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Jul. 24th, 2019


A portal has opened down by the river. See attached photo for the exact spot. This portal leads to Panem, the world that I and several others are from.

Please avoid this spot. Panem is not a place you want to visit. It's extremely dangerous. I'll be keeping an eye on it to make sure no one from there stumbles through to here until it closes.

[Panem Folks]
It's the lead up to the 75th Games. I ran into Effie and Haymitch. I told him the truth, though I'm not sure he believed me, and he said he'd keep an eye out in case any of our folks go through, but obviously he couldn't make any promises. And this is obviously a very precarious point in time.

Jul. 23rd, 2019


[Filtered to those with combat experience]

As much as I love training with Nyssa, I need to spar with other people too. Any volunteers?

[Derek M]

You’re already on my list ;)

Jul. 16th, 2019


With it being National Personal Chef's Day, for anyone who is capable of making food?

You're welcome to show up at the house and do so to truly embrace your special holiday.


It only just now occurred to me that I did not even realise Bastille day was this week.

Jul. 15th, 2019


So I had an idea during the cruise and I'm kind of piecing it together and if anyone is interested please let me know and if you think it's ridiculous and stupid...please let me know but gently because I'll probably cry.

I've noticed so many different cultures and people enjoying the foods from the different places we're all from. So I'm proposing a Foodies Club! ...okay, we can change the name. But I'm thinking like once a month, someone hosts. Everyone can bring a dish they enjoy and want others to try. We can rotate out who hosts and who brings what but I thought it might be fun to share and try new things. Plus it might help other new people here make some friends.

OR you could just be like "Allison, sweetie, that's nice and all, but no..."

[Filtered to Klaus]

Sweetie, we need to talk.

Jul. 12th, 2019


What: Izzy Lightwood and Johnny Storms Wedding Reception
Where: Their wedding venue
When: Saturday 13th July
Warnings: Probably low
Status: Open Party Post

~*~*~*~*~*~ )

Jul. 10th, 2019


I got a job!

There's a pet store with like, gourmet stuff for dogs and fun activities and stuff and they were hiring part time and I'm like "hey, I could use some extra cash" so I went and got a job!

[Tony, Pepper, and Ryder (and Morgan but she can't read all this!)]

I'm making spaghetti tonight and we should all have some as a family, you know? I personally think it's an excellent idea.

Jul. 9th, 2019


I'd like to take this moment to preemptively apologise to all of my customers today. I may not remember why I came in the stock room but I can apparently remember every lyric to the Mickey Mouse record I had as a child and have had the songs stuck in my head all day long.

Kate, we need a radio. Or just a cell phone with Pandora or something. I might actually be in danger of dancing here.

Jul. 2nd, 2019


I am super super happy to be off that boat. At least when I'm bored here I can sleep in my own bed and stuff.

I'm really sorry to everyone who lost someone, though. If anyone needs to talk to someone who doesn't know them well and won't judge, I can be your guy.

[Filtered to Marvel Family]

Did we all make it back ok? I know Mr. Stark and Morgan did cause I can see them right now.


How is it only 11 days until I get married? That doesn't seem right, I'm sure I'm supposed to have much longer.

Jul. 1st, 2019


This facetwin nonsense is bullshit, just so we're all clear.


Who all is still around? Please tell me you're all still around.

Jun. 18th, 2019



Okay, this might officially be the best birthday ever. Now all I need is a good fight and maybe a new scar.

Jun. 17th, 2019


Not every day you wake up with a gorgeous surprise half naked man in your bed.

Well done, Dome. You win this round.

[Filtered to Brooke]

Doing alright, kiddo? Are you with Chidi or did you end up somewhere weird?


You. Me. Rome.

I feel like you've got some ancient italian stories to tell!


Uhhhh this is not how my morning is supposed to go

[Phil Coulson]

also we appear to be on a cruise ship.


[Filtered to the 25 Peter Parker Parental Figures, aka if you think you are, you probably are??]








Jun. 16th, 2019


I miss Cassie...


Yep. Today still blows goats.

Jun. 12th, 2019


Oh hey. It's my birthday.

Who's going to shower me with love and affection? All offers accepted.

Jun. 9th, 2019



[Filtered from Scott Lang, Pepper Potts, and Tony Stark]


Jun. 7th, 2019


Who: Everyone! Especially our June Birthdays: Elizabet Johnson, Tom Mason, Carlos De Vil, Jane Foster, Matt Murdock, Eretria, Tea Marvelli, Terezi Pyrope, Clint Barton, Kitty Pryde, Ty Johnson, Isak Valtersen, Shadow Moon, Sollux Captor, Alex Danvers, Usagi Tsukino
What: June Birthday Celebration!
Where: The Park
When: Saturday, June 8; 10:00 AM - Midnight
Warnings: Let's try and keep it family friendly!

Happy Birthday, Mr. President~ )

Jun. 2nd, 2019


[Private: Darcy L & Phil C]

I don’t intend to take any time off, but I am going to be in late tomorrow and perhaps cut back on my meetings this week.

[Private: Stephen S]

Did you go back? Or get new memories?

[Filtered to friends & family]

I apologize if I worried anyone, but I’m back. As you may have seen, Tony is here as well. Our daughter, Morgan, made the trip with us, so it’s been a lot. Please don’t take it personally if I’m a bit slow as I’m catching up with everything.


Who: Everyone
What: Impromptu Rainbow/Pride party
Where: The Park
When: starting at 6pm
Warnings: Um... let's at least try to keep it semi family friendly?
Status: party post!

~+~+~+~ )



Looks like we have an interesting arrival that we should approach with semi-caution.


Other than my ward trying to skip class and my wife being married to another man, anything important I need to catch up on since I got here a whopping 24 hours ago?

Jun. 1st, 2019


I know I should be super weirded out or mad that I got dragged here BUT THIS PLACE IS SO COOL!!! I got to meet the Eleventh Doctor and see the sonic screwdriver in person! And I'm apparently staying with a nice family, they're pretty cool and didn't seem creeped out at all by a guy in a tech built spider suit so that's helpful I guess.

Do I have to go to school here? I mean. Yeah obviously, eventually. But the year is almost over! It would be so dumb to start now.

OH I'm Peter, by the way!


...and I'm back in this place again.

Feel like a fucking yo-yo.


[Filtered to Friends Who Don't Leave Her In Alternate Universes With Imitation Time Lords]

Drinks. ASAP. Anyone and everyone and I don't really care where.

Actually I do. Verdant. Drinks and dancing.

Please and thanks.

[[ooc: Feel free to assume, if you think you are, you probably are!]]


I have discovered ‘pizza’ and it is lovely!

I also love that they bring it to your house! There is nothing like that back home.


I don't suppose anyone's seen a blue telephone box? Maybe an outspoken Scottish woman?

May. 29th, 2019


[Filtered to Kate Bishop]

Hey, I just heard. You okay? Need anything? If you need a few days, I can watch the shop, just let me know, okay? And I can bring over whatever you need. Chocolate, booze, derpy family happy movies, anything.

May. 27th, 2019


Who: Kate Bishop and Matt Murdock
When: Monday Night
Where: NOLA Portal
What: Heroes being heroes being responsible for people in a city that probably never sleeps.
Warnings: There will be jokes, puns, banter, arrows, and punches. Discretion advised!
Status: Closed/In-progress

Kate had not thought this through... )

May. 19th, 2019


Who: Hansel [info]hans & OTA 
What: Lost in Translation
When: Sunday, May 19, evening
Where: Downtown Madison Valley
Rating: Reader Discretion is Advised
Warnings: Hansel has a tendency toward crude language, violence, and lack of social graces. He also has no idea about modern technology.
Status: Open/Complete

What kind of place is this? )

May. 15th, 2019


People of Madison Valley, lend me your ears!

Or at least link up with me so we can play Words/Uno/Yahtzee with Friends.

I thought about Monopoly, but we don't need any riots in the streets.

May. 11th, 2019


I don't like May. Fucking stupid month.


At least I can always find company in wine.

May. 8th, 2019


Who has two thumbs and totally missed the festival last weekend?

This girl.

That's what happens when you have to be responsible and do things like inventory.

Gross. I did not miss doing that.

In other news, the string on my bow snapped and how do I not have a replacement?

Peter, I'd blame you, but let's face it: I blame Clint.


How is it air gets in here when the big shield-thing is solid enough to run on? I mean, if it can hold up my weight, isn't it supposed to be like air-tight or something?

May. 1st, 2019


I believe two felines are currently at the Madison Valley Animal Shelter who belong to some of our people. They're safe and sound. In good health. I think they've probably prowled through some trash cans on their exploits.

Anyone know how to get in touch with their owners directly?

Apr. 30th, 2019


Who: everyone
What: Beltane!
Where: the Settlement
When: After dark 4/30 to early 5/1
Warnings: language mostly, nothing else please, all ages welcome
Status: open to all

a more tame Beltane )


[Text: Kate B | Clint B]

>> So. Got any plans tomorrow?

Apr. 27th, 2019


Fascinating little place you've got here. I already feel welcome.

[Private to Lisa Snart]

Hey, sis? You miss me?

Apr. 22nd, 2019



Is there such a thing as a chocolate hangover? I feel like I have a chocolate hangover.

Apr. 19th, 2019


[Filtered to Friends]

Official invitation, anyone who'd like to come to Easter services and such. Yes, I know, oh how boring.

I'll bribe you with chocolate bunnies?

And cake. Because, you know, finally allowed cake again.


Easter is strange these days.

Apr. 15th, 2019


Who: Open to ALL ages!
When: Monday, April 15 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM
What: Grand Re-Opening of A Stitch in Time under new management and branding!
Warnings: Probably none? You guys are crazy, though!
Status: Party Post!

I'm in a New York state of mind~! )

Apr. 4th, 2019


Okay. So.

After a lot of work and paint and scrubbing and construction and building and heavy lifting and decisions (there was A LOT okay?), I can share what Kate Bishop's ultra-secret project of amazingness has been.

I'm sure you might have noticed A Stitch In Time has been closed and dark and missing, right? (If you haven't, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? Just kidding. But, seriously, it's been all covered and secretive!)

It will officially be re-opening on April 15 under new management (ME!) and new branding.

You are ALL invited to hang out at the GRAND (RE)OPENING of STATURE. Clothing, accessories, shoes, and even some art by refugee-based designers.

I'm really damn proud of this and excited about it, too. I loved working at the casino and I love giving yoga lessons, but this means a lot to me.

Cassie Lang was my best friend and one of the most caring and brave women I've ever known. She was the epitome of the term 'hero' and was the finest representation of what the Young Avengers stood for. Our first uniforms were designed and created by me and Cassie was ecstatic. She urged us all to always be the best we could be. I probably haven't always done that, but I try! I couldn't not name it after her considering what it will stand for and provide to the town.

SO, yeah.

April 15. 8:00 PM. STATURE. Be there or...don't? Your choice? BUT BE THERE, OKAY?

Apr. 3rd, 2019


We all have lives - some more mundane and normal. Some, literally filled with gods and demons and fae and more. We have people who fight for their lives, for those who might not land on the good side of the line all the time. We have people here who are not used to sitting on their laurels every day.

Life goes on, but we’re not always ready for it to be normal.

Cut for Length, totally public )

Apr. 2nd, 2019


Do strange buildings often appear like one did yesterday?

( Lisa Snart )

Do you want to introduce me to more alcohol?


Who: Kate Bishop and Klara Prast
When: Monday, April 1 [Backdated]
What: All Hawkeyes make bad but fun choices!
Warnings: Maybe none, but TBD?
Status: Closed/In-Progress

I think I lost count. )

Apr. 1st, 2019


If you are in need of assistance from new threats, please let me know your current coordinates. I will come to you.

If you are taking care of new threats, please try not to mistake me for one. I would prefer to keep accidents to a minimum.

Thank you.

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