September 2016



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May 6th, 2016

[info]spoiledbat in [info]welcomenetwork

Yay. The magic wall is down. Awesome. Really.

And now there are shiny portals that my two year old is absolutely fascinated with. So that's another thing to have to worry about all the time.

Also her favorite word right now is 'no'. Because of course it is.

And I can't find my keys and I can't prove she didn't hide them or feed them to the dog.

And there may or may not be oatmeal in my hair. Again. And I can only find one of my shoes.

I'm running away to Jersey. Not that I think I'll be any more of a functional human there. But I'm curious if they have anything like Gotham. I almost miss smog. Plus I might get to kick a mugger in the face.

Matt, can I have time off? Will you be okay without me? Will you remember to eat and not somehow end up in a dumpster? Frank, will you babysit Matt if I take a vacation?

[info]ifixstuff in [info]welcomenetwork

If THAT is what is coming in my future?

Fuck everything.

Seriously, just fuck everything.

And even if it isn't? Fuck whoever thought that film was a good idea.

OOC: Be wary of potential spoilers in comments.

[info]someonehasto in [info]welcomenetwork

Really?  Random town, Maine?  Isn't there somewhere better I could have been mysteriously sent to?

[info]kidcommando in [info]welcomenetwork

I'm not being shot at. I can't sneak into bars. Dance halls are a thing of the past. What do people actually do here? Why are there no teenagers here? Not that I know how to talk to them or interact with them but I could, at least, watch them and pretend I know