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Jun. 9th, 2021


Well, I made it to round two. That was definitely a step above last month. I did end up with minor injuries, but it was worth it.


Who: Melinda and Castiel
When: Wednesday afternoon
What: Random encounter/Match-Up
Where: Cocoa Safari Chocolates
Status/Rating: Ongoing..Match-Up/PG-13ish
Warnings: None

Everybody loves chocolate! )


It's with great excitement and a whole lot of anxiety that I can announce that the Crescent Moon Bayou restaurant will be opening two weeks from tomorrow! June 24! It's at 318 Mulberry St. right down the block from The Electric Lady.

Hours of operation will be 5pm – 4am Wednesday – Saturday so you can stop in after the clubs and bars close. We will not be serving alcohol, nor will any be allowed on the premises. Seating will be inside, and in the alley to the side of the building, weather permitting.

Here is our menu. There will be weekly specials as well.

If you need work, we could always use some extra hands. Hit me up and I'll schedule an interview.

Hope to see all y'all there!


Who: Logan and Alex
What: meeting/matchup
Where: Fight Night
When: Wednesday evening
Warnings: should be low
Status: closed/in progress/matchup

~+~+~+~ )


Nick and Teyla

Who: Nick and Teyla
What: matchup
Where: Fight Night
When: Wednesday evening
Warnings: should be low
Status: closed/in progress/matchup

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Everyone who wants to watch or join
When: 6pm
Where: Combat Therapy
Notes: There are comment headers please use them.
Warnings: fight night, guys.
notes: Fight Results are here on the Winners Tab


Jun. 8th, 2021


The cheer team will be hosting a few different tumbling classes this summer, if anyone is interested in signing up!

There will be beginner/moderate/advanced for ages up to 19.


Who: Leo Fitz and Zari Tarazi
What: Just a random run-in
When: Tuesday evening
Where: That Book Place
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/Match-up/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Colin Ritman and Open
What: Working on... something or other
When: Tuesday evening
Where: Starbucks
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

I think reality's broken )


I have the night off and I'm bored as hell. Who wants to cause some trouble?


Who: Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones.
Where: The Maldives.
When: June 8.
What: Eloping!
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed.

You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream. )


I'm looking forward to Fight Club tomorrow.

This has been a wonderful monthly activity to have in town.


Dear Gus,

You can't argue that Shatner is the better Kirk if you think The New Generation is the better TV show. How can you hate Chris Pine so much?

I have the honor to be your obedient servant
S dot Spencer


Help me out Jules. Shatner or Pine?

Jun. 7th, 2021


Who: Noxeema Jackson and Spike.
What: Match-up.
When: Monday evening.
Where: Den of Dionysus
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed | Matchup

If I was you, I'd wanna be me too. )


Who: Clint Barton and Lisa Braeden
What: Parenting woes and commiserating
When: Monday afternoon
Where: Kroger Grocery
Warnings: Small child doing as small child does
Status: Closed/Ongoing/Matchup

Do what now? )


Who: Daniel Jackson & Mad Sweeney
What: Meeting at the library
When: Monday afternoon
Where: The Library
Warnings: Low
Status: Closed/Ongoing/Matchup

Books. Lots of books. )


Who: Lydia and Theo
What: Having a talk about home
When: Monday night
Where: Theo's house
Rating: Probably Low

We need to talk, but not 'the talk'. )


Who: Jaq & Qrow
What: A run in at the park.
Where: Park
When: Late Monday morning.
Warnings: Probably none, but will update if this changes.
Status: Closed/Match Up/In progress.

Read more... )

Jun. 6th, 2021



This is a bit of a strange question, but do you think you could [...] help me find a modern dress?


[Nick Sorrentino]

So, this circus thing. As long as turns out not to be some torture device thing, did you want to go?


( Hayley Marshall )

Happy birthday, beautiful.

I have something for you.


Who: Anna and Theo Crain
What: Random meeting
Where: Heimr Àrnadalr
When: Monday (forward dated)
Warning: Probably low
Status: Closed/Match-up/Ongoing

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Gally and Open
What: Enjoying the fact that he graduated
When: Sunday afternoon
Where: Hinkle's
Warnings: TBA
Status: Open/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Happy Pride Month everyone! Let the celebration begin with different movies that will be running all month long in the theater. There will be one movie per day for the entire month.

Also, on June 19 which is a Saturday I will be having a Pride Movie Festival. All day full of fun and LGBTQ movies in the park. Awesome decorations and you can come and show your Pride at the movies. So come out and have some fun that day.


So I have been seeing things a lot but I do not understand. What is this thing called Pride? I have never heard of it before.


Who: Leo D'Amato & Veronica Mars
What: Leo wants to show off his new interior decorating skills
When: Today
Where: Their house
Warnings: TBD but V's mouth for sure
Status: Close/incomplete

Don't feng my shui, Veronica. )


[Filtered to Thresh]

Hey dude. I wanted to check in and see how you're doing and settling into this place.


Who: Shuri and Darcy
What: wine and discussing disaster bisexuals
Where: Shuri's and Nat's place
When: backdated to Sat. night
Warnings: should be low, but will update as necessary

Wine is bottled poetry )


Hermione and Penny

Who: Hermione and Penny
What: matchup
Where: the park
When: Sunday afternoon
Warnings: should be low
Status: closed/in progress/matchup

We are crayons and lunchboxes and swinging so high our sneakers punch holes in the clouds )

Jun. 5th, 2021


I think I might actually be more excited about my friend's wedding than she is, and that's saying something.

What? Her wedding dress is gorgeous and I'm proud of it!


Who: Hayley Marshal-Kenner & OPEN (multiples welcome...start a thread, do your own thing, idec)
What: Celebrating Hayley turning 30
When: Saturday Night
where: Verdant
Warnings: Who knows but will update if necessary
Status: Open and stuff

Go Hayley! It's your birthday!...tomorrow )


Who: Isobel and Max
What: Running into each other at the bookstore
When: Sunday afternoon (foredated)
Where: The bookstore
Rating: TBD, but probably not high
Status: Closed; Incomplete

*** )


Who: Hope Mikaelson and Open
When: Dusk
Where: The park
What: Sitting on a swing and thinking too much.
Rating: TBD.
Status: Closed; Incomplete.

When you were a Mikaelson, you had to be adaptable. )


Who: Sam Winchester and Shosanna Dreyfus
What: Being adorable.
When: Saturday, June 5. Evening.
Where: Their place.
Warnings: TBD. A bit of talk of being too fat while pregnant.
Status: Closed.

So I cry sometimes when I'm lying in my bed just to get it all out what's in my head. )


Text to Kyle

>> So, exactly what did you say to Rosa about us being engaged?


Who: Linda Martin and Luke Crain
What: Random Encounter
Where: park
When: Weekend
Warnings: Not likely
Status: Closed, Match Up

Read more... )


Looks like the liquors back so I'll be working tonight.

Jun. 4th, 2021


I can't drink on a Friday night, I hate this.

And, in the spirit of this Pride month...

I'm a gay man who likes wearing dresses.

Please still refer to me as she/her unless otherwise notified.


No alcohol? Doesn't bother me. I'm used to this.


Well, clearly someone has met my wife...

cut for image )


I know this may come as a surprise to a lot of people, but...

Time isn't straight, and neither am I.

( Martha Jones )

Want to be my best... woman?


First my wine got switched with vinegar, now it’s turned into water. I really hate this place.


It feels great to be done with high school. Feels weird saying that since I'm 16 again. Just glad being sent home and brought back didn't result in me missing out on graduation.


My advice to anyone who might consider seeking me out: don't. Unless you find a trace of actual alcohol in this town. Then you are more than welcome.


I think Jacob may have gotten sent home.

My texts haven't been going through.


[Filtered to Irina]

Would you like to go for a drink this weekend?


I don't want to talk about it.

[(John) Murphy]
Bellamy's gone. Been gone for days. All his stuff too. He's not coming back.



Quick question...

What the fuck?

How'd I even get here?

Jun. 3rd, 2021


[June 4 - 1am 'last call']


I’m talking no more brewskis, no more mommy juice, no more Russian bottled water.



Who: Bobby Finstock and OPEN
What: Having a good day
When: June 4 (no alcohol day)
Where: Streets
Rating: low

Water, Water, Everywhere )

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