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Mar. 26th, 2023


Who: Alyssa, Damien, Kaz
What: Kaz’s arrival
Where: outside Verdant
When: Kaz’s arrival
Warnings: probably some swearing
Status: g-doc

Giving us the old Kazzle Dazzle )

Mar. 25th, 2023


After some negotiations, I have bought the art store as the previous owner wants to retire.

Not much will change in the meantime. I would also like to congratulate Ace on his promotion to store manager.

[Filtered to family and friends]
My royal advisor Rabid arrived this morning. Please do me a favour and don’t stare. Rabid is very self-conscious of his looks after losing his skin.

Mar. 18th, 2023


Who: Alyssa and Damien
What: on vacation
Where: a club in Paris
When: Sat.night (Mar. 18th)
Theme: Fire Escape Andrew McMahon and the Wilderness
Warnings: Medium - some violence and PG-13 makeout.

But you're my number one/You're the reason I'm still up at dawn/Just to see your face/We'll be going strong, with the vampires, baby )

Mar. 10th, 2023


Alyssa's Art Show
Alyssa's new series, Shattered Glass, will be on display, as well as some mosaics and paintings of those in her life

Sat. Night (Mar. 11) | Black tie | Museum | Join In!

Mar. 8th, 2023


Isn't it funny your opinion on something can change in such a short amount of time?

Mar. 7th, 2023


Who: Damien and Open
What: Having a smoke outside of Verdant
When: Tuesday night
Where: Outside of Verdant
Status: Open; Incomplete

But the night was still young. )


I can't believe that my favorite holiday is right around the corner. In the spirit of the season, Who likes a good prank?

Mar. 6th, 2023


It seems like the network is back and things are normal for Madison Valley again?


I have begun to learn when things grow here and what seasons they are. I am looking forward to getting the ground ready to plant and seeing what I can coax to grow here. I have some seeds from home and am excited at the idea of trying to get those to grow too.

Is there any place that has a more, hmm, I guess the word here would be "rustic", feel to it for a restaurant? We had taverns, but they were not like your bars. I do not like them, they are far too loud and hurt my ears.

Mayhaps I will just cook out here and offer people meals if they so need them?

Mar. 5th, 2023


[Text to Kol]
>>I need you to come over and talk me down from throwing out every piece I've done for the show.

[Text to Damien]
>>I'm not in a good place mentally at the moment.
>>This is a big step for me to admit.

[Separate but identical text to Ned and Peter P]
>>How about I cook dinner for the three of us tomorrow?

[Text to Rebekah]
>>Josh is bringing by extra bourbon.
>>I'm going to need it.

[Text to Scott L]
Lunch this week?

Mar. 2nd, 2023


Seeing as the town doesn't want me to work for the police department, I found employment at Clones Plus. At least that's something...

( Spencer Reid )

Would you like to meet for coffee and talk about the BAU?

Feb. 24th, 2023


[Filtered to friends and family]
My art show is two weeks away.

I'm mildly panicking, but I took a few days off of work.

Consider this my Please come see my art and drink fancy cocktails invitation.

Lunch tomorrow? Sorry, I've been drowning in art.

[Klaus M]
I never thought I'd say this, but I need your opinion.

[Allison H]
I need your talent to make my hair pretty for my art show.

[ooc: if you think you're part of this filter, you probably are.]

Feb. 18th, 2023


I will not be leaving my apartment for the foreseeable future.

This new thing of mine is not something I wish to witness myself doing again.

Fucking jazz hands?? REALLY?


Thankfully, whatever is happening does not seem to have affected me. The same cannot be said of Bran.

So, I have the best video of Bran

[sends a video of Bran exiting Verdant complete with jazz hands saying 'JAZZ HANDS!']

If I die tonight, please know it was worth it.

Feb. 11th, 2023


[Text to Damien]
I wanted to apologize again for my comment.

Also, I'll send you updates about how well Bran's dates go.

[ooc: sent as speed dating begins]

Feb. 9th, 2023


Who: Miriam, Chuuya, and Damien
What: gravity and a vampire
Where: woods
When: Feb. 9th
Warnings: medium - bones breaking and mentions of neck snapping. Also Damien
Status: g-doc

Oh yeah she's way more into it than you are )

Feb. 4th, 2023


[Filtered to family and close friends. Forgets to filter away from Damien]
Jason's back.
It was better when I didn't really remember him.
She missed him a lot

[ooc: if you're unsure you're part of this filter, feel free to ask]

Feb. 1st, 2023


Who: Everyone who wants to watch or join
When: 6pm
Where: Combat Therapy
Notes: There are comment headers please use them.
Warnings: fight night, guys.
notes: Fight Results are here on the Winners Tab

Wednesday Night's All Right for Fighting )

Jan. 31st, 2023


[Text to Bex]
So, it turns out, I did end up getting pinned to the ground by the guy I've been crushing on forever. Not in the fun way, but the wind knocked out of me kind of way...It's possible my bruises now have bruised.

[Phone Call to Damien]
Remember how I've never been late?

I think that streak just ended.

A very solid Matt Murdock just got thrown into me.

[ooc: after Sylvie throws Matt Murdock who lands on Alyssa]

Jan. 27th, 2023


A vacation in Equador? Yes

With Bex? Double yes.

Dying in giggles while we surfed? A+. No notes.

[Phone call to Damien]

[ooc: posted in the evening after she's done laundry, caught up on the network, etc]

Jan. 25th, 2023



So, you surviving without Alyssa?

Jan. 21st, 2023


Who: Johanna Constantine & Damien Duval
What: Drinks on him
When: 7pm sharp after this.
Where: White Wyrm
Warnings: Johanna's mouth at the very least
Status: Closed/incomplete.

As long as you arrive on time... )

Jan. 17th, 2023


[Phone call to Damien]
When Damien answers

I need you to get your damn ass to Verdant.

[ooc: after this]

Jan. 16th, 2023


So when do the demons, the possessed, and the just plain fucked show up? A girl's gotta make a livin.

Jan. 13th, 2023


Who: Miriam, Damien, and Chuuya
What: Miriam introduces Damien and Chuuya
Where: Verdant
When: backdated to Jan. 3rd
Warnings: mentions of violence and smoking
Status: g-doc

I’ll leave a hefty tip, Nick )

Jan. 10th, 2023


Due to the continued power outages, the owner and I have agreed to close the art store until power is restored. My apologies, but we will have to postpone the start of our comic drawing class by one week.

In the meantime, I'm about to discover just how well my art can be done by candlelight. If anyone needs me, I'll be at home. Except for game night tomorrow at the Loft.

Jan. 7th, 2023


There is not enough alcohol to make this new location remotely okay.

I guess I should be grateful for cigarettes and bourbon.


[ ooc: after this]

[Group text to Kol, Bex, and Allison A]
You should be aware. Damien has a brother.

He's now in Madison Valley.

I just ran into him in Target.

[Text to Damien]
I think I'll say home tonight and let you settle your brother.


Who: Bran and Damien (featuring Alyssa)
What: honestly? Damien rescuing Target from Bran
Where: Target
When: Sat. night
Warnings: brief mentions of violence
Status: g-doc

Ironically, he found himself surrounded by carpet cleaner while he contemplated murder )

Dec. 29th, 2022


Museum's New Year's Eve
A winter Wonderland black tie event.

New Year's Eve | Museum | Technically 21+, but definitely over 18. | Join In!

Join the museum and escape into the middle of what feels like a fairy version of Winter. Even the food follows the theme, like powdered sugar doughnuts arranged to look like trees, includng the alcohol served. For this event, Rebekah and Claudia ask for a winter clothing donation from those attending.

There is also a display of Alyssa's art that she donated. All proceeds will go towards youth art programs in the town.

Dec. 26th, 2022


Who: Alyssa, Kol, and Damien
What: Kol tries to compel Damien to forget Alyssa. It goes REAL WELL.
Where: outside
When: Dec. 21st
Warnings: some swearing. Brief mentions of past trauma. violence.
Status: g-doc

Come on. You’re supposed to be making fun of me for the amount of beignets I’m about to consume, darling brother of mine )

Dec. 25th, 2022


What in the Feh Feh Pi Goh has happened to me? Where's my ship?!


[Filtered to Damien]
Are you the one I should thank for the gorgeous flowers and beautiful quote?

I hope it’s you or I find myself confused.

Dec. 24th, 2022


I do not know who this is the work of. Though, I admit it is not the strangest thing to have happened in my life.


I could be at Sept-Tours drinking all of Matthew's wine.

Or in Oxford, working in the lab.

So, I guess I'll settle for okayish wine in the casino lab this Christmas.

[Filtered to blood drinkers]
There appears to be a bit of a shortage on blood, so it looks like we can't choose which blood type we want at the moment.

Dec. 19th, 2022


For anyone that would like a plate or a container of goodies please let me know. I will be doing some holiday baking and would like to spread some of that holiday joy to you all.

Dec. 18th, 2022


First World Problems

Aw, man! The police just came and told me I had to take down my 20 foot snowman that I spent the last two hours building.

Blah blah attractive nuisance blah blah legal liability blah blah

Le sigh

Dec. 15th, 2022


Does it always snow this much here?

Not that the cold effects me, but it's just...annoying. And ruins my clothes.

Dec. 11th, 2022


Out of sheer curiosity, does anyone have an explanation about this place that actually makes any sense?

I feel like the answer is going to be a resounding 'no,' but I figured I would at least ask in the rare chance that someone possibly does.

Dec. 10th, 2022


What the actual shit is this? Some sort of pocket realm? Who'd I piss off this time?


Uh oh, Toto...

I don't think I'm in New York City anymore.

Actually, I know I'm not, though I'm unclear on how exactly I got to Madison Valley, Indiana. The Welcoming Committee was nice, though. The phone, too, since mine apparently doesn't work anymore. And the laptop. And I have a place to sleep, which is nice. Apparently this happens often enough that there's an organized response to people just...appearing out of nowhere.

Should I be concerned?

Anyhow, I'm Hannah.

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