September 2016



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August 14th, 2013

[info]samshifts in [info]welcomenetwork

Never thought I'd feel safer being in a pirate bar than at my home I liked my night off but I'm glad to be back at work tonight.

[Private to The Hanged Man owners]
I forgot to mention that I can't work full moon's. Well I can but I'd rather not. Too tempting to shift those nights Any other nights I'm good though.

[Private to Captain Jack Sparrow and Jo Harvelle]
If either of you want a night off and the bosses are alright with it, I'll cover.

[Claudine Crane]
Have you talked to Sookie lately? I died Eric's here

[Eric Northman]
I didn't know I wouldn't have asked her too

[info]apirateshonor in [info]welcomenetwork

The cool day we are having speaks of fall settling in. About now is when I would normally be preparing to sail off for warmer waters. I do not fancy weathering out the winter. Alas what is one to do.

[Filtered to Rebekah Mikaelson]
How are you, luv?

[Filtered to Bae Neal Cassidy]
How are you settling back in?

Also, I need you to change the scheduling for the bar to give Sam Merlotte the nights of the full moon off.

[Filtered to Henry Mills]
How are you, lad? Everything going okay?

[info]freezered in [info]welcomenetwork

[Filtered to Mrs. McCall]

Hey, just saying hi and all since you are here. If this isn't weird.

Oh, man this is weird. I'm sorry.

[info]melissa_mccall in [info]welcomenetwork

[Filtered to Stiles Stilinski]

How are you doing, Stiles? Considering...

Just making sure you're doing okay. Do you want to come for dinner? Scott would like that.

So would I.