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Oct. 26th, 2022


I do take much enjoyment from the month of October, even with the scariness happening. Handing out the candies to little ghouls and goblins is all very fun. Sometimes they do the tricks but I try not to scream so loud

I suspect this year the alluring and super smooth Gomez Addams will be handing out the candies, not mild-mannered Dieter.

[Private to Yelena]
That is if we are not attending any parties?


Who: Hermann Gottlieb and Sherlock Holmes
What: He's worrying about the future
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: Cafe attached to That Book Place
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )

Oct. 25th, 2022


Who: Agnes Jurati and Leo Fitz.
When: Tuesday October 25. Afternoon.
Where: Spirit Halloween
What: Jurati wants a Halloween costume.
Warnings: These two meeting are dangerous.

I'm gonna fight em off. A seven nation army couldn't hold me back. )


Thresh's stuff is gone.

He's gone.

I'm rather sad about this.


Who: Amren and Nesta
What: Amren checks out the sword Nesta made
Where: Nesta’s apartment
When: Sept. 27th afternoon
Warnings: TBD
Status: closed/g-doc

Power lay in her hand. Death gripped her by the other. )



Hey. I wanted to check in. See how you were doing. I would have reached out sooner, but I heard about Logan. I'm very sorry.


Ok. I got a costume to wear when I take my little devil trick or treating.


So this will be my Halloween costume this year...to wear to whatever the hell someone older than 18 but younger than 21 can do.


Just in time for Halloween weekend, here's a preview of my new routine.


Who: Ace and Nancy
What: Ace saves Nancy
When: Oct 19 [Backdated!]
Where: Upside Down
Rating: low
Status: Completed Gdoc

+++++ )


Who: Scott and Malia
What: Malia saves Scott in the Upside Down
When: Oct 18
Where: Upside Down
Rating: low

Saving the Alpha )


I've been advised to take the rest of the week off work while I heal.

I need some horror movie recs. I've burned through slashers, film noir, and classics.


This place isn't so bad; at least I have my dad and my best friend here with me.


Who: Natasha and Yelena
What: Trapped in the Upside Down
When: Sept 17
Where: Upside Down
Rating: low

Please don't be dead wrapped up in a name. )


Who: Clark Kent and Pietro Maximoff.
What: Random encounter.
Where: Jendry's.
When: Tuesday afternoon.
Warning: Low.

I can't stand to fly... )


Who: Dick and Open
What: Dick is doing some superheroing by accident
When: Evening
Where: Streets
Rating: low

Read more... )

Oct. 24th, 2022


Who: Wade and OPEN
What: Random encounter
When: Monday evening
Where: Lou's
Rating: Wade's mouth, TBD otherwise

iz in my room plotin ur demise )


My dumbass Pokémon is having way too much fun scaring my cats with creepy Halloween masks. Yet the idiot can't stand watching horror movies.

Anyways, Halloween orgy at the Den. Probably sometime this week.


Who: Gordon Malloy and Open
What: Grocery shopping and trying not to think
When: Monday morning
Where: Walmart
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )

Oct. 23rd, 2022


Because this might be the only year I can dress up Vivienne in whatever I want...

I love it.


We're back, and just in time for Halloween too. Yay.

Glad we missed the latest bout of dome-made crazy. Maybe this holiday won't be so bad.



Who: Doc and Wynonna
When: During the Upside Down plot
Where: The apartment complex
What: Fighting creepy monsters
Status: Closed; Completed Gdoc

I did not even know something like that could even exist, but I am eternally grateful for the suggestion. )


In honor of surviving yet another bizarre occurrence in Madison Valley, I think we deserve a little down time and you know what that means... everyone's favorite game - Shag/Marry/Cliff

Comment with your name and then go around and give other people lists of three names. You have to decide which person on the list you would marry, which you would shag, and which you would toss off a cliff.

Have fun!
Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


Who: Sean Nast and Open
What: Not a great start to the morning
When: Sunday morning
Where: Starbucks
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )

Oct. 22nd, 2022


Who: Sherlock Holmes and Xander McClure.
What: Random encounter.
Where: Walmart.
When: Saturday afternoon.
Warnings: TBD but likely low.

... )


When I said I missed some people and certain things from my world, I did not mean any of what we just saw. I think I'm going to go die in bed for about a week after being stuck down there.

[Dustin & Robin]

Are you two okay?


Who: Andy Barclay and Open
What: Working
When: Saturday night
Where: The White Wyrm
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


[Doctor Who + TARDIS Folk]
Everyone alright? Need anything? I've reset the beach to a balmy temperature that will be quite relaxing

I could use a bit of a vacation. How about you? I heard there's a masquerade tonight


I love my family very much, but I think I need to branch out a little. So, tell me. Where's a good place to get a drink and meet some new people?


I've seen my fair share of shit in my life, but that place was flat out horrible. I think it's time for a long run and then a hot shower.


Did everyone come out of the craziness safely? I'm sure some ended up a bit hurt but hopefully not too bad.

Oct. 21st, 2022


Who: Charly Burke and The Doctor (10) - MATCH UP
What: Time And Relative Dimensions In Space
When: Saturday, October 22 (after the Upside-Down)
Where: Hanover College
Warnings: None, probably
Status: Incomplete

That's...A Really Big Number. )


Who: Anakin and Rey
What: They fight some demigorgons
When: Oct 20
Where: Town Square
Rating: low
Status: Completed via Gdoc

Two Jedis and Some Monsters )


Well, that sucked.

I need coffee.


[Alec M]

Please tell me I didn't miss out on you getting your ass handed to you? This was all I wanted for the holidays and I may have missed it. On a serious note, how you doing?


Masquerade Ball
Black tie event. Animal themed. Music and dancing

Anyone 21+ | Oct. 22nd | The Museum | Join In!


Who: ReNora
What: Reuniting now Ren has returned
When: Shortly after Ren's return.
Where: Town.
Rating/Warnings: Low.
Status: Completed via Gdoc

Ren was hit by a pink ball of lightning... )


Fuck that awful place. I don't recommend it at all, it's highly unenjoyable, and I have been through plenty.


Who: Colin Ritman and Open
What: Surviving in the Upside Down
When: Backdated to Thursday afternoon
Where: The Upside Down
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )

Oct. 20th, 2022



Tell me you're okay


Who: Peter Parker, May Parker, Liz Parker (no relation)
What: Peter saves the day in the Upside Down
When: Oct 19
Where: Upside Down
Rating: low

Rescued )


Who: Shawn and Open
What: Shawn is running from demobats
When: Oct 20
Where: Streets
Rating: low

Running from Bats )


( Lois Lane, Clark Kent, Wolverine )

A woman named Frigga offered to homeschool me and I want her to.


Who: Caroline and Stefan
What: An attempted Rescue?
When: 10/20
Where: Upside Down
Warning: High
Status: Completed via Gdoc

It had been a while since she’d been involved in a fight for her life )


Who: David Rose and Loki Laufeyson.
What: Date night.
When: Backdated to Saturday evening.
Where: On the way to The Musain.
Warnings: Low.
Status: Completed via GDOC.

...just an old sweet song keeps Georgia on my mind. )


Who: Rory and Hughie
What: creatures are attacking
Where: the streets
When: backdated to Thurs.
Warnings: possible violence

Rory should know better than to play yearly BINGO with Dome events )

Oct. 19th, 2022


Who: Rhysand and Raelle
What: drinking
Where: Pandemonium
When: backdated to Sat.
Warnings: should be low

Sometimes the High Lord wanted to get lost in the noise )


Who: Johanna Mason and Open
What: Fighting those damn creatures
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: Somewhere in town
Warnings: Language
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Peter and Kitty's Wedding!
What: A werewolf wedding!
When: Saturday, October 15th (pre-Upside down)
Where: Pack House grounds
Warnings: Probably none
Status: Open to Everyone!

Do you love me? )


WHO: Chuuya Nakahara & Loki.
WHAT: Stuck in the Upside Down / Matchup.
WHEN: Beginning of plot [backdated].
WHERE: The Upside Down.
WARNINGS: Language, violence, death, blood, etc.
STATUS: Closed | Matchup.

* * * * * )

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