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Feb. 1st, 2022


Who: Dick, Alyssa, and Ned
What: Dick gets to know Alyssa…and Ned, while they’re running errands
Where: Target
When: Feb. 1st
Warnings: TBD, but should be low
Status: closed/g-doc

Not how I saw a trip to Target going )

Jan. 31st, 2022


The "Into the Woods" play was pretty great. Hopefully there's other plays in Madison's future.

Jan. 29th, 2022



Raven Darkholme is gone.

Jan. 25th, 2022



Claudia! Clear my schedule. I am not accepting any meetings. Cancel the ones I have. I am NOT fit to be around anyone.


Who: Rachel Roth and Alyssa Gardner.
What: Coffee date.
Where: Starbucks.
When: Backdated to Sunday, January 23. Morning.
Warnings: TBD.
Status: Closed.

I used to hold my freak back, now I'm letting go. )

Jan. 21st, 2022


( Insect House )

I asked Sharon to move in.

Is that okay with everyone?

Jan. 19th, 2022


I've been cast as Cinderella in Into the Woods.

It's my first time acting. Hopefully I do okay.

Jan. 11th, 2022


It looks like Mare got sent home?

None of my texts are going through.

I wasn't ready to lose a friend.
Who am I gonna smoke up with?

Jan. 3rd, 2022


Who: Alyssa and Rebekah
What: shopping
Where: Saks 5th Avenue/NYC portal
When: Sun. Dec. 19th
Status: completed g-doc

”Everyone )

Dec. 23rd, 2021


Who: Alyssa and Ned
What: Mistletoe Mayhem
When: Dec 23
Where: Walmart
Rating: low

You're like my sister )

Dec. 14th, 2021


With the stress of the holiday season upon us, plus with people who left and new people's arrival, I thought it might be fund for another round of Marry, Shag, Cliff (also known as Marry, Fuck, Kill).

For the newcomers, the rules are easy! You comment with your name and then people give you a list of three names and you say which one you'd have sex with, which you'd marry, and which you'd toss off a cliff.

Let's do this!

Dec. 4th, 2021


Alright, so since it has been a while since I have done a movie marathon event, I am planning on doing a Christmas movie marathon! I don't know what day yet, but it is happening.

Dec. 2nd, 2021


I love sweater weather. I know people get cranky at the Christmas music and the commercialism, and all of that... but I can't help it. This time of year makes me think about my loved ones and my favorite movies and drinking far too much hot chocolate and stringing up popcorn. All good things.

[Private to Oliver Queen]
Waiting for my ziplining invite.

[Private to Mia Queen, Katniss Everdeen, any other archers?]
Itching to go out and shoot things. Anyone want to come with?


Decorating my apartment here for Christmas was quite nice. I don't have anything from home, though I haven't in years, anyway, so I was able to start from scratch. My dining room looks like a Martha Stewart Catalog. All my decorations match for the first time ever. I probably spent a little too much on it all, but it makes me happy, so that's the point, right?

[Private to Scott Lang]
Come help me set up my tree?

Nov. 30th, 2021


My favorite thing about December is getting an advent calendar to count down to Christmas. It's not even so much that I am excited for Christmas, I just like having a little treat every day.

There are so many options though that it gets overwhelming to pick! I got a classic chocolate one, but was tempted by the tea ones and the cheese ones.

Anyone else got one?

Nov. 17th, 2021


Who: Alyssa and Sharon
What: meeting
Where: Starbucks
When: Wed evening
Warnings: should be low

So, you want to date my guardian )

Nov. 16th, 2021


[Filtered to Sharon]

I'm told you're dating my guardian.

That's cool.

But I think we should meet, because I want to be sure you're good enough for him.

Nov. 13th, 2021


Nora instructed me to post on this network.

I'm Ren.

Nov. 10th, 2021


I'm suddenly having a small problem with reading. Unless it's in Greek, which... how often do people read Greek?

It's not just that, but...

This is so strange.

Nov. 9th, 2021


Umm what the hell is happening?

I went to take a test and the letters swam in front of me, but also Latīnē prōfluenter loquor. I can apparently perfectly understand Latin.

[Filtered to Leo]
I...think we need to do sword lessons. Like after school. I feel like I will know exactly how to use a sword. I feel like...I have Jason's strengths and weaknesses, because I certainly made lightning happen. Because I didn't already miss your best friend.

[Filtered to Ned, Scott, Peter, May]
Are you all okay? Did anything strange happen to you? I can manipulate air, which is definitely new.

Nov. 7th, 2021


Who: Alyssa and Ned
What: coffee and emotional discussion
Where: the kitchen
When: Sunday afternoon
Warnings: TBD, but should be low. Definite discussions of emotions and missing people

coffee )

Nov. 3rd, 2021


The leaves are the perfect shade to take pictures of them. I snapped a few good shots today to add to my album.

Nov. 2nd, 2021


Well, Halloween was so much fun this year. Getting to nerd out in a Power Rangers costume was amazing and fun. Loved our group...now that it is November, I think I am going to start doing everyday of thanks.

So November 1: I am thankful for my amazing boyfriend.
November 2: I am grateful to my family....you all are pretty amazing.


Who: Everyone
What: Day of the Dead celebration
When: Tuesday Nov 2
Where: In the park (set up under canopy/tents
Rating: low

Día de Los Muertos )

Oct. 31st, 2021


Who: Teens (19 and under)
What: Halloween Party
Where: Rachel and Dick's apartment.
When: Sunday, October 31. Evening.
Warnings: TBD, let me know.
Status: Party Post!

... )

Oct. 20th, 2021


I'm not a big party person anyway, but this year, I'll be sitting out all Halloween festivities. I fully plan on spending the evening being miserable watching cheesy horror movies.

Oct. 18th, 2021


[Rowan, Alyssa, Kendal (and other female, similar-aged friends of Liz)[
Could I maybe pick your mind about something? It's okay if you're busy though!

[Kyle and Alex - separately]

I'll preface this by acknowledging it's really weird, but can I ask you something about dating?

Oct. 4th, 2021


Alyssa and OPEN

Who: Alyssa and OPEN
What: trying to outswing her feelings
Where: the park
When: Mon. evening
Warnings: possible pot smoking

So when the night feels like forever, I'll remember what you said to me )

Oct. 1st, 2021


[Filtered to Leo V]

How are you doing, my friend?

[Filtered to Ned and Peter]
Are we still on for tv and junk food this weekend? And if so, what junk food do you want?

[Filtered to Rebekah]

I wanted to check in on you, love.


From what I hear, this place can get a little crazy. Thankfully I'm used to crazy from growing up in Gotham. Indiana stuck under a dome shouldn't be too hard.

Sep. 27th, 2021


It's Monday night, and I'm bored people. And I've seen that some of you like to play games on here. So I have one for you.

Drop your name in, and let people choose songs for your personal playlists. Make it interesting everyone.

Sep. 23rd, 2021


I don't understand why those people with cameras felt the need to follow me and Kristoff around as we tried building a small barn for Sven...in case he arrives.

They kept asking us to explain every step as we worked. Except I didn't know exactly what I was doing. I've never built a barn before! They only made me more nervous.

What a nuisance!

Sep. 21st, 2021


Look. I can't see my husband, since he's in Wonderland and I'm not.

My boyfriend got sent home, probably to his death.

I can't go home.

And now I have cameras following me like I'm the fucking Home & Garden show.

I swear if one more camera gets shoved in my face, I'm sending fucking mosquitoes after them and breaking their cameras. I will cut a bitch. Don't test me.

Sep. 20th, 2021


Who: Madison Montgomery & Open
Where: Skipping school and smoking cigarettes
When: Monday afternoon
What: Dealing with the cameras
Status: Open; Incomplete; Could be considered a narrative if no one tags in.
Rating: TBD

Unlike me of course. I was born for fame. )


Who: Alyssa and Kate
What: eating ice cream and commiserating about their lost boyfriends
Where: Pack house/Kate's room
When: Monday after school
Warnings: TBD

How did silence get so loud? )


Soooooo, I'm not entirely sure what's going on, but it's definitely something.

I spent the night at Isaac's last night and, when I woke up this morning, he and all of his belongings were gone. I found a card with the name "Morrigan Moonstone" on it. When I went home, I found the same thing in my brother's bedroom.

Both of their phones are disconnected.

What the actual fuck is going on?

EDIT I'll keep a list of everyone being reported missing under the same circumstances
Isaac Lahey
Logan Danvers
Adrian Ivashkov
John Young
Sigrun Gard
Anna Latham
Niklaus Mikaelson
Freya Mikaelson
Keelin Mikaelson
Reileen Kawahara
Malia Tate
Stiles Stilinski
Nico di Angelo
Jason Grace
Lucas Cortez
Landon Kirby
Llewellyn Cornick
Cora Hale

Sep. 17th, 2021


Who: Alyssa and Peter
What: Alyssa is talking about feelings
Where: their house's deck
When: Friday after school
Warnings: should be low?

Letting out the noise inside of me )

Sep. 15th, 2021


Most days I like it here.

I got to have an art show. I am dating a rather kind, caring, and hot guy. My friends kick ass. I get to live with some pretty kick-ass humans.

But then other days I miss Wonderland so much it feels like it will drag me under. Those days are diminishing.

Today just happens to be one of those days.

Sep. 14th, 2021


Filtered away from Linda

Could someone suggest the best place to go shopping for a gift for a lady?

Sep. 8th, 2021


You know what's not fun?

An English paper and a Biology test due the same day.

If anyone wants to send extra caffeine my way, I won't say no.

Looks like I'll be studying at work this weekend.

Sep. 4th, 2021


Who: Alyssa and Jason
What: cuddling and movies
Where: Alyssa's room
When: Sun - foredated
Warnings: low? Will update if needed

Did you know you're adorable? )

Sep. 2nd, 2021


Who: Alyssa and Stiles
What: meeting
Where: the park
When: Friday after school (bad luck)
Warnings: should be low

Where mosquitoes play 'Follow the Leader' )

Aug. 31st, 2021


WHO: Lucas Cortez and OPEN Alyssa Gardner
WHAT: Buying flowers
WHEN: Wednesday morning
WHERE: The Florist
WARNINGS: Probably not
STATUS: Open/Complete

~+~+~+~+~+~ )



So...Alyssa asked me out. And I said yes.

I guess I'm moving on from Piper.


Man, I never realized what a big deal it was to be a senior in high school. They're already on me about class rings and graduation gowns and invitations and all that. I guess it's important to people who usually live this long.


[Filtered to Leo V, Ned, Kate, Mare and Chloe]

I did a thing and asked Jason to be my boyfriend.

So, we're official and shit.


What the actual F-
Okay I should be used to strange, my nephew's a freaking superhero that went into space, but I am STILL FREAKING OUT


I'm not sure what's more shocking to me. Suddenly finding myself in Indiana stuck inside a Dome thing or people gave me an apartment and $1000 to spend.

Aug. 29th, 2021


You know, I never thought I'd be so happy to see the School Year start.

But I don't make it this far back home, so it's a gift.

Aug. 28th, 2021


I recently found a fun game that I thought would be nice for all of us here, and it may help those who want to talk before meeting each other or strangers at speed dating. It's called the 'Heart Meter' game.

[ooc begins here, but this is for characters to respond to in-character so that you can get interactions and to give us all the chance to knock some nets out :) ]


Here's some rules:

+comment with your character's name.
+respond to others
+use the heart meter below to tell others how you feel
+don't forget your hovertext!
+have a grand ol' time

Yay fun!


Aug. 26th, 2021


Peter Parker, Ned Leeds, Alyssa Gardner and I are moving. This is so sudden they didn't even know I was looking for a house.

I closed on the house this afternoon.

( Insect House )

...do you guys like the house?

Aug. 24th, 2021


I let someone talk me into a pumpkin spice latte this morning at Starbucks.

I regret it on every level imaginable.

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