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December 15th, 2013

[info]spoiledbat in [info]welcomenetwork

Ugh. All this talk about the ball just reminds me that if I go, I'm going alone.

So, I'm just going to take a chance here. Anyone want to go? I'm probably setting myself up for potential public embarrassment here, but I figure screw it. Fortune favors the bold, or whatever.

Note, I'm not necessarily going with the first person that comments, since that could end in tears and bloodshed. Just opening the forum for discussion.

If it helps: I'm Steph. I'm nineteen. I bake a lot. I'm kind of a ninja. I love breakfast food, terrible movies, motorcycles and the color purple. I'm majoring in psychology, I waitress at Granny's and I'm a vigilante in my free time. Also, I have little to no brain to mouth filter.

Also, Katie. Dress shopping? I figure it'll go great because we both love purple to possibly unhealthy degrees.

Edit: Officially also looking for dates for friends.

Cassie Sandsmark: Blonde bombshell demigoddess. Daughter of Zeus. Super fun and awesome. Very friendly. Likes animals. Nicest person ever.

Lydia Martin: Foxy ginger genius. Likes shopping and being incredible at everything. Does not put up with bullshit. Probably smarter than you. Deal with it.

Respond to them below. You know you want to.

[info]lane in [info]welcomenetwork

So.. I just had a conversation with Hermey the elf about modern dental practices and whether or not the dentists here in town are any good. If this were high school I'd be pretty sure I had five too many jello shots, but since I haven't had a drink in days, I'm going to assume this is Storybrooke's idea of a Christmas card brought to life.

But hey, if someone sees Santa around, let me know. I have a few choice words for him about Christmas of 1993. Seriously though, does anyone think he's going to show up now? Because that actually might be amazing.

And this whole ball thing... is this a legitimate fairy tale type of ball or what? Having been to different kinds of formal functions over the years, I kind of want to get it straight before I make a huge faux pas of some kind. The last time I did that at a formal affair it ended up with an ambassador in tears and his wife wanting her bodyguards to throw me out a window. Good times.

[info]bbeltbartender in [info]welcomenetwork

The last "ball" or "event" I went to, I was used as a piece in a chess match.

I'm thinking skipping the upcoming one is safer for my health.

[info]soldierof12 in [info]welcomenetwork

So, Christmas. What is it?

Sounds like something people in the Capitol would love: a good excuse to waste way too much money.

[info]younghawk in [info]welcomenetwork

I've decided I don't like Christmas specials or characters from Christmas specials.

So... this ball thing? I assume it's a dance. Dates aren't mandatory, right?

[info]oursavinggrace in [info]welcomenetwork

Here? Again? Do the gods think I need some sort of time-out after every play?