June 2024




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Oct. 28th, 2023


I don't spend a lot of time watching television, but sometimes when a movie comes on I haven't seen in a long time, I can't help myself. Hitchcock's The Birds was on, and I couldn't help but stop to watch it. Suddenly, an hour had gone by. Funny how these things happen, isn't it?

Anyone else have a seasonal favorite film they can't help but watch when it comes up?

Oct. 24th, 2023


Alright everyone. The movie marathon is going to be here before we know it. The abandoned building looks AMAZING. I just want to thank everyone that has been helping out. I really don't think I could pull this one off without you guys. I am putting the finishing touches on things and tomorrow I will be working on the movie list. Lots of fun will be had. Don't forget to wear a costume if you'd like as in the middle of the movie marathon I will have a costume contest with a fabulous prize.

Oct. 14th, 2023


I've seen enough of the spooky and supernatural stuff for a lifetime, so comedy movie fest Halloween Night. I might even make it a chick flick night. Any suggestions?

Oct. 9th, 2023


Exciting to see Capitalism is alive and well here in Madison. I've seen a variety of UV and other lamps for plants go up about 300%.

Sep. 2nd, 2023


Bloody hell. Apparently, classes start next week. Raise your hand if you're at all prepared to teach the twats shit they don't know. Mine are under me chair.


It's that time of year again! Brooke and I have been bizzy! (See what I did there? Brooke. Lizzie. Bizzy.)

Anyway. We mixed it up a little by combining stuff for September AND October.

Get your witch on!


One of my favorite memories as a kid was walking around with my mom and kicking the piles of fallen leaves. It's one of maybe five good memories I have I'm looking forward to being able to do that again.

Sep. 1st, 2023


Hope? Rebekah? Any other Mikaelson related people?


It's Friday! What's your favorite drink, Madison? Of the adult beverage variety.

Aug. 22nd, 2023


Well. That was certainly something.

Aug. 21st, 2023


No kids for me. Something something idle hands. No bad guy of the week. Even if I work my entire life away here the rush isn't the same. Where does one go for that adrenaline rush around here?


It still amazes me how used to all the weird so many of you are. And that's coming from someone with a giant green alter-ego

Aug. 6th, 2023


It's kind of hard to be annoyed about the lack of a sunset when I am so happy about something else. Ah well, guess it's good to find the silver lining in life.


It's a good thing I actually don't need sleep or this 'no night' thing would be a huge pain in the ass.

Aug. 3rd, 2023


This is highly unusual.

At least there's a familiar face here.

Jul. 26th, 2023


I never thought I would say this, but I miss snow! I always felt more at home in those kinds of climates.

Jul. 17th, 2023


[Filtered to Family, Friends, and (obviously) Marcel]

Marcel and I are engaged

With everything going on, aliens, spaceships, etc., I thought it best to wait for a few days before mentioning anything.

Jul. 13th, 2023


Who: Everyone
What: This is a net-reaction post (you may make logs on your own, but we ask you keep wtf nets here)
When: July 14
Where: Network
Rating: low (let us know if this needs to change)

This isn't’ a cruise?! )
Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Jul. 7th, 2023


Who: Josh and Stefan
What: chatting
Where: the museum
When: July 7th
Warnings: low, but talk of blood
Status: g-doc

Okay, but where does lamb fall on the tasty animal blood scale? )

Jul. 2nd, 2023


Why am I not surprised?

[Private to Caroline Forbes]

Mom, I need to be alone for a little while.

[Private to Bonnie Bennett]

Can I crash on your couch for a few days?

Jul. 1st, 2023


Who: Caroline and Stefan
What: An impromptu chat before they walk down the aisle. (No, he doesn't see her before the wedding :P)
When: Before they walk down the aisle.
Where: The White Barn Venue
Status: Closed; Completed Gdoc
Rating: PG-13

I just… I needed to hear your voice. )

Jun. 23rd, 2023


What is it about a perfectly cooked Shephard's Pie that makes me think of mum?! It still doesn't taste quite like hers, but I am getting closer.

Jun. 19th, 2023


It's hard to believe I've already been here for nearly six months.


I can't believe I get married in less than a week.

Jun. 17th, 2023


Caroline and Stefan's Wedding
The ceremony took place outside under a arch of flowers. The music was of a mixed variety from both Stefan and Caroline's playlists. The food was typical wedding fair with an elegant wedding cake of both chocolate and vanilla as well as an offered dessert table.

June 17, 2023 | The White Barn | You are all invited!

Jun. 8th, 2023


I should go out while I'm ahead in fight club.

But I'll probably participate next month anyway.

Great showing, Allison.

Jun. 6th, 2023


So, deep thoughts from Adrian.

Today I was painting by the river when a dog ran up to me, tail wagging, and couldn't stop from loving on me. Even though I've got to smell like what I am - a vampire.

On the other hand, animals hate my dhampir friends.


I mean, I'm the one who has to drink blood to survive.

Any ideas, Angeline?

Jun. 3rd, 2023


I am officially getting married in two weeks and there is still so much to do.

Oh. My. God.

May. 13th, 2023


Who: Caroline and Stefan
What: Wedding Prep
When: Mid April
Where: Exploring venues
Warning: Low/None (cuteness)
Status: Completed via Gdoc

Now that he had her, Stefan wasn’t about to let her go. Not for an instant. )

Apr. 24th, 2023


Were those Muppet things...monsters?


I didn't want to take the chance and be disappointed, but do you think if I'd gone into the Muppet portal, I would have gotten to be the Count?

Apr. 2nd, 2023


Game Night!

New game time!

Okay, let's be real, we've played way too much Marry/Fuck/Kill the last while and we have so many new people.

So, I propose a new game. I bought this book.

Leave your name if you want to play and everyone can leave a number from 1-3000 for you to answer. But, if you leave a number, you have to answer the question too. I'll comment the questions as they happen.

Apr. 1st, 2023


Who: Caroline and Stefan
What: Fluff… Stefan asks Caroline to marry him
When: Late March
Where: Stefan’s place
Warning: None
Status: Completed via Gdoc

Tonight they were reading. )

Mar. 18th, 2023


Who: Stefan and Caroline
What: Attending the Gala
When: March 18
Where: Emerald City
Warning: None
Status: Completed via Gdoc

I feel like we could dance even if there wasn’t any music at all. )

Mar. 1st, 2023


So, it's come around again....

National Celery Month.

What a horribly tasteless sadistic vegetable. Only thing it's good for? Ants on a log. Even then it's still all stringy and gross.

It's no wonder the month's dedicated to heavy drinking.

Feb. 25th, 2023


Look what Claudia gave me...

[image of left hand with an engagement ring on ring finger]

( Bruce Banner )

So, Dad.

I have two requests.

1. You walk me down the aisle.
2. Father daughter dance.

Which actually makes it three requests because you're invited to the wedding.

Feb. 19th, 2023


Who: Caroline and Stefan
What: Celebrating
When: Backdated to Valentine’s Day
Where: Various
Warning: None
Status: Completed via Gdoc

I love you. I just want you to know that. )

Feb. 14th, 2023


Netpost: Stefan Salvatore

Doubled up on the coffee to make it through the day while feeling like a human being. Seems like this holiday makes people a little... well, insane.

Feb. 1st, 2023


I ate sixteen packages of some odd treat.

They are...marshmallows, I believe, but covered with gritty red sugar and shaped like hearts.

They call them Peeps, although I am not sure why as there are no birds involved.

Jan. 10th, 2023


I don't mind the dark. I kind of like it.

Besides, the TARDIS has very strong generators.


Since there's a power outage, maybe some cuteness will cheer you up. Meet my new kitten, Donut. This should not surprise anyone.

Thanks Dome...for once. )


Due to the continued power outages, the owner and I have agreed to close the art store until power is restored. My apologies, but we will have to postpone the start of our comic drawing class by one week.

In the meantime, I'm about to discover just how well my art can be done by candlelight. If anyone needs me, I'll be at home. Except for game night tomorrow at the Loft.


Well, it seems like this power issue will be taking longer to resolve than I'm used to back in New York. I phoned the power company and they have no ETA for when the power will be back. They didn't say so, but I got the feeling they had no idea what the problem was.

In any case, The Loft will still be opened tomorrow (Wednesday) for game night, but by candle light. We have a fireplace that I thought would only be used as decoration, but it appears I've been proven wrong. If you want to play board games by candlelight with some non-perishable snacks offered for free, please join us. Unfortunately We won't be able to serve our full menu, but my intrepid employees have put some of the drinks we have outside in the back in the the snow to keep them cold.


The clinic is still open with a generator if anyone needs medical attention. I phoned the blood bank too and they also have their generator up.


Unlike the last time we had a power issue, this one was definitely not caused by me.


What kind of bullshit is this?

The power has been out all day.

There wasn't even a storm! Bullshit.


Power's gone.

Dome's probably at play again. Everyone will be fine, no need for chaos.

Jan. 9th, 2023



Can we stop with Valentine's Day?



I got my hands on a recipe for ice wine. Think I'll have the winery give it a try.

Name suggestions!


So, many wonderful events coming up....I never imagined myself enjoying being this busy.

[Private to Loki]

Is it still customary to give gifts at weddings?

Also...I thought we could try for that Asgardian Feast on Valentine's Day. Would you be free?

[Private to Nora]

I thought you might like to do some shopping. I need something to wear to your wedding and I want to make sure you like it.

[Private to Thor]

Would you like to have dinner with me?

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