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July 9th, 2013

[info]tobeunmade in [info]welcomenetwork

Right. I'm supposed to use this thing and talk to people.

Would've preferred to stay at the bar

Clint Barton. I'm from New York. I know pretty much fuck all about magic, but I don't exactly have the best history with it, so I'm going to try the tried and true method of ignoring it and hoping it goes away.

Figures, it would have happened now. Not like the day could get worse.

( Private )
С Днем Рождения, Фил.

[info]allegiance in [info]welcomenetwork

So. You're here too. I'm gl Where are you housed?

Also, there are three of me walking around.

[info]hellosweetie in [info]welcomenetwork

Sucked through a portal. Vortex manipulator fried. No idea how to get back. Stuck in a world with actual magic and the promise of quite a bit of confusion and danger.

I must say, I haven't had this much fun since...honestly, I can't remember when I last had this much fun. It's like Christmas come early.

Sweetie, you must be about somewhere. There's no way you'd miss out on this much trouble, even if you are trying to behave yourself. Come on then, front and center.

In the event you're not paying attention, which wouldn't surprise me in the slightest, could someone point me in the direction of the Doctor?

[info]intheimpala in [info]welcomenetwork

At least Mom is here...Which I probably shouldn't announce. Who knows who is in this weird little town. Witches

At least the pie is good.

Also, has anyone seen a freakishly tall brown haired kid? Answers to Sam?

[info]littlealbatross in [info]welcomenetwork

This isn't right. It isn't right.

It's all stuck together wrong and the pieces don't fit like they should. The bits are all mixed up. They don't know where they belong any more. It's all muddled. They meddled. There's always meddling. Shouldn't meddle, but they do. Can't leave well enough and it all turns to dust and ash. They can't know. Picking and picking. Tearing at the threads until it all comes apart. Just apple bits left.

I miss the sky. There's too much sound and the air tastes funny and it's all wrong. The ground feels wrong. It's too steady but everything's shifting. It makes my head hurt. I need to be in the black. It's too solid here. Loud where it should be quiet and quiet where it should be loud. This is why you aren't supposed to meddle with things. All of it's wrong. I'm trying to work it out, but the equation doesn't work. Too many variables. It hurts my head to think about it.

Not safe. It's not safe to wander off alone, he says. But how can you wander when there's no one to wander from? Logical fallacies and paradoxes. Wandered because he isn't here, but can't wander because there isn't anyone to wander from. I'd follow the breadcrumbs back but there aren't any. The birds ate them all. They'll get stomachaches.

[info]ofdestiny in [info]welcomenetwork

Well this is cute.

Witches. Keeping things interesting. You could have a least took my mom too

[info]slayersense in [info]welcomenetwork

Seriously? A girl can't have a few days for a break, ohhhhh no, well I don't think this qualifies as a sacred duty blah blah blah. I was going to Europe! Unless you show me something as cool as the Eiffel Tower, I'm gonna hit something. Or someone. The day's early.

[info]fanceyvancey in [info]welcomenetwork

Well. We certainly didn't have anything quite like this in 1977. This may take some getting used to.

Hello all. Name is Emmeline Vance. I'm from England originally and quite a bit out of time. I have a very important question. Whereabouts can a girl get some decent chocolate around here?

[info]ivlivs in [info]welcomenetwork

Uh. Well, this is unexpected. Not as out of the ordinary as it probably should be, but unexpected. Nice to have my memory this time I was plopped somewhere weird, though.

Anyway, I'm Jason Grace, son of Jupiter. Any chance there are some other demigods about, because that would be phenomenal and make this whole thing a little less crazy.

[info]alwaysfound in [info]welcomenetwork

I've tried to meet everyone as you arrive but I'm sincerely sorry if I've missed anyone. I'm Snow, or Mary Margaret if you prefer, and I'm native to this city. Well, relatively speaking. Anyway, if you need anything that isn't better suited for Sheriff Swan or her Deputy, or the Mayor, please don't hesitate to let me know. I make excellent tea, for starters. I teach at the Storybrooke Elementary School, as well.

I know this isn't an ideal situation for most of you but please know that we'll all be doing everything we can to find some sort of resolution so that we can find Henry and but, in the meantime, we'll do everything in our power to make this place feel as much like home as it possibly can for you. We're small, as the Mayor already pointed out, but we have most of what you'd likely need.

It's been lovely meeting everyone I've already met and I look forward to meeting the rest of you, as well.

[info]sugarand in [info]welcomenetwork

I have a few questions.

a) Has anyone seen Harry Potter? b) Has anyone seen any gingers that answer to Weasley besides me? c) Where can I find a replacement for the pie this fecking portal made me miss out on?

It's okay if you answer c first.

[info]robotnewsie in [info]welcomenetwork

This is awkward Hello. My name is William Darcy and I have been here for what seems like much longer than two days. I am apparently from an adaptation of a Jane Austen novel, though I live in San Francisco.

This was my attempt at being social. If anyone has questions on technology, I can probably be of use.

[info]chekov in [info]welcomenetwork

This makes no sense. I have not heard of any Quantum Physics that is capable of transporting us not only distance but back in time so far. I won't dispute that time travel doesn't exist - I know for a fact that it does exist. I know the Captain is here but who else? I met someone when I first arrived, someone from this town. She said I was in Storybrooke in Maine and gave me directions here. Said there was others?

Any answers too? I can't think of anything and I do not like that.