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Jul. 25th, 2018


I'm glad things seem to have calmed down . I'll take ten minutes of calm, thanks.

Jul. 8th, 2018


Who: Mercy & Clay
Where: pack house
When: evening
What: talking
Warnings: none
Status: closed, in progress

this place )

Jul. 3rd, 2018


What: July 4th Pack House BBQ
Where: Pack House
When: Predated, July 4th
Warnings: Tell me if i need to lock it down
Status: OPEN to ALL


Jul. 2nd, 2018


For the record? Demons don't taste very good. Ugh. Thank goodness they were gone before the fourth. I have food being made already and I kind of didn't want to not use it, thank you very much.

Jun. 23rd, 2018


The difference between me and the werewolves back home is they loathe the heat. Me? I like it. At least until we see the nineties then I'll whine.

I've been working out and it felt good to sweat so much. I've been a lazy slacker lately

Jun. 17th, 2018


I'm always torn on father's day. My foster dad was amazing, Bran was amazing but my task father is something else entirely.

Happy fathers day my dear

Jun. 16th, 2018


My favorite thing about summer really being here is being able camp and not freeze my ass off.. Not that I wouldn't go camping in the middle of winter, we have obviously, but this is better.

July 4th is coming up. Good thing I stocked up on food from after the last party just in time. Making jerky, gonna smoke some venison and beef for this year's picnic.

Jun. 6th, 2018


Who: Mercy and Clay
Where: Out in the woods
When: Snow!plot
Warnings: Kissing, C for Cute, otherwise none
Status: Completed GDoc

Snow falls on silent trees )

Jun. 1st, 2018


I'm from Montana and this is weird and we're pretty skilled at weird snowfall. Could be worse.


Snow in June? That wasn't even normal in Montana.

May. 27th, 2018


Who: Open to anyone, no, really. Just. Food.
What: Packhouse Memorial Day Om Nom Nom Fest
Where: Packhouse
When: Monday (pre-dated)
Warnings: probably low, let me know if i need to change it:)
Status: Open to All, In Progress, Paaaaaarty etc

Let the om nom nom fest begin )

May. 19th, 2018


Hey. Pack people. Are we doing Memorial day? Should I like, start prepping now? Just asking.

Also, can I just say I enjoy the fact I can hang the laundry out?

May. 17th, 2018


Augh Seriously. My kid is 3 going on 30.

She's also developing a werewolf appetite. This morning she wanted bacon and eggs with toast and home fries for breakfast.

After she begrudgingly ate the cereal I offered her, she went upstairs, and came back down to declare she is "done with winter and ready for summer"

May. 16th, 2018


The portal was kind of fun to run around in for once. It was a nice diversion. Kind of sad it's gone. I like when the dome gives us a little more fun to play with.

May. 5th, 2018


Who: Everyone
What: Art & Music Festival
Where: Riverfront Park
When: Saturday
Warnings: I hope not?
Status: Party post!

~+~+~+~ )
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May. 1st, 2018


This might be one of my favourite times of the year, the start of warm, more sun, bonfires, and more. Also BBQ season. Win.

Happy Birthday, Brother. I have gifts for you. When did you want to do lunch, by the way? Clay wants to be there when we talk.


Who: Everyone, Anyone, It's a feast y'all
What: Birthday Feast / Seasonal Holiday
Where: Valhalla - the 118 acre property that Sigrun has and has built to be a bit of a replica Viking village!
When: May 1st, evening
Why: Thor and Sigrun get a year older! Plus old holidays!
Warnings: Let me know if I need to lock it but it should be kid-safe and family friendly
Status: In Progress, Open

After the night when I wake up, I'll see what tomorrow brings )

Apr. 26th, 2018


What's your favorite song?

And why?

Apr. 20th, 2018


I am so glad it's Friday.

I'd like to speak with you at some point, brother mine.

Apr. 17th, 2018


WHO: Beth Greene and Mercy Thompson
WHAT: Meeting the people at the Pack House
WHEN: Tuesday early afternoon
WHERE: The Pack House
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Apr. 14th, 2018


What: Cadence Barkley's birthday party
Where: The Park
When: Afternoon
Warnings: I would hope not! (But let me know so I can lock)

Read more... )

Apr. 13th, 2018


Who: Clay and Mercy
What: Talking
Where: Pack House Kitchen
When: Evening
Rating: Low
Status: Closed, In Progress (but you know, pack house hearing is allowed)

Mercedes was baking for tomorrow. )

Apr. 10th, 2018


So. Cady's third birthday is tomorrow.

Party in the park this weekend? There will be cake and such, but it's going to be kind of low key.

Apr. 8th, 2018


It's times like these I miss Bran.

Apr. 7th, 2018


Identical but separate texts sent to Sif, Jane, Darcy, Mercy, Nora, Sigrun, and Anna(his daughter)

>> Are you safe?
>> This series of attacks gives me great unease.

Apr. 6th, 2018


Who: Elena and Mercy
What: Feeding broken wolves
Where; Pack House
When: Right after this
Warnings: Talk of violence etc
Status: In Progress, Closed, started in Gdoc

Mercy had hit the kitchen the moment things were calmed down. )


Who: Stiles, Kate, Nick, Clay, Elena, Mercy, Liam
What: An Attack
Where: Outside the pack house
When: Friday Evening
Warning: Violence, werewolves getting tossed around, very wounded Stiles
Status: Complete Gdoc, possible aftermath continuing in comments

Read more... )

Apr. 3rd, 2018


Alright - batches of brownies have been baked - who needs a delivery after this week? Your local brownie-dealer is hitting the ground running this week. If you haven't had them yet, well, ask someone who has ;)

Johanna Mason
You get a double batch, lord help us can we ever stop thinking about all that shit?
Actually. Have a triple.

Mar. 29th, 2018


Oh, no. No no no. That's it, I'm done sleeping. Screw that shit.

Mar. 28th, 2018


So I found someone that runs a worse guilt trip than my dad.

I'm grounded.

I have stitches.

Don't ever make Jeremy lecture you because damn I think I literally hung my head like a hound dog.

Mar. 21st, 2018


You know it's actually a lot harder to get used to not being in danger every day than you ever really think it is. You think you're adjusted, then one unexpected super loud ringtone later you're drawing on the phone a teenager left in the kitchen.

No, I didn't shoot it. I just threatened it a little. I'm sure I looked very tough while I did and not stupid at all.

Mar. 17th, 2018


Three long years here. Incredible.


I've been here for over two years. Times flies I guess.

Mar. 4th, 2018


WHO Everyone~
WHAT Ella's 20th Birthday Party
WHEN Sunday afternoon
WHERE The Pack House
WARNINGS TBD, shouldn't be any because it's ELLA
STATUS OPEN | Party Post

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Mar. 3rd, 2018


I swear, I am quitting my day job.
And I'm thankful I have my house turned into the food-prep, storage, etc house because it makes it easier to bake Ella's birthday cakes without her knowing.

Also you want to help bring over food to the main house? I'm gonna have so much prepped I feel like I should just quit my day job.

Who didn't get much sleep between going to the Feast (dragons!!!!) and dragging my ass up early for work? This chick.

Who is on her sixteenth cup of coffee for the night now that I'm doing other work? This chick.
I might need an IV caffeine drip! I wouldn't have it any other way, though.


If you're not all too busy playing with dragons, we're hosting a party at the Pack House tomorrow afternoon to celebrate Ella's birthday.

Yes, Clay will be grilling shirtless. I understand that's a draw for some of you.

Mar. 2nd, 2018


WHO Party Post
WHAT Feast
WHEN Friday night
WHERE Through the Portal / The Great Hall
WARNINGS Kick me if this needs locking

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )
Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Mar. 1st, 2018


Well, that was fun. Avery, be wary, Clay might try to steal Cadence even more now.

That said, not only did I wake up with my ~real~ memories, I got new ones from home at the same time. THANKS DOME SO HELPFUL.

Feb. 17th, 2018


Do you realise next month will be three years since we first met?

Feb. 15th, 2018


So if this place is so nice to Werewolves, why don’t they have werewolf-sized boxes of chocolate?

Feb. 9th, 2018


I took a trip down memory lane last night. Much to my amusement I found a photo, long since forgotten. Tiny Clayton and milkshakes was simply the most adorable thing.

Feb. 8th, 2018


So! I'm Kitty Norville (not Elena Michaels since it seems I have to make that distinction). I'm a 24 year old Cancer who hosts a radio show back home, and was on the verge of writing a book, but I guess being here is a great reason to ignore that deadline, huh? I enjoy late nights, coffee, rare steaks, Thoreau, and long hikes through the woods. I also talk too much, and I'm a werewolf.


[Jeremy Danvers]
I was told I should reach out to you. So...this is me. Reaching out.


[Filter to Pack/Pack House]
There's a new werewolf in town. Her name is Kitty. She looks exactly like my mom.

I told her that you'd want to meet her. I also told her that there's no killing humans. She said that wasn't a problem.

No, you cannot sleep with her.


Private to Clay

So I had an interesting conversation with Thor the other night. Yes I'm at work, yes I'm bored, shh

One, it tells me just how used to this place I am that I don't even question the fact he basically adopted me as a sister. Though, it's not like I'm not used to Gods, or in my case Great Spirits, being family. Fun story, don't piss off the Wolf spirit. He made Adam stay wolf for days once because he offended him.

Two, we got talking about how breakable I am.

Feb. 7th, 2018


WHO: Mercy Thompson and Thor
WHAT: A conversation between siblings
WHEN: Recently
WHY?: Because, they love each other.
STATUS: Closed and Completed Gdoc
Read more... )

Feb. 1st, 2018


Filter to Jeremy (Mercy can read/comment)

So, Jer... important question for you.

Would you rather:

A. have Jaime's boobs again


B. have to take care of me, Nick, Mercy, and my dad all as children at the same time.


I'm not saying the first thing I did upon waking up was go for a run in the correct four-legged form, but it's a good possibility that I did, in fact, do that.

Kate Danvers
Momma Mercy. Little you was so freaking adorable. I'm laughing. You feel better being the right age again?

Jan. 27th, 2018


Who: Mercy, Clay, Jeremy
What: Mercy also has to Change. Oops?
Where: Pack House
When: Evening
Why: Power swap fun
Warnings: Language. Duh.
Status: in progress

changing was... going to suck )

Jan. 26th, 2018


Clay, ETA: Jeremy

Alright. My curiosity might not be the same level as it usually is, which for the record feels incredibly strange, but uh.


I know this might be weird or whatever, but I really am curious about how your change is like.

Yes? No? Maybe? please?

Jan. 24th, 2018



Oh ffs Madison Valley. Jeremy, please my heart, try not to die when you get up and moving.

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