to introduce myself on here, but that's what working with wild magic will do. Takes time. I'm Mr. Gold, I own the pawn shop, among a variety of other properties. I am looking for magical volunteers to investigate the portals, and to possibly give us an early glance at how your magics may interfere with the current tenuous stability.

I suggest any personal questions and concerns you have continue to go to Ms. Swan and Mayor Mills.

Jul. 14th, 2013


Hello. I'm Marlene McKinnon, and forgive me for being frightfully rude, but I seem to have forgotten to introduce myself to everyone because I've been so busy trying to learn how to use this muggle technology, attempting to become familiar with the town, and looking for a decent cup of tea. Unfortunately, I've only somewhat succeeded in one of those things. This town is rather lovely, and I'm aware that I could be trapped in a place far worse than this, but you Americans do not know how to make tea, and having to use the angriest owl in the Owlery would be preferable to this PTA contraption.

Jul. 13th, 2013


Oy, Moony, don't suppose we can fall asleep and skip again to the point where Prongs wins the fair lady, eh?

Jul. 12th, 2013


That sheriff is a bit of alright, isn't she?

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