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August 9th, 2013

[info]aproudmutant in [info]welcomenetwork

Now that I've settled in a bit, I guess I should think about finding a job.

...And maybe going back to school. I tried the college thing at home. Didn't work for me. Maybe it will, here.

[info]olympussavior in [info]welcomenetwork

So, looks like I'm roomies with Nico now. This should be interesting.

[Filtered Away From Law Enforcement/Town Officials]

Okay, this is probably going to be a lost cause, but I'm asking anyway. There wouldn't happen to be a forge or anything like that here, would there?

[info]sweetchristmas in [info]welcomenetwork

Sweet Christmas.

[info]thefuturequeen in [info]welcomenetwork

I haven't been here all that long so I can't help but wonder, is it normal to find puppies just loose on the street? If anyone is missing a black dog with brown paws who is rather sweet, I might have found him. I hope no one claims him

[info]bastilathegray in [info]welcomenetwork

This may seem a terribly strange question though, with what I know of this place thus far, strange seems to be its very nature.

I do not suppose any of you have caught sight of a lightsaber anywhere? I have searched twice now, to no avail and I count myself fortunate that Carth is not here to pester me about it endlessly would very much like to see it returned.

I am in room number Five hundred and five, of tower number three.

Thank you.

[info]whatashock in [info]welcomenetwork

Hey Sam, I guess the new tower answered one of our questions from the other day, at least.

[info]losttime in [info]welcomenetwork

While it's nice to see familiar faces around this "modern" kingdom, I would not mind a rest from magic for a bit of time.

[info]nicepantiesyang in [info]welcomenetwork

Let's see, I found a magical portal (or it found me) and now I'm in Maine. There are random dogs running around and Meredith brought one home. At least he hasn't peed in my shoes.


I'm Cristina Yang. Hi Storybrooke.

[info]lastlove in [info]welcomenetwork

Seems there was a bit of a room shake-up. Interesting.


Guess who has a new roommate dear Sister.

[info]pridekeeper in [info]welcomenetwork

Filtered: Potterverse
I'm not the only one who came through with a broom, am I? I'm missing Quidditch something fierce and I think there are probably enough of us for a casual match by now. Anyone interested?

Posted via Journaler.

[info]floatsfeathers in [info]welcomenetwork

You know what's weird? I'd just had my birthday not that long before I ended up here, but I guess I'm about to have another one in a few weeks.

I don't care if I'm not really going to be another year older, I still want to celebrate. I'm not sure how, yet.

Elena, Caroline? Do you guys have any suggestions?

Posted via Journaler.

[info]nowtheweather in [info]welcomenetwork

Oh dear. It would appear that I've once again stepped into another world.

This one has much less blood and viscera than the last one, which is of course a positive thing.

Still, I do worry what the Sheriff's Secret Police and the City Council will think of this, not to mention Station Management. It's terribly unprofessional of me to abandon my post. And Carlos! Oh, I hope he's not worried. Of course, he probably is worried. He does worry about a great many things. He's wonderful like that.