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Jan. 20th, 2023


Who: Allison A and Kayla
What: getting to know each other
Where: Hinkles
When: Sat. afternoon
Warnings: should be low
Status: g-doc

Some days I'm nice, some days I can be a bitch )


[Pack Filter]
Just wanted to check in and see how everyone's doing. I know Peter and I don't live at the main house so I don't get to see you all as often as I'd like. We need to do another big meal soon, not wait until the next holiday.
[Peter, Rusty, Malia]
What do you all think about taking another trip together sometime this year? Any preferences on where or when?


Who: Shosanna Dreyfus and Sam Winchester (and Vivienne)
What: Meeting for lunch to discuss things.
Where: Crescent Moon Bayou.
When: Thursday, January 19, mid-day.
Warnings: Likely low.
Status: Closed.

... )

Jan. 19th, 2023


Quick question.

I got a job at Hinkles and on my break yesterday I went into the bathroom.

And then I was a horse.

...what the fuck, man?


That was...very strange. I heard about the portal and decided I had to try it.

I've never been a pony before. Much less a talking pony. A talking pony that flies, no less. The flying was a lot of fun. Not having hands and being limited in my interactions with the world was less so.

That said, I think once was enough.


Adam and I decided to take our girls over to the pony portal. Being a pony was weird, but it wa so worth it to see them as tiny pony foals. I would have taken pictures, but that was kind of difficult with hooves.


[Filtered to Kol, Bex, and Allison A]

We need a family game night.

By which I mean me. I need a family game night.

I also invited Marcel and Kayla.

...Darling brother, please try to keep antagonizing Marcel to a minimum?


Well I have to say that I never thought I'd be a talking pony, but I don't hate it! I think I'll end up back in that portal again, even if that means having to use the next door washroom at Hinkles for a while.

TARDIS folk, Ten, and Dream
Anyone up for some friendly adventures in Equestria?

Jan. 18th, 2023


Who: Castiel & Dean Winchester
Where: Gifts That Last
When: 1/18/23 - evening
What: Confrontation
Warnings: medium - language

What the fuck? )


Who: Miriam and Shadow
What: a winter picnic.
Where: somewhere outside
When: backdated to Sunday
Warnings: probably low?

Thanks to Constantine, Miriam had food she could actually eat )

Jan. 17th, 2023


WHO: Klaus Mikaelson and Linda Martin
WHAT: A random meeting
WHEN: Lunch time
WHERE: Downtown
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


Who: Everyone
What: My Little Pony Portal
When: Jan 18-22
Where: Hinkles bathroom
Rating: low

Friendship is Magic )


[Phone call to Damien]
When Damien answers

I need you to get your damn ass to Verdant.

[ooc: after this]


Who: Alyssa and Bran
What: getting drinks (narrative)
Where: Verdant
When: Tues. evening
Warnings: forced kissing.
Status: narrative/complete

Oh, alcohol, I still drink to your health )


[Leo Valdez]

We should hang out.


So...winter's kind of grey and crappy here. What can we do to brighten it up?

Jan. 16th, 2023


Who: Frigga & Nora Valkyrie
Where: Madison Valley Coffee and Tea Co.
When: Sunday Morning
What: Shopping for Frigga's Dress
Status: Ongoing & Closed
Warnings: None for Now

A Day with one of her favorite people )


Who: Logan & Laura Kinney
Where: The woods near the edge of town
When: Backdated to Sunday Morning
What: Taking her on his run
Status: Ongoing & Closed
Warnings: None for now

Something he thought that they could enjoy together.... )


So when do the demons, the possessed, and the just plain fucked show up? A girl's gotta make a livin.


Guess I better get on this whole employment problem. Not sure I'm what you'd call hirable, though.


Who: Castiel and Jack Kline
What: A reunion of sorts
When: After Jack arrives (1/14)
Where: Outside of a pizzeria
Status: Closed/ongoing
Warnings: Likely none

It was a lot to take in... )


( Filtered away from any Hobbits or Dwarves )

...there's someone here who looks like Watson but he says he's a Hobbit named Bilbo.

I hate this place.

Jan. 15th, 2023


Who: David Rose and Madison Montgomery.
What: Bonding? David brings home dinner.
Where: Their house they stole from Alex Stern.
When: Sunday, January 15, evening.
Warnings: Likely low.

Tumble out of bed and stumble to the kitchen... )


Phil Coulson, sir.

I have a concern.

Please explain.


WHO: Dream & Diana Prince.
WHAT: A meeting.
WHEN: Beginning of January [backdated].
WHERE: By the river.
STATUS: Closed | Completed gdoc.

* * * * * )


Guess who did not end up getting fired as a result of what they did at work during the power outage? Yep, this guy.

Guess who gets weekly call audits of every call he takes and whose head will be on the chopping block if anything's even remotely wrong with one? Yep, also this guy.

Still worth it.


Did we ever figure out what caused the power outage last week? It would be nice if we could avoid that sort of thing happening again.


I'm sad to report that Ronon Dex is no longer in Madison Valley.


This isn't Erebor and it doesn't look like there's war going on either.....


Who: Lucky Prescott & Laura Kinney
Where: The Stables
When: Saturday Evening
What: Time with friends
Status: Ongoing & Closed
Warnings: None for Now

A Day out )


Who: Nathan Ford & Shosanna Dreyfus
Where: Jendry's Pizzeria
When: Saturday Evening
What: Dinner with a friend
Status: Ongoing & Closed
Warnings: None for Now

Nice night out... )


Who: Jaune Arc & Nora Valkyrie
Where: Empress of China
When: Saturday at Lunchtime
What: Hanging out with his 'sister'
Status: Ongoing & Closed
Warnings: None for Now

Nice lunch with friends )


This is definitely not the Shire.

Jan. 14th, 2023


Hello again, Land of Madison. I have a feeling it's been a while since I was here last.


Woah, so this place is like a whole nother world? That's crazy! Who decides who gets sent here? It's pretty wild that I was picked. I'm nobody. There are a ton of cooler kids back at Nevermore.

Anyway, is there a Dyson here? I guess he's my guardian.


This wasn't supposed to happen. I am not going to panic

This isn't the first time I've closed my eyes in one place and opened them up to another. But it is the first time that I ended up in the middle of the street with a big truck heading straight at me.

Are things always this exciting here?


Who: Juliet & Josh Russo
What: Dealing with someone trying to loot during the power outage.
Where:Random street
When: During the power outage. [Backdated!]
Warnings: TBD but most likely lowish with maybe a little violence.
Status: In progress/Matchup

++++ )


This is a most unfortunate situation.

I should be at Nevermore. My family will not take kindly to this abduction.

Who are Shawn Spencer and Juliet O'Hara and why are they my 'guardians'?


Who: Karl and Jack
What: matchup
Where: the park
When: Sun. morning
Warnings: should be low

Karl didn't hate the world quite so much )


Who: Lisa and Open
What: Going shopping and enjoying the electricity being back on.
When: Saturday morning
Where: Walmart
Status: Open; Incomplete

Getting a little fresh air. )


Who: Ace and Neapolitan (Match Up)
What: A run in at Target
When: Saturday Afternoon
Where: Target
Rating: low

You dropped something )


Who: Madison and Yelena (Match Up)
What: Meeting at the Casino
When: Saturday Night
Where: Casino
Rating: low

Casino Time )


Who: Ren and Suzume (Match Up)
What: Ren helps out Zu who is in 'trouble'
When: Saturday
Where: Mall Food Court
Rating: low

In need of rescue )


Who: Liam and Raelle (Match Up)
What: Fixing an injury, Liam oversees
When: Saturday
Where: Streets
Rating: low

The Fixer )


It would seem that the power has returned. Hopefully those who who do not do well with cold are able to get warm again.

Jan. 13th, 2023


It's official I'm going to go crazy if we don't get power back soon.



Who: Miriam, Damien, and Chuuya
What: Miriam introduces Damien and Chuuya
Where: Verdant
When: backdated to Jan. 3rd
Warnings: mentions of violence and smoking
Status: g-doc

I’ll leave a hefty tip, Nick )


Who: Nick and Paige
What: catching up over lunch
Where: Red Pepper
When: foredated to Sunday
Warnings: should be low

Thank God for damn power again )


Who: Rory and Raelle
What: hanging out
Where: Raelle's
When: backdated to Thursday night
Warnings: TBD

Thank fuck for hats, mitts, and scarves too )

Jan. 12th, 2023


Who: Everyone
What: The Loft Game Night
When: Wednesday 10am-midnight [Backdated - sorry I was unwell!]
Where: Roger's Loft
Rating: low

Fun Times Without Light! )


[Chris Argent]
Dinner tonight, just you and me? There's something important I need to talk to you about.

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