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Jan. 23rd, 2022


I love my daughters, this goes without saying, but they are both going through an "I don't wanna go to bed ever" stage.

This is exhausting.



So did you talk to Leo, too?



Hey, oh favorite Barton of mine, got a proposition for you.

... no, not that kind of proposition. This time.


Anyone feel up to some sparring? I might finally be feeling a little stir crazy.



Hey you.

How are you?


Today is one of those days where there is not enough caffeine in the world to properly deal with some of my customers.

People get touchy about their technology and it's kind of frightening.


Who: Kitty Norville + Darcy Lewis
What: Two brides run into each other while at the stationery store
When: Sunday Jan 23
Warnings: Likely none, but tbd
Status: Closed | In-Progress

~*~*~*~ )


Who: Number Five and Tandy Bowen
What: Random meeting
Where: Gifts That Last
When: Sunday afternoon
Warnings: they both have mouths on them
Status: closed/in progress

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Sean Nast and Open
What: Running errands
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Walmart
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Ladies that know Pepper*

Who can watch Morgan for an evening sometime next week? Bruce will pay.

[*if you think you do then you do]

Jan. 22nd, 2022


WHO: Stiles Stilinski and OPEN
WHAT: Going for a walk
WHEN: Saturday night
WHERE: Downtown, ending at Hinkles
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )




I know I didn't drink that much....and even if I did, I can't get drunk.


I'm in this Into the Woods thing tomorrow. You can come if you want.


Who: Lydia and Liam
What: Lydia needs Liam’s help
When: Jan 16
Where: Theo’s house
Rating: low

I’ll try not to have you rescue me again with so little clothes on. )


Who: Open to Everyone
What: Madison puts on Into the Woods
When: Sunday Jan 23
Where: Madison Theatre
Rating: low

Into The Woods )


Who: Isobel and Michael
When: During the "no caffeine" situation
Where: Michael's place
What: Chatting and drinking
Rating: PG-13
Status: Closed; Completed Gdoc

Brother-Sister Chat )


Rackham Sailing Company (Party post on a pirate ship!) OTE

Yarr... but now with added fairy lights! )

Jan. 21st, 2022


When I bought the fire extinguisher for the kitchen, I figured I'd have to use it when Liam was cooking, not Lydia.

On the plus side, Musain will do a rush dinner order when you tell them that your girlfriend just set fire to the anniversary dinner.


Who: Johanna Mason and Open
What: Relaxing after work
When: Friday evening
Where: The Den
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


( Dick Grayson )


I'm fine but...



( Jessica Jones )

Chinese or pizza?

Or Thai?

( Chekov )

I met a woman. Her name is Rey and she's a space traveler like you. She is just from a different world.

I thought you might like to meet her, in case you missed space travel.

She has a droid called BB-8.


( Insect House )

I asked Sharon to move in.

Is that okay with everyone?

Jan. 20th, 2022


I got cast as Jack in Into the Woods.

I have no idea what I'm doing.

Hopefully I don't make a fool of myself.


( Rebekah Mikaelson )

Hello, beautiful.

Are you busy tonight?

( Pietro Maximoff )

Want to run?


[All Werewolves and Packmates]

I was thinking it might be good if we all got together once a month or so to talk about important werewolf stuff. A lot of us don't know each other, and if something goes wrong, it would be good to know who's on who's side.

Scott has a freaking enormous house so we could have a barbecue or something.

Who's in?


Attention, residents of this shitty little town.

In case you missed it, this is not what I look like.

I rather like her songs, though.

Jan. 19th, 2022


Who: Sharon Carter and Scott Lang
What: Sharon burns the Christmas Cookies, so Scott makes fun. Then they watch Christmas Movies and flirt
When: Mid-December
Where: Sharon’s place
Warning: Low/None (Flirtations, kissing)
Status: Completed via Gdoc

I’ll give it to you. Will ferrell in an Elf costume is a sexy beast. )


Who: Anakin Skywalker and Loki Laufeyson.
What: A random meeting.
Where: Lou's.
When: Wednesday, January 19, evening.
Warnings: I want you to look at the WHO in this log and tell me.
Status: Closed.

I like that you're broken, broken like me. )


I went shopping today and I must say I don't understand Midgard fashion.


Who: Fernando Morales and Open
What: Just browsing
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: That Book Place
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Tess Doerner and Open
What: Getting lunch
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: Roger's Corner
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


I've been cast as Cinderella in Into the Woods.

It's my first time acting. Hopefully I do okay.


Who: Dan, Elena, Chloe
What: Introducing Chloe to Elena and vice versa
Where: Starbucks for neutral ground
When: Sat.
Warnings: should be low
Status: closed/completed g-doc

At least I know you won’t be rude to Elena )

Jan. 18th, 2022


I know some of you have met other-mes, either here in Madison or back home. I know it might be a little weird, but would anyone mind telling me what they were like and what you knew about them? If you can make your reply private if you think there's anything I might not want people knowing, I'd really appreciate it.

Also for any of you who went back home and came back - did you remember anything about Madison when you were home? Or was it like a dream you didn't remember?

[Private to Bruce Banner]
Do you have access to a mass spectrometer?


Shameless plug that Into The Woods performing on January 23 is going to be AWESOME.

Our witch's vision is on point, as the kids say
The baker's wife's got good aim for success
Cinderella's prince is no snake and Rapunzel just can't let it go!

For those of you interested in more behind the scenes, there will be a virtual tour of the set tomorrow!

Also Burton Samuel LJ Guster is willing and ready to sign autographs
and Director Espinosa will be doing an AMA later today so feel free to ask him anything

(ooc: I am so sorry for Shawn XD )


Who: Rusty Beck and Klaus Hargreeves
What: A random encounter
When: Tuesday afternoon
Where: Hinkle's
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/Match-up/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


I'm not going to waste my time introducing myself and pretending I like it here.

I don't. Could she have put me in a more landlocked nightmare of a place than Indiana? And not even my magic can get me out of here.

Damn it all.


It's amazing how much better students do on their exams when they actually do the homework.

They seem so surprised about it. Like it's some type of crazy magic.


Who: Scott and Antonio
What: Scott runs into Antonio after some unfortunate events.
When: Jan 17
Where: Streets (outside of the magic shop)
Rating: Medium (Brief mention of animal abuse)

Alpha Anger )


Who: Jeffrey Spender and Juliet O'Hara
What: Just grabbing coffee before work
When: Tuesday morning
Where: Starbucks
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/Match-up/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


[Michael Guerin]

Hey. Do you have a minute?

Jan. 17th, 2022


Who: Madison and Open
What: Smoking
Where: Standing outside the apartment building.
When: Monday night
Rating: TBD
Status: Open; Incomplete

It was probably still more exciting than math. )


I am completely and utterly bored.

( Eliot Waugh )

Drinks? ...more?


Who: Gally and Open
What: Being an adult
When: Monday afternoon
Where: Walmart
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~ )


Dr. Leo Geek

Hey doc. My sister gave me a great idea. Want to go through a portal on St. Patrick's Day? Take the girls to a beach or something.

Jan. 16th, 2022


So, super important question here.

Am I hot?

Or is the fact that I'm human and have no particular abilities and live mainly on sarcasm less hot that being a ripped werewolf?

Just curious.


With Dean's permission of course.

I am excited and happy to say that Dean and I are engaged. He purposed while we were on vacation in Maldives. It was perfect.


Who: Sara Lance and Brooke Maddox
What: Gals being pals (for real)
Where: Verdant
When: Sunday afternoon (before opening)
Warnings: probably some flirting and whatnot
Status: closed/in progress

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Samantha Carter and Six
What: Shopping for clothes
Where: WalMart
When: Sunday afternoon
Warnings: tbd
Status: closed/complete

~+~+~+~+~ )

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