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Sep. 23rd, 2013


I've never put much faith in the bloody gatzi, but I can't imagine anything else that could have brought me to such a strange, forsaken place.

Although nobody here could possibly understand how much it amuses me to ask this, where the hell am I?

EDIT: And although I know this is a strange and foreign place, I would appreciate if proper protocol were maintained.

Sep. 22nd, 2013


voice to text transcription

I've not been in the market for a wife, I can't be so shackled, but this one's gone a long way toward it. I haven't a clue what the purpose is of half these items are or why I need them.

I get the hint when you give a man soap he's not seen in a season, and perhaps a hair brush but the rest of it I can't imagine serves a purpose. My teeth don't have fur.

Sep. 20th, 2013


Doctor injured in disturbance at hospital
September 20th, 2013
Sarah Cordain

MADISON - Police were called to King's Daughters Hospital early yesterday evening after reports that a visitor attempting to leave the premises with a patient in serious condition had responded violently to a doctor's attempt at intervention. Dr Charles Arroway, injured in the attack, was struck in the arm by a metal ball fired from a projectile weapon.

Dr Arroway did not wish to comment when contacted about the matter. A nurse at the hospital, Lyndsey Harris, said that the event was "shocking," and "inexplicable," and that the patient, who has been named as 'Valen,' one of the Madison Valley refugees, was "in no condition to leave the hospital." Valen's attending physician stated that he suffered no ill-effects from the impromptu excursion and has since resumed treatment.

A 15-year-old boy who cannot be named for legal reasons was arrested following the incident. Madison citizen Janine Irving, who was at the hospital at the time of the disturbance, said that the boy was "clearly very agitated," and that he was "fighting [the law enforcement officials] and trying to run." Dr Charles Arroway has declined to press charges against him, and the 15-year-old has since been released from police custody.


WHO: Justine and Molly Carpenter
WHEN: Thursday afternoon
WHERE: The coffee shop
WHAT: Just talking over coffee
STATUS: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Sep. 18th, 2013


[Filtered to Justine]

Hey, I haven't said hi to you yet.

Want to go get a drink or coffee or something?

Sep. 17th, 2013


Citizens and refugees,

I know that he is but newly arrived, but for those of you who know Valen, I took him to the hospital today. He seemed very ill, and he has been admitted and put under heavy sedation.

I hope that you will put him in your prayers during this time of great hardship for him, made even harder in that he is in a strange place with no family to care for him.

Sep. 16th, 2013


WHO: Fela and OPEN!
WHAT: Going to the tavern to get a drink...not quite what she expects
WHEN: Monday night
WHERE: The Electric Lady
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~ )

Sep. 11th, 2013


Who: Thomas & Justine
What: Talking about issues
Where: Thomas' apartment
When: Now
Warnings | Status: TBD | in progress

Read more... )

Sep. 8th, 2013


I've found a time and place for the general orientations for new arrivals. We'll be holding classes twice a week at [address]. Tuesdays and Thursdays, for an hour and a half - 6 to 7:30pm, unless it becomes apparent we need more time for sessions.

The first session will absolutely cover street crossing, ATM machines and the bank for new arrivals, or anyone who still isn't sure how debit/credit cards work. We'll also talk about money and denominations we use in the States. Also, if there's any other issues anyone's having please tell me here.

The subsequent sessions will cover technology like basic computer functions and phones. And then if anyone really wants to learn how to drive, driving. There's also going to be cultural awareness of the 21st century.

We'll repeat as necessary with new arrivals, if anyone wants to volunteer their time.

Okay, the really important part for this to be effective; most of you already figured this stuff out for yourselves and that's good, but please keep an eye out for new arrivals. The city has a tendency to give us our things, the keys and then sets us loose to find our way. We all experienced it. If you notice anyone having difficulty at navigating the streets, looks generally confused, or is entirely out of place help them. That way we don't have more people attacking cars with swords or spears.

Thank you.


Men attack car with swords
September 9, 2013
Julia McGee

MADISON - Officers responded to a report Saturday that two men were standing in the road when they launched themselves at a car near Lanier Drive, the Madison Police Department said.

Adam Shelley, the driver of the vehicle, said he was driving northwest on Lanier Drive when the men appeared with drawn swords and attacked the car. The attack caused minor damage to the windshield and fender.

"I thought the circus was in town, or they were doing some sort of theatrical rendition of a troupe," said Shelley. "They were dressed in period clothing and shouting. I didn't know what to do."

When officers arrived to the scene the perpetrators had escaped. One man is described as a white male, standing around 6-feet-8-inches with long black hair and grey eyes. The other is also described as a white male, standing around 7-feet-10-inches with red hair and grey eyes. According to officials, the men are armed and dangerous. Anyone with information is urged to contact the Madison Valley Police Department.

Sep. 7th, 2013


Filtered to Justine

Guess what?

Sep. 5th, 2013


Filtered from the Council

So, guys, as Justine stated yesterday, we're going to be holding some...classes, I suppose, on sexuality in the 21st century. Regular stuff about sex: how to protect yourself from diseases, how to prevent pregnancy, how to please your partners. This is going to be a really open sort of thing, and you can ask any sort of questions you like. Trust me, you can't embarrass me with questions about sex.

So, obviously, I'll be leading the men's group, and Justine will be with the women.

If you have any questions that you don't feel comfortable asking, feel free to filter them to me here.

[Filtered to Justine]

I got tested. Results in a few days. I also had to, uh, convince them that my blood was supposed to look like that.

Sep. 4th, 2013



There is something curious about appearing where you had not planned, isn’t there? Something exciting! <3

Could anyone be so kind as to tell me where I am?

(Translation: Fate. Something which cannot be defined...Fate. I wonder where I am now.)

Sep. 3rd, 2013


I've given some thought to those from different time periods, and we've decided to hold weekly unofficial 'classes' to catch you up on current technology and cultural awareness for the 21st century. But that also made me think of the women and men who don't know about the availability and reliability of contraceptives here in Madison.

If you're not familiar with the concept -- they are things that may prevent a woman from becoming pregnant. There are different forms you can utilize to suit your needs, but I'm not any sort of resource to learn about them all and will defer you to local clinics or any physicians we have with us here.

But I can answer questions to a limited degree, and am willing to go with you to clinic appointments if you're terribly shy or nervous about it.

If you're already on something maybe it would be a good idea to see the travel.. didn't mess it up unduly.

Thank you.


Do muggles you Americans ever use the phrase be careful what you wish for? Because-

Aug. 30th, 2013


Filtered against the Council

I am in need of a donor.

You will not be harmed and contrary to folklore, you will not be turned into a vampire. I'm an old vampire and do not require a lot of blood.



Attention Refugees!

Madison Valley Citizens Against Draconian Repression (MVCADR) has been working behind the scenes as much as possible in order to offer what support we can to those who have suffered because of the actions of the Council. Although we have not been able to do as much as we might like, we have accomplished the following things.


Martin's Tires (a full-service garage)
Anderson's Grill
Big Elmer's Tavern
The Big Apple Orchards
Finnegan's Law Office

We are working on others, but we have those at the moment.

We have also raised $10,000 that we are donating to St. Michael's church to help with the refugees there. There are also several teachers from the local schools (who will remain unnamed in this communique) who have agreed to come to the church to help with lessons for the children.


We are an organization working for the Refugees, and we would like to have refugee involvement with what we're doing. We have come up with enough money to pay a stipend of $100 a week to any refugee who will work with us at least 20 hours a week and help us fight for your rights. We know it isn't much, but we're doing what we can.

If you have any questions or comments, please reply to this encrypted message.


I know my brother asked before, some days ago, but I need to ask again. Has anyone seen Sirius Black? He's still missing, and we're concerned. Even if he doesn't want...anything to do with us, I want to know that he's alright. If you've heard from him, please do tell me.

I know Pollux checked in the morgues and I don't want to think--


I'm pretty sure that this was not on the travel schedule.

It looks a lot like small town Illinois.

Aug. 29th, 2013


How many of you are from pre-industrial societies? If you read the news there was a man struck by a car and I only assume (maybe that's bad?) he didn't know how to cross the street. And if he didn't know how to cross the street, then maybe you don't know either.

And if you don't know how to cross the street how do you navigate your phones, computers, and other technology.

Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to have some unofficial classes to go over these basic concepts to give you a better handle on things.

Just a thought.


Man struck by car in Madison
August 28th, 2013
By David Johnson

MADISON - A pedestrian was struck by an oncoming vehicle Thursday afternoon, according to police. The accident occurred around 4:30pm on Clifty Drive.

Witnesses say the man, a reported refugee to Madison Valley, tried to cross the busy street when he was struck by the car. The driver of the vehicle claimed she had been blinded by sunlight and did not see him. She remained on the scene to speak with police after the accident. She was cited for failing to yield to a pedestrian.

A worker at a nearby 7-11 says he saw the accident, and tried to help the man until he could be transported to the local hospital via ambulance. The man sustained arm and leg injuries but is reported in good condition, according to Kevin Greene, a public affairs officer at King's Daughters Hospital.


They want our blood?!

Aug. 26th, 2013


So what's all this crack about blood samples or not getting work. What, exactly, are they looking for, then? Because no one is going to hire me if they know what's torn up my veins

Aug. 21st, 2013


email: justine to thomas

Subject: No Subject

Read more... )


So...what. This is like a giant arena? No way out without killing each other?

Aug. 20th, 2013


Filtered to Justine

Just so you know, I haven't changed my mind. None of this today has scared me, just annoyed me.


[Filtered to Justine]

You're still on my side, right?

Aug. 19th, 2013


[Text to Thomas Raith]
» I found someone for you, love.
» A volunteer.
» Sookie. She said she'd meet at my apartment, as neutral ground.


[Filtered; women age 21 and over]
Hello, my name's Justine. I'm also a refugee to Madison Valley, and I need your help. My partner Thomas is a vampire from, what in my world we call the White Court. What that means is that he's an incubus so instead of feeding on blood he feeds on lust. Usually through sex.

I'm incapable of providing sustenance to him myself, so I'm searching for one or more partners, who would be willing to become a source of sustenance for him. There are a lot of things you need to understand before you make this decision, so I'd like to talk to anyone even slightly curious about what this will entail, in depth. That said, he or I will answer your questions, but I didn't want to include him on this filter in the event you rather not speak to him immediately. I don't want him to scare you Though I can add him to it if you'd rather talk to him directly.

[Filtered; Thomas, added after the conversation with Jo]
Thomas, love. There's a woman who wants to help, but not by feeding. She suggested that she approach some of the people she knows here about a solution to your hunger, without using your name. I told her I'd ask you if you were okay with that, and that the choice is yours.

If you'd rather not have it spread around I'll tell her you said no. She'll respect that decision, I think.

And another woman who told me there's a vampire here. She wants to speak with him before she agrees to anything..


[Filtered to Justine]

I'd make a piss-poor father.

Are you going to the church? I want you to go to the church.

[Filtered to Harry Dresden]

Empty night, that girl is making me want to kill something.

Aug. 18th, 2013


phone call: justine & fix

Justine & Fix

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Filtered to Justine


I don't want you to go to work on Monday, or anywhere near the Courthouse, okay?

Aug. 17th, 2013


((Semi-directed to Justine, in response to their network conversation, but on the public network and open because Leisha totally doesn't mind if others weigh in. It's educational.))

I think I figured it out.

Survival isn't a virtue. Immoral people survive. Animals survive. Survival in itself can't be considered virtuous. What it is, though, is a value, something that people want to keep. You have to live a virtuous life and pursue excellence precisely because you want to get the things that you value, and hold on to them, and survival, except in a few extreme sets of circumstances that aren't so relevant to most of our lives, has got to be the fundamental value. Like I said, if you're dead you can't be virtuous or excellent or really much of anything.

Does that sound right?

Aug. 16th, 2013


email: madison valley city council

Subject: Assistant Position
Attachments: resume.doc

You have 1 new message )

[ooc: disclaimer: I can't write cover letters for myself, let alone fictional characters. Don't judge me too harshly. Also, Justine has no canon surname so I'm running with the idea 'Williams' is her mother's maiden name. Liberties, yay.]

Aug. 15th, 2013


I'd like to thank Madison's City Council for the trouble they've gone through to see us me settled. It's a great effort to house so many displaced people, and to welcome us when you didn't have to. That you've provided homes, funds and phones for all of us to communicate in our need is ... remarkable. And needless to say, expensive.

So thank you, for the effort, and the consideration. I don't know many who would go so far to do that.


Uh, what?

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