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May. 21st, 2022



I feel I've been neglecting you.


Kenzi My Wife My Love

There is a gift for you outside.


Leo (Dr. Geek)

Liz turned into my actual sister for a while.


Little Gnat (Chuuya)

I will need you to relinquish your vendetta against Kol.

May. 20th, 2022



I like me better as myself. Not some hidden prince.


I am once again back to myself. I apologize if I have caused any distress.




Who: John Murphy and Magnus Bane
What: Just a random run-in
When: Friday afternoon
Where: That Book Place
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


So...I was a robot for a week. That was weird.

She had some badass tattoos, though.


While I'm happy to be back in my body, it was nice to not need the wheelchair for a bit.


Hey, sorry about little me. I saw Bruce was around, the one we know. How was that? And also I owe you a drink for different smaller me attempting to kick your ass as well as bring up some of your bad memories.


[Shawn Spencer]

Even though it wasn't my doing, I'm still sorry I wasn't myself. At least, I didn't think I was with anyone else? Not sure if that helps at all. How are you doing?


Cat shirts do not fucking belong in my closet. Guess I'll be burning some of these again because no one should be stuck with these as options for shirts. I want to cringe at how bad other me was with the opposite sex.

Though the house is cleaner than I left it and in order so I'll give her that.


WHO: Liam Stewart and OPEN
WHAT: Knocking over a display of apples, poor apples
WHEN: Today
WHERE: Walmart
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )



Does it count as loss of sobriety when another Bobby was doing the drinking?


( Ianto Jones )

I found my phone in the bedroom.

I suspect you didn't trust a pirate with it.

I'm so sorry, my love.


That was... definitely something.


I'm sorry, but the other Liz is gone.

I'm really sorry Rosa. I know how much having her around meant to you. If it helps, she loves you very much.

I'm back to being me. I'm sorry if that worried you.


So... about this week.

Did you go weird too or do I have to worry about a bunch of pictures of me?


There are a lot of memories of things that woman had that I'd like to forget.

Of course I can't even get a drink.

Sorry to anyone who had to deal with that other Eve. She's a piece of work and I thought I knew bad

I am so sorry baby. Are you okay?


Well that was different. Kind of liked the hair, though.

Sorry to any of my patients this week. I'll be doing some double shifts to make up for lost time.

How are you doing? I am so sorry


Well, that's a change. Don't usually remember him.

I'd kind of like to never be him again. Ever.


Eh, could have been worse.


The only good thing about the whole situation is that Dan had bottles of booze at the ready for me.

If anyone has pictures of me as Princess Aurora kindly burn them or I will cut a bitch.

I feel dirty.


Well that certainly was an experience.

Thank God I no longer have a beard.

May. 19th, 2022


Garin might be the only one who fully understands these.

Unless there are other people fluent in French I have yet to meet.

Anyone can see or respond, cut for friends list. )


Who: Linda and Klaus Hargreeves
What: drinks/matchup
Where: Electric Lady
When: Thurs. evening
Warnings: should be low

Are you the drink I'm looking for )

May. 18th, 2022


Who: Lydia and Eve, then OPEN (or could be narrative if no one tags :) )
What: Lydia is tired of Eve's shit
When: Evening, Thursday
Where: The Park
Rating: low

An offer )


Who: Juliet O'Hara Terry Gannon Jr. & Open
What: Working out some frustrations with a baseball.
Where: The Park
When: Wednesday Afternoon
Warnings: TBD but figuring lowish.
Status: Open, In progress.

+++++ )


[Adam Vasic]

I need to buy you a beer and have a talk with you


Who: Ty and OPEN
What: Ty's out for a run
Where: the park
When: Wed. evening
Warnings: TBD, but should be low

Just another weird day in this weird town )


OMG has anyone seen Phil lately? I'm shocked and conflicted!


Fine. I'm sober. Not that I like it, but I am.


With recent events, I can't help but wonder what would have happened if anyone else from my home were here. Since names seem to be a theme, I felt we would be fairly safe with Bagheera or Baloo. But Shere Khan simply invites badness.


Who: AU!Barbara Gordon & Leo Fitz
What: Barbara trying to get a drink she probably shouldn't be having.
Where: Starbucks
When: Wednesday afternoon
Warnings: Lowish but will update if this somehow changes.
Status: Closed/Matchup/In Progress

++++ )


[Filtered to friends and family, filtered away from Eve, Quentin and and Adam Vasic]

So Q and I had our date.

And I can't stop smiling.

May. 17th, 2022


UGH. I've got this big ole quadruple scoop ice cream headache except without the ice cream.

So many new memories shoved into the nooks and crannies of my cerebellum. No one said it would hurt this much.

... Now I want ice cream. Dagnabbit.

Also, I look like the guy from Mr. Sunshine.. Not a bad choice, eh Hopkins?

Personally I never pictured you Kor-



I am somehow not surprised in the least that I managed to forget my birthday.

After the first hundred years or so, you kind of just stop paying attention.


WHO: Teruko Okura & OTA.
WHAT: Exploring the town.
WHEN: Tuesday.
WHERE: In town.

* * * * * )


WHO: Noelle Lange & Steve Rogers Nick Gant.
WHAT: Mistaken identity.
WHEN: Tuesday.
WHERE: In town.
WARNINGS: TBD but probably low-ish.
STATUS: Closed.

* * * * * )

May. 16th, 2022


Who: Alec (As Hardison) and Mary
What: Hardison wakes up in a white girl’s bed and she’s not Parker
When: May 12
Where: Alec’s Apartment
Rating: low



In watching and exploring everything the last few days, I do have to say that this is a cute little town but my bar isn't here. What good is a bartender without his bar?


[Filtered from Eve]

If I have to hear this woman call me her daughter one more time I'm going to lose it. Do we know if she's really Eve? Like the Eve like she's saying or is she a nutjob?


Thankfully there was a sale at Target on Hawaiian shirts. Unfortunately now I look like those surfing Santa postcards! I'm sure Bernard would have a field day.


Who: Ciri Witcher!Ciri and OPEN
What: Scouring the neighborhood
Where: Around town
When: Today
Warnings: TBD
Status: Open/incomplete

~*~*~*~*~ )


Who: Liz & Rosa
What: Sisters
When: 5/16
Where: Hinkles
Warning: TBD
Status: Closed/incomplete

I don't care how old you are, I'm still the big sister. )


Who: Colin Ritman Mark and Yelena Belova
What: Mark's probably gonna get punched
When: Backdated to Saturday evening
Where: The White Wyrm
Warnings: Language, Mark and his toxicity
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Geralt and SinterNick
What: Your horse isn't here
When: Backdated a bit to Saturday
Where: The Stables
Warning: TBD
Status: Closed/complete

We have a lot of horses but not yours )


[Everyone but Phil and Rory, sorry Prince Philip and Princess Aurora]

Someone, please tell me they have pictures of Phil. I've managed a few, but a woman has to work and stuff, and I really need more.

May. 15th, 2022


Who: Mitch Morgan Charles Duncan and Open
What: Trying to make sense of things
When: Backdated to Saturday afternoon
Where: Starbucks
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Kol Mikaelson and Kate Danvers
When: Backdated to Kol's arrival
What: Running into one another.
Where: The streets of Madison
Status: Closed; Completed Gdoc
Rating: PG-13ish

Of course she didn't bloody recognize him. )

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