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August 13th, 2013

[info]perfectofhair in [info]welcomenetwork

You know that you've become far too used to strange when a perfectly lovely normal town is unsettling normal. Hello! I'm Carlos...There wouldn't happen to be a Cecil here? Handsome man, lovely voice?

[info]dearsixsmith in [info]welcomenetwork

I've come to understand that same-sex relationships are no longer frowned upon in this decade - or let me rephrase, nowhere near as much as it was in my own time.

About time.

[info]melissa_mccall in [info]welcomenetwork

I have yet another reason I do not like Mondays. I wish to avoid it, but... it sucks me in.

]Filtered to Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Isaac Lahey]

I registered you boys for school, so don't even think just because you're in a new place you're getting out of going.

[info]transformatives in [info]welcomenetwork


You alive?

[info]misplacedprince in [info]welcomenetwork

[Filter: Aurora, Belle, Snow, Ella, Neal, Ruby, Henry, Mulan, Phillip, Emma]
What would you say to holding a ball next month, perhaps as a celebration of Snow and Henry's birthdays?  It won't match the celebrations we had at home, of course, but even still...  It has been too long, and we're overdue a reason to relax and enjoy ourselves, even for one night.

[info]immunetothebite in [info]welcomenetwork

Well that episode was completely awful. I really have to stop watching myself on tv. It's traumatizing.

Which means I need to go get new shoes. And new clothes. And new everything. Allison? You're here right? We should go shopping, or at least look in the window at pretty things.

[info]knightofsummer in [info]welcomenetwork

Right. So.

This is an...alternate universe sort of place. Not the Nevernever, but...a place that draws people from all different universes and dimensions. And apparently, from fiction...or from...universes where fiction is reality?

And there are all sorts of supernatural things here. Vampires, werewolves, wizards, witches, superheroes, faeries, not to mention the Winter Knight and the Winter Lady.

It's almost as weird as the Nevernever.