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Sep. 20th, 2017


Back home in Skyrim, I'm the Harbinger of a group called the "Companions". We are a group of trained warriors that dedicate our lives to helping the people of Skyrim in times of need. We train with each other, and then when assistance is needed, one of us ventures out to take care of the requested contract.

I'm under the impression I'm going to be stuck here for a while, so I'd like to have something similar here. I like the kinship of it, probably even moreso than the money-making or the training. Anybody that's a fighter here could offer training to those that would like self-defense knowledge, as well as offer lessons to those within our group. There would be some rules, of course, but I think we could make this work.

I don't care if you're human, if you have special abilities, or how experienced you are. What matters to me, and the Companions, is your mettle, the desire to learn, and what's in your heart. We're good, honorable people. We want to keep it that way.

Would anyone be interested in this?
If you want to be a part of... well... this "branch" of the Companions, please feel free to come by my apartment (address).
I will want to have a few words with you, and to get to know you.
This is a custom with us, and a formality.

Sep. 18th, 2017


Who: Katniss & Thalia
What: New house visits
Where: Katniss, Prim, and Mitsuko's town house
When: Monday
Warnings: Nope
Status: complete gdoc

~+~+~+~ )

Sep. 15th, 2017


Islamic New Year is a week away, and I've been putting a little bit of thought into this.

I've managed to commandeer some space at the community centre and will be hosting a dinner to celebrate next Friday evening. Everyone's welcome to come by.

I promise no one's going to force any religion down your throat, but I'll be there as an Imam if you have any questions about the faith. Mostly it's just an opportunity to get together with other people in our community and enjoy some food.

Someone else will be catering so no one has to suffer my skills.

Sep. 14th, 2017


WHO: Luke Castellan and Thalia Grace
WHAT: After his first counselling session
WHEN: Backdated to the beginning of the month
WHERE: Their house
WARNINGS: Talk of mental illness, PTSD, death, guilt
STATUS: Closed/Completed Gdoc

”~+~+~+~+~+~” )


WHO: Jason Grace and Thalia Grace
WHAT: Training
WHEN: Thursday afternoon
WHERE: The Park
STATUS: Closed/Completed Gdoc

”~+~+~+~+~+~” )

Sep. 12th, 2017


Do we have any male strippers around? I miss stripper Luke.

[Filtered to Females 18+]
Ladies - this Thursday night at Verdant you are all invited to Natasha Romanoff's bachelorette party.

Thanks Sara for agreeing to let me take over your club for a night.


I'm bored and I can't get a regular job until I've been here for a while, so I've got a proposal for all of you.

If you want to learn how to cook, for whatever reason, I can help you.
I like cooking and a lot of people like what I make probably a little too much.
I'm going to offer free lessons to anyone who wants them.
The lessons will have to take place in the late afternoon/early evening, but I can help you become better.

Sep. 11th, 2017


Just out of curiosity...

How many people here have died temporarily. I don't mean you were dying when you ended up here, I mean you legitimately died and somehow came back.

Sep. 8th, 2017


Who: Dagny and Thalia
What: Match up
Where: Hickles
When: Brunch time
Warning: Shouldn't be any
Read more... )

Sep. 6th, 2017


This morning I had to turn on the lights while I got ready for work. Summer where have you goooooone

Sep. 3rd, 2017


I would just like to publicly thank everyone who bought and then returned the weapons my money hungry five year old self sold. Madison Valley may be a collection of people from different time and different places, but we truly do pull together when it counts, and that deserves some recognition.

Aug. 29th, 2017


WHO: Thalia Castellan and Alex Udinov
WHERE: At the training centre
WHEN: Sometime before ageplot
WHAT: Being a strong woman is more than just fighting
STATUS: Closed/Matchup/Completed Gdoc

... )

Aug. 19th, 2017


[Justice League People]

So are we going to get together or not

Be patient Barry

Sooooo have we come to a decision about what we're doing?


Did you talk to the people at the clinic?

We should grab dinner tonight, catch up.


You okay? I mean, I know AU world was kind of weird, but you're still one of my best friends. And I'm worried about you.


The bakery has these new donuts. Holy wow.

They're caramel cinnamon, and I think they're a new type of narcotic. I'm honestly not sure if they should be legal. I ate a whole dozen already this morning, and I think I need to go get more.

Aug. 13th, 2017


WHO: Elizabeth Bennet and you (Multiples welcomed)
WHAT: arrival
WHEN: Sunday
WHERE: The park
STATUS: in progress, closed

Read more... )

Aug. 4th, 2017


So this is my senior year. Which is...a little weird since I never went to high school before arriving here.

Guess I don't have to worry about all the college stuff though, right?



I'm going to find a counselor. I am. For real.


Am I the only one around here who's ready for things to get back to normal? Well, Madison Valley normal, anyway.

Jul. 24th, 2017


Being one of the few who was actually here when Angel went bad, I think one of the worst parts of this whole thing was seeing how it really could have come true.

We were close to it becoming true.


There is not enough mouthwash in the world

Jul. 7th, 2017


Summer's fun. The winds are much more volatile than they are in the summer, which leads to a much more exciting time flying.

Thalia, you should come with me next time.

Jul. 3rd, 2017


WHO: Luke and Thalia Castellan
WHERE: Their townhouse
WHEN: Jul 1
WHAT: Discussion of uncomfortable things leads to a possible breakthrough
STATUS: log; completed

... )

Jun. 27th, 2017


We haven't played any fun network games in a while.

Who's up for a round of shag, marry, cliff?

If you haven't played before, you tag in with your name and then other people can reply and give you a list of 3 people. You have to decide which of the three you would shag, which you would marry, and which you would push off a cliff.

Jun. 26th, 2017


WHO: Will Herondale and OPEN
WHERE: Training Terrain
WHEN: Monday afternoon
WHAT: Will's running the course
STATUS: log; OPEN, On-going

... )

Jun. 20th, 2017


Whoa. I feel like we've been transported to Skull Island or something. When's King Kong going to show up?

Jun. 19th, 2017


I think father's day - or mother's day - is kind of weird for demigods.

I mean, my father is Jupiter. I've never actually met him. Sure, sometimes he answers my prayers if I pray hard enough and it's in his best interest, but it's not like he's had a big place in my life. But at the same time, he's had a huge part in it. I mean, everything I am is because of him.

So...yeah. I guess...I don't hate him like some do, but he's hardly father of the year, either.

Jun. 18th, 2017


Who: Buffy & Thalia
Where: Gelato and then the river
When: Friday
What: Reuniting and building a friendship
Rating: Lowish
Status: Closed; Incomplete

Bonding time )


It feels weird here without Reyna. It always feels weird when she's not around.

I guess that's what happens when you grow up with someone. They become so much a part of your life that part of you goes missing when they're gone.

Jun. 16th, 2017


Haven't been to one in a bit, but I kind of miss L.A. beaches around this time.

Jun. 12th, 2017


So, I start my job at the Casino tomorrow night. It'll be nice to be doing something useful again.

Who else works there?

Jun. 9th, 2017



Um...have I told you about my awesome and heroic injury?

Jun. 7th, 2017


You know what would be fun since we have so many superpowered types and creative types? If we played "the floor is lava".

No flying or damage to property allowed, but everything else is. Pull it on a refugee and take video and post it up. We can vote for best escape.

Anyone wanna pull it on me? Come at me bro.

Jun. 3rd, 2017


Uhhhhhhh. This is not where I was a few minutes ago. Um, help? Someone? I won't bite, unless provoked, then I don't know, maybe.

Jun. 2nd, 2017


WHO: Thor and Thalia
WHAT: Random encounter
WHEN: Recently
WHERE: at a store
STATUS: Closed and Complete
Read more... )

May. 26th, 2017



Prom or anti-prom? I'm good with either.


I found the perfect dress for Thalia.

May. 21st, 2017


Filtered to Luke

Don't worry, babe. Sirius Black might be back and looking for a good time, but you're still my first pick for prom. Wanna go be chaperones and eat all the food?

May. 9th, 2017


[Steve Rogers & Veronica]

I don't think we've been formally introduced, but please know that if either of you need someone to keep an eye on Molly for a bit, I've got your back.


Thanks for your help looking for the missing folks. I owe you like ten cheeseburgers.

Didn't help that it reminded me way too much of the first time I met you guys.

I really hate people sometimes.

[Katniss & Thalia]

Archer times?

May. 7th, 2017


Who: Thalia Grace & Dawn Summers
What: Re-acquainting
Where: Hinkles
When: Morning
Warnings: not really
Status: complete gdoc

~+~+~+~ )



Guess what! I asked her out and she said yes!!


So I met this awesome girl a few months ago and now we're officially going out and I'm going to take her on a date.

I'm not good with dates. What should I definitely do? What should I definitely not do?

Apr. 20th, 2017


You know, I really thought the random kidnappings would end after the Hellmouth went boom. Of course, this is the first time that I've been given a phone that is like a tiny computer. Willow would love this thing.

Will - are you out there? Can you see this? I'm not really sure what's happening, but I trust that you, Buffy, and Xander will figure out how to get me back.

Apr. 18th, 2017


WHO: Luke Castellan and Thalia Grace
WHAT: Baby talk. Well, they're not baby-talking, they're talking about babies.
WHEN: Today
WHERE: Their house
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~ )

Apr. 10th, 2017


WHO: Thalia Grace and Dorothy Gale
WHEN: Afternoon
WHAT: Random Encounter
STATUS: Closed, Complete

... )

Apr. 7th, 2017


WHO: Jason Grace and Thalia Grace
WHAT: Siblings
WHEN: Saturday morning
WHERE: Horst's Little Bakery Haus
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Apr. 6th, 2017


Those were some thunderstorms last night, huh?

Thunderstorms still freak the shit out of me. Growing up in Connecticut we didn't have these big midwestern death storm things...that and I'm sure that Zeus is still trying to hunt me down and kill me for corrupting his daughter. Love you too, gramps.

Apr. 5th, 2017


Okay trainers - you're on!

Here's the list:
Will (blades - knives and swords)
Thalia (multiple weapons)
Kili (archery and swords)
Maria (hand to hand - administrative)
Tauriel (archery and hand to hand)
Chris (knives and hand to hand and how to train)

Contact me to schedule a time this week to come by and test the system.

Zee - you'll be needed obviously.

Look - Jem and Maria! I didn't lose the list!

Apr. 4th, 2017


Haymitch, Steph, and I are moving this weekend! Who wants to help us out?

Steve, Bucky, and Thor, you're already on the list.

Apr. 2nd, 2017


Well, what do you know? Blow up one small town and land in another.


Mar. 27th, 2017


It's Time

Calling all people interested in being a Trainer at Training Terrain!

Zee and I have reached a point where we are looking for testers at Training Terrain! We need people who would like to come in and see what we are about, but who are also willing to offer classes for people to sign up for. I know so many of you volunteered and I had a partial list and it's scattered itself again (Don't even start Jem).

So instead, I'll just edit the list here. Comment and I will add your name and skill below and then we will schedule a time to have you come in and test the Course Version 1.

Trainers and skill area to train in:

Will (blades - knives and swords)
Thalia (multiple weapons)
Kili (archery and swords)
Maria (hand to hand - administrative)
Tauriel (archery and hand to hand)
Chris (knives and hand to hand and how to train)

Mar. 20th, 2017



Have you seen our lease this month? Rent went up $100. Bastards.


Because my landlord is a dick, I'm now going to be offering fencing lessons for $25 an hour. I'm good, so if you want to learn how to fence, just let me know.

Mar. 14th, 2017


Hey Jason, do you think if we grew up together I'd resort to posting stuff like this?

Mar. 10th, 2017


[Thalia, Reyna, Percy, Jason, Nico, Magnus]

So...what do you guys think of hanging out?


Is this a horrible idea?

Mar. 7th, 2017


Since so many of us in town claim to have talent with a bow and arrow, what say you to a competition?

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