September 2016



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September 11th, 2013

[info]fallengoddess in [info]welcomenetwork

Filter; V & Serena (DOTM).

School here is even worse than back home. Seriously boring and it's only the beginning of the year.

I propose off campus lunch. And maybe skipping the later half of the day. Y/Y?

[info]stilinskipapa in [info]welcomenetwork

[Filtered to any and all of those currently in or with a background in Government, Medical, Animal Care, Military, and Law]

I want to request a list of people currently in these fields or with a background from where they came. I think it would be nice to have a solid foundation of who has the expertise in which areas and perhaps even Sheriff Swan and Mayor Mills could find the information useful.


Groups listed by Expertise )

[info]melissa_mccall in [info]welcomenetwork

[Filtered to Scott McCall]

Would you have an issue with it if I went on a date with John Stilinski?

[info]thomas_raith in [info]welcomenetwork

This place is losing its captivating novelty.

Harry, are you still here?

[info]laurahale in [info]welcomenetwork

Filtered to Isaac Lahey* )

Filtered to Sport and Baby Girl* )

*these take place after Cora and Derek have filled her in on what happened (everything since her death, and most definitely and most importantly, about Peter murdering her), which I expect happened shortly after her arrival. Sport is Derek's nickname and Baby Girl is what Laura calls Cora. Headcanon.

[info]country_mouse in [info]welcomenetwork

Well, I've been through this town about three times now and I think I know the ends and outs. You can never be sure though. I've also put in my application at the Sherriff's office and a few other places. So that takes care of the job hunt. Got some things for where I'm staying, so that takes care of setting up my place. Essentials are taken care of.

I know Logan and Kitty are here... but who else? I'd like to know what I'm in for in regards to who I know and who I don't know. Logan gave me some details but... there are still questions that need to be answered and I'm inclined to start looking for those answers as soon as possible.

Also... please tell me there are things to do around here that make this place not so... dull? Other than the nifty little portals that brought us here, what else is there to do?

[info]fastanddirty in [info]welcomenetwork

So... I guess I'm stuck here in this weird little town without my car, without my family and without demons, huh? Okay... so the last one might not be so bad, but damn it, the first two trumps that one. This is not cool. Plain and simple.