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Aug. 28th, 2013


Oh my gosh, school is starting next week, right? I should get an alarm clock! And books! And do we have a uniform?

It's been two three two? a couple of years since I started school without my friends to help me study. And I really miss them right now. Usually Makoto would make me a really delicious lunch for the first day, too, so I'd definitely remember to show up.

But I'm sure everyone here feels a little lonely, too, right?

Aug. 27th, 2013


So, I went from having no job to having two. I went by the pool the other day and the stables on Sunday and now I've got both jobs. I'm going to be a lifeguard and a...stable hand or whatever at the stables. The guy who runs the place seemed intrigued that the horses took to me so quickly, but when you can communicate with them, it helps a lot. So, this'll be interesting. I've never had a real job before unless saving the world counts, which I don't think it does.

Aug. 15th, 2013


I've become incredibly bored here, there's only so many things within ones home that can be taken apart then put back together again. Not mention I'm pretty sure her indoors is getting a tad annoyed with me, it's a blessing I suppose that River and Clara put up with it. I think I need a job, an actual job, how would one go about that? Maybe something involving scientific pursuits?

Aug. 13th, 2013


You know that you've become far too used to strange when a perfectly lovely normal town is unsettling normal. Hello! I'm Carlos...There wouldn't happen to be a Cecil here? Handsome man, lovely voice?

Aug. 11th, 2013


Okay. So. This isn't Cardiff. But it's not alien, so that's a relief. And the rift didn't open up the portals? Well, that's interesting. I still blame the rift.

Also, walking through a portal alone was probably a bad idea. My boss is going to kill me when he finds out. Absolutely kill me. Rhys too.

But I ought to be able to get back soon, right?


Well now that I've been here for a month, I like to think I've settled in pretty well.

Filter: Doctor (Tenth)
Speaking settling in, I heard back from Sheriff Swan and we're going to talk Monday about giving me a job. Desk work mostly, nothing too exciting but she needs help keeping a database of everyone coming through the portals.

End Filter

It's still strange that we can't seem to leave this place. Wouldn't most products have to come from other places in the States? Or is everything solved by magic here? Like crops, foods, and clothes?

Aug. 9th, 2013


Oh dear. It would appear that I've once again stepped into another world.

This one has much less blood and viscera than the last one, which is of course a positive thing.

Still, I do worry what the Sheriff's Secret Police and the City Council will think of this, not to mention Station Management. It's terribly unprofessional of me to abandon my post. And Carlos! Oh, I hope he's not worried. Of course, he probably is worried. He does worry about a great many things. He's wonderful like that.

Aug. 8th, 2013


This is a rather frustrating little contraption. Hello, I'm Aurora. Would anyone be so kind as to direct me to a cleaning service?

Aug. 5th, 2013


Now that the three of us appear to be settled in, I think I should get a job. Could someone tell me what the current situation is with the hospital here? I was a nurse back home, but I obviously don't have any credentials here to prove it.

Aug. 3rd, 2013


Eames came home the other day with this. His name is George, he is a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, apparently.

...I think I love him.

Aug. 2nd, 2013


I'm starting to warm up to not being in the city. It's so quiet. And no one's been murdered. I'm enjoying the quiet though. No cat calls across the street. No horns honking all the time because people don't know how to cross the street properly.

There's a town near by with like a mall or something, isn't there?

We should do something, before both of us go crazy with boredom. Have you talked to the Sheriff about us consulting? Except it seems like there's an awful lot of us consultants these days.

Aug. 1st, 2013


So what kind of career options are available to an immortal Hunter/archer here? I'm really good at shooting or stabbing monsters until they don't move anymore. Also, I read and write Ancient Greek.


Okay, sucked in through a portal. Not anything entirely new. Still got my sonic but no TARDIS, that's a bit worrisome. Never mind it, I suppose, not the first time I've lost her.

Hello I'm the Doctor. Has anyone seen a random blue police box lying about?

Jul. 31st, 2013


I have successfully managed to secure a job at the hospital in the ER which is good, much like what I did at home I suppose.

How are you settling in, Mei Mei?

Jul. 30th, 2013


I found an issue of Guns and Ammo. I got to say the guns here are rather primitive and antique. Not even calibrating them would help. I suppose they get the job done however. Damn I miss my rifle.

Did you want to get a lesson in before the party?

Jul. 27th, 2013


I'm Oz. I'm seeking musically inclined individuals for a jam session.

Jul. 26th, 2013


This? This is awesome. I know I should be having an existential crisis, but let's be real, my life has been pretty crazy. How I didn't figure out that I was fictional a long time ago is a mystery.

I'm Emmett Cullen, and I am never going to high school again!

Now, has anyone seen my wife? Yea high, blonde, the most beautiful woman you've ever seen?


So...Storybrooke? Interesting name I have to say. Least the rift had one good side effect.

Jul. 25th, 2013


[Filter: Not Canon-mates]
Has anyone else found out things about their future they'd rather not have known?


I appear to have run out of clothing. Not that I had much to begin with.

Otherwise I'll just walk around naked. While I don't find that an issue, I know some more prudish people in this place do and I find dealing with the city guard tiresome. So to avoid a scene, would anyone be kind enough to spare me some clothing until I can clean what I do have?


Right then, does anyone know where to find the chantry board?

Jul. 23rd, 2013


Voice Post

So many new people showing up it really is a wonder that you're all able to keep it together so well...

Anyway, yes, right. Hello. My name is John Smith -- The Doctor -- Whatever -- and I am terribly sorry about my lack of courtesy and introduction to a lot of you, but I have been very busy attempting to examine a lot of the data among the people from my world, in an attempt to extrapolate some form of theory as to how it is we all ended up -- Yes, yes, I know, portals, magic, temporal distortions, Einstein-Rose -- wormhole -- whatevers -- lots of theories, not enough data to draw up a conclusion. That being said, I have a request.

I know many of you are busying yourselves trying to figure out how to adapt -- which makes sense, you're humans, you're brilliant, it's what you do -- right, yes, moving on -- but, among those of you who can spare the time, are there any among you who would be willing to volunteer for a bit of testing? It's all perfectly harmless I assure you -- really, could probably do most of it with my eyes and a bit of questions -- but what I really need is a collected series of data that might provide clues to the causal connectivity of events that led us all to be here through the, uh, portals -- wormholes -- whatever bits of understanding you'd like to call them.

Again, I'm only looking for volunteers. If you're unwilling or disinterested -- which, really, who can blame some of you -- have a lot of you eaten the food here yet? -- it's positively Brilliant -- then there is absolutely no pressure to feel like there's any need, whatsoever, to get involved. I'm just trying to find some answers and, while I respect the Mayor and folk of this wonderful town, I'm not quite so willing to accept this 'no way back theory' not just yet.

After all, nothing's impossible.


I wish I could say this was the strangest thing that has ever happened to me, but it's not. Thought I was done with all this time travel. I just need to know one thing, has anyone seen a woman with ginger hair called Amy?

Jul. 21st, 2013


Well quite odd.


I wonder if the people back wherever we all come from noticed the portals and are worried about us, or trying to get us back. I miss my mom


I have yet to introduce myself on here, but that's what working with wild magic will do. Takes time. I'm Mr. Gold, I own the pawn shop, among a variety of other properties. I am looking for magical volunteers to investigate the portals, and to possibly give us an early glance at how your magics may interfere with the current tenuous stability.

I suggest any personal questions and concerns you have continue to go to Ms. Swan and Mayor Mills.

Jul. 20th, 2013


It's weird not having things be open 24 hours a day. You guys have an excellent place to get coffee though. It's almost as good as the stuff I'm used to.

Does this place have a pet shop? Not that I'm planning on buying a pet, but I'm just curious. I had a tortoise named Clyde. I kind of miss him.

I need to find something to do with myself that isn't work.

Jul. 18th, 2013


This is new and different. I suppose it's time to introduce myself.

The name is Isabela, Captain Isabela, to be precise and the captain of the beauty that is The Siren's Call. I know one of you at the very least from what I'm seeing. Hello, Hawke, it's been awhile.

Now, where can I get a stiff drink and some adult entertainment? I'm overdue for some shore leave and my usual spots are not currently available.


So I go from Paris to Maine. Through a magic portal. Meaning I either ate some bad escargot, or I am not yet drunk enough.

Hodgins, please tell me you drugged and kidnapped me for this crazy field trip from our honeymoon?


Human food is amazing!

Jul. 16th, 2013


I guess you can teach an old pirate new tricks. This world and its technology really isn't that hard to figure out if one puts their mind to it, though I'd rather prefer not to develop a taste for it.

Jul. 14th, 2013


I need some assistance in determining exactly what this place is. What it really is, how I actually got here. And whether or not it is a dream or not. While I have never entered a dream without my knowledge, stranger things have happened.

Any takers?

Jul. 13th, 2013


I just woke up in the armor in the middle of Bumfuck, Maine.

Good God. What the hell did I drink?

Jul. 12th, 2013


This place is absolutely brilliant! What planet is this?

Jul. 11th, 2013


So, I know it's early morning but, sleeping these days isn't exactly my strong suit. Is anyone else but me having trouble sleeping due to awful nightmares andthe lack of being in space, or the strangeness of non-cycled air? I can understand a small adjustment or discomfort, but this is a bit much..

I guess you could say this is a bulletin for space travelers, specifically those who're used to living on them? I know there's got to be more than the two I know about and being displaced I just who made a living on a star-ships?


Does anyone know where I can find the local Convent? I am still learning my way around this place. It was suggested that Mother Superior or one of her nuns might be able to show me some of their magic if I did so.

Jul. 10th, 2013


You know, I'd like to say this is the first time I woke up in a strange town I couldn't leave, surrounded by dwarves, but I'd be lying.

Though the magic is relatively new. And I like that they welcome you with money and electronics.

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