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Jan. 23rd, 2014


That was absolutely no fun what so ever. Why is every version of me alone?

Jan. 20th, 2014


I lost Scott. And Isaac.

How could this have happened?

Scott and Isaac, you are both in so much trouble.

Jan. 15th, 2014


Wait so I traveled in time? Back to 2014? This is really weird. Oh wait, did I get knocked back to when everyone was a kid?

This is weird. Guess it could be weirder.

Jan. 11th, 2014


How is it that school's only been back for like two weeks and I already have a mountain of homework.

Jan. 9th, 2014


[Flitered to Beacon Hills people]

Sorry if I worried anyone. I got sent home. But I'm back now.

...I'm also an Alpha.

Dec. 30th, 2013


I want my brother back.

Dec. 16th, 2013


That was insane.

That was actually insane.

Has it really been like...a few hours hours? Seriously?

Because it's been weeks. And I wasn't here and that doesn't make any sense.

And I didn't remember here but now I do remember it.

But I was home and things happen. And I remember watching them on television. But now I remember them happening too. And I don't know what's going on.

Am I going crazy

( Cora )
Oh god. I missed you.

I mean...I didn't. Because I didn't know I was supposed to miss you. But then I came back and it hit me and are you okay? You weren't worried, were you? I'm really sorry.

I never officially asked, but do you want to go to that ball thing with me? I'm pretty sure there won't be any fire.

Sorry, I'm a little manic right now.

Dec. 11th, 2013


My Dad's gone.

My Dad got sent back... I know you guys were, well whatever you were doing, thought you might want to know.


I'm offering up my expertise fashion advice to anyone who wants help shopping for this ball.

Shopping this weekend. Take it or leave it.

If there are other people going alone and want to go in a group, let me know.

Dec. 8th, 2013


Why do I get the feeling that something strange might happen for Christmas?

It's the vibe I'm getting from this place.

Dec. 7th, 2013


Okay. This is new.

I just want to know how I get sucked through a magic portal, but still end up in a town smaller than Beacon Hills. It could at least have been New York or something?

They said people I know are here. So hey?

Nov. 8th, 2013


You know, it sucks that my dad's gone. It really does. I definitely miss him.

But at least I can console myself with the numerous videos I made of Derek Hale singing his feelings at our high school education adviser while they're both dressed like something out of the 1950s. I will treasure them forever.

Oct. 31st, 2013


I can't believe I completely forgot to come up with a costume. I guess it's a bed sheet toga for me tonight.

Oct. 30th, 2013


What are people doing for Halloween? I'm late to the planning what to do.

Oct. 25th, 2013


Too much homework, not enough coffee stupid nightma- Send help.


Holy magical portals, Batman!

So...just to be sure I got this right, I'm in Maine and this is a magical town full of fairytale people? Just checking...but I'm not going to wake up to chipmunks dusting am I?

Oct. 17th, 2013


That was.... let's just not do it again.

Oct. 15th, 2013


So this homework seriously sucks.

[Filtered to anyone 25 and under]

On a more interesting subject, I want to throw a Halloween party.

Anyone know somewhere we can hold it? All the apartments in the towers are too small.

[Filtered away from Law/Government]
Also we need to find a way to get alcohol for the party. I have my dad's credit card and I've got money from when I got here so I can pay. Will my fake ID even work here what with all the crazy magic? Not to mention this place is such a small town. Smaller than even Beacon Hills was, I think.

Oct. 14th, 2013


This is officially my least favorite thing that's happened in town.

[Filtered to Lydia Martin, Allison Argent & Jane Sheppard]
I give up. I was trying to just wait it out with sweats, but since it doesn't seem to be ending any time soon - I need clothes and shoes. Someone want to go with me? You can tell me if they're price gouging on bras because of the sudden rush of gender switching.

Oct. 13th, 2013


That will teach me to ever be amused by my son's predicament. And my girlfriend's. And Logan's.

And this is probably karma for mocking alternate-me.

On the plus side, I don't look as bad as I thought I would. So, there's that.

Jess, I'm going to throw your earlier question back at you. How do you get anything done with boobs? They're just there. All the time.

Kate, we need to practice. I need to compensate for breasts when I'm drawing. They're in the way.

( Jess )
I stole some of your clothes. I should probably feel bad about that, but I don't. You'll get them back.

Bras are the worst.

Oct. 10th, 2013


I don't really see much point in asking questions other people have probably already asked or pointing out how shocked I am to suddenly be in a small town full of people who used to be princesses or mice or witches. Of course I'm shocked. Who wouldn't be? I'm also annoyed and confused. I can multitask like that. I really just have one question.

Where's my daughter?


Never, ever laugh at your friends when they wake up as girls, because you've still got your guy parts intact.

Trust me. Karma really sucks right now.

Oct. 4th, 2013


School is so boring here and there's no lacrosse. What school doesn't have a lacrosse team?


[Private to Danny]
Want to hang out tonight? I have no homework and even if I did, it's Friday. Want to grab some food to bring back to my place? My roommate's not in. We can watch something.

Oct. 3rd, 2013


If there's anyone who isn't going to the dance and wants to hang out and get pizza, let me know. Maybe scary movies.

Oct. 1st, 2013


Dear Allison of twenty minutes ago,

Googling yourself is a terrible idea. Don't do it.

No love,
Allison of right now.

Sep. 30th, 2013


Is there a place around here I might get a bow and some arrows. I'd like to go hunting, if that's allowed. If it's not, it's not like that's stopped me before

Sep. 29th, 2013


If you didn't already know, it's National Coffee Day. I'll be parked right here at Storybrooke Coffee celebrating by drinking my weight in mochas.

Sep. 25th, 2013


I miss when Wednesday was more of the how is it only Wednesday variety and less the how did I end up in Maine variety.

Aug. 13th, 2013


Well that episode was completely awful. I really have to stop watching myself on tv. It's traumatizing.

Which means I need to go get new shoes. And new clothes. And new everything. Allison? You're here right? We should go shopping, or at least look in the window at pretty things.

Aug. 8th, 2013


Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah hey guys, what the Hades just happened?

Jul. 21st, 2013


I don't like this. I don't like that I'm here and Nessie is in Forks. I don't like knowing that anything could be happening there and I'm stuck here. I really hope that I'm not starting to go crazy, being away from her. I'm getting really restless just sitting around worrying and wondering if whatever magic brought me here will bring her here too. I know I should find something to do to try and occupy my time, but that's easier said than done.

Jul. 11th, 2013


[Lydia Martin & Allison Argent]

Lydia, I saw you talking to Stiles, and Stiles vomited a mess of words about werewolves on me that makes about zero sense, so if I buy one of you dinner, will I get to hear an explanation from one of you two that makes actual sense, maybe? Please?

Jul. 10th, 2013


You know what? No. Just no.

I can't even right now with this crap.

Portals and other worlds I refuse.

I'm not dealing with this.

( ooc: spoilers for the most recent episode of Teen Wolf in the comments )

Jul. 9th, 2013


So. You're here too. I'm gl Where are you housed?

Also, there are three of me walking around.


Right. I'm supposed to use this thing and talk to people.

Would've preferred to stay at the bar

Clint Barton. I'm from New York. I know pretty much fuck all about magic, but I don't exactly have the best history with it, so I'm going to try the tried and true method of ignoring it and hoping it goes away.

Figures, it would have happened now. Not like the day could get worse.

( Private )
С Днем Рождения, Фил.

Jul. 8th, 2013


Well, at least I finally healed.

[Message to former residents of Beacon Hills]
Has anyone gotten a look at this supposedly impenetrable magical wall?


I went to go get the mail in Beacon Hills, and think I ended up at Comic-Con.

Any chance there's just something really weird in the water?


This looks nothing like District 12, am I even in Panem? I don't know how that would be possible but the last thing I remember is talking to my dad. Right after Katniss and Peeta

Hello? I hope I'm using this correctly.


At least I can take comfort in the fact that I didn't end up in Maine because my sense of direction is absolutely horrible.

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