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Dec. 17th, 2016


WHO: Malia Tate and OPEN
WHAT: Wondering what's wrong with everyone
WHEN: Saturday
WHERE: The streets
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )



I hope this goes away soon.

[Private: Lily & James | Hermione]

I'm so sorry. I saw Bellatrix and I- I'm sorry. I'll clean it up, I promise. I just can't- I shouldn't be around Harry right now.


Who: Melinda May and Cameron Mitchell
What: more ghost things
Where: Cameron's place
When: Saturday Morning
Warnings: talk of death and ghosts?
Status: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


Who: Alex Udinov and Pietro Maximoff
What: Alex sees a ghost
Where: Farmhouse (outside)
When: Saturday Afternoon
Warnings: talk of character death since...ghost
Status: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~ )




Filtered to Jem and Will

Can you return home? He is here. Nate. He is a ghost.


I used to, in stupid moments, wonder what life would've been like if I'd seen my mother again before she died.

Now I'm glad I didn't. She's a ghost and still a waste of space.



So is there any particular reason you're sulking around like a storm cloud these days?


Who: Methos and his ghost
What: Hello Brother
When: Friday night
Where: The boarding house
Warnings: talk of killing and savagery of all kinds
Status: Narrative

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So many minds in a variety of activity. Loss. Hurt. Grief. Joy. Relief. I've never experienced a time when so many were experiencing so much at the same time. It's staggering.


Who: Stiles Stilinski and Clint Barton
What: The morning after badness of a night of bad
When: Saturday morning...well close to noon
Where: The farmhouse
Warnings: hangover and it's Stiles so TBD
Status: closed/in progress

Read more... )

Dec. 16th, 2016


Who: Sybil Crawley and OPEN
When: Friday night
Where: Town
What: Doing some shopping
Status: OPEN | In Progress

~+~+~+~ )


[Jeremy Danvers]
Big favor to ask. As if we aren't crowded enough, you mind if Stiles stays for...I don't know how long. Malia went home, came back and claims she doesn't know who he is. It's pretty weird, but he needs a place to be that isn't there right now.


Who: Jaime Vegas and OPEN to Packhouse folk
What: Working on fixing this mess
Where: Woods behind the Pack House
When: Evening
Rating: R for Jaime being angry/frustrated and possibly mouthy
Status: in progress, open to packhouse folk (any, not just otherworld folk)

Your purchase is a contract • Your life is on hold • Underneath the paint • you're rotting You can't fool them anymore* )

[Seabound - "Icarus"]


Who: Nick Sorrentino and Clay Danvers
What: Chilling. With a friendly ghost.
When: Friday night
Where: The Pack House
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~+~ )


To the nice man she met at the tea shop (Ichabod Crane)

I do not know how to go about this.

I am in need of a job.

Are you hiring?

( Weiss Schnee )

Stiles said I need a guardian because I'm under 18.


This month cannot get any weirder.

Pack Folk, sorry random house members, this is for Otherworld folk only
Coffee. Lots of it.

Possibly a sandwich?




I'm sorry I didn't show up today.

I've been having...problems.


Hey Malia's back.

Hey she has no idea who I am.

Fuck you Madison Valley.

I'm reconsidering that offer of beer earlier in the week.


Son of a bitch.

I think Thea is gone.


Harry, Barry, Tessa

I've seen Molly. She said to say she was okay. She also said to not try to find her but I reminded her that there was a fat chance of that since you're all going to be worried.

[just to Harry]
Tell me more about soulgazes.


I must say, the appearance of these visions has left me feeling rather drained. Even though some of them may be welcome, I will be quite glad when this issue is resolved.

[Filtered to Ichabod]

I saw Matthew in our kitchen.


Madison Valley?



Who: The Rag Lady and Batman
What: A Confrontation
When: Thursday Night
Where: Out
Warnings: Deep Dark of the Souls
Status: closed/completed gdoc

The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out/When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi/Troubles my sight.* )

[*William Butler Yeats – The Second Coming]

Dec. 15th, 2016


WHO: Reyna Ramirez-Arellano and Methos
WHERE: The boarding house
WHEN: Before end of school
WHAT: Christmas baking
STATUS: log; completed

... )


Who: Simon Lewis and Kami Glass
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: Kami’s place
What: Being the supportive boyfriend
Status: Closed | In Progress

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Kit and Ella
When: Thursday evening
Where: Their place
What: Being visited by ghosts
Status: Closed | In Progress

~+~+~+~ )


I saw Jane.

I know it was Jane.

How is this possible?


Well, I heard weird things happen in this town. All of it seems to bypass me so far. I just totally jinxed myself, didn't I?


Are you okay?



Mind if I stay at your place for a few days?


Who: Melinda May
What: Ghost!
Where: Iron Pepper Casino
When: Thursday Evening
Warnings: creepy ghost?
Status: Closed/Narrative

~+~+~+~+~+~ )



Please tell me you see her too and that I'm not going crazy.


Guess I should thank you for paying to get my dress cleaned, so... thanks.

(sent several minutes later)

And uh, sorry too if I was a bit rude.


I'm sorry. I'm working on it.

and i am never leaving the house again after this


Friends, I must admit to doing something rather irresponsible last night.

I had read that there was to be a meteor shower at its peak in the early morning hours, but I had never heard of this particular event and so decided to investigate. Imagine my surprise to learn that there was nearly a century between my own time and what is known to be the first time this event was recorded.

When I was satisfied that the reports of this event were accurate, I dressed warmly and headed to the outskirts of town. Despite the full moon and a small amount of clouds interfering with the proper viewing conditions, I still counted nearly sixty-five in the time I spent outside. While I do prefer to watch for meteors in the summer months - August seemed to be the best, though whether this remains true to this date, I cannot say - I would say wholeheartedly that this was a night well-spent, frigid temperature and all.

Unfortunately, by the time I made it home and had written my findings in my journal, the sky was already beginning to lighten... I hadn't meant to nap more than an hour or two, but awoke in the mid-afternoon to the sound of the neighbors' children playing in the street.

I have no intentions of going out tonight, but the shower should continue to a lesser degree until the 17th of December, and so if you find yourselves interested I would be delighted to accompany you to the excellent viewing spot I used.

Dec. 14th, 2016



Are you awake?

I can't

I need


Filtered to friends and coworkers of Molly Carpenter or friends of Harry Dresden*

Okay, this ghost thing is getting out of hand, and it's starting to really affect people. I have reason to believe that Molly Carpenter is out there, somewhere, being harassed by some of these ghosts.

For those who don't know, she and I have a few really bad ones in our past. Some of them are involved in the worst times of our lives. I don't feel comfortable saying much more, because those aren't my secrets to tell, and I wouldn't have said this much, but I need your help.

I'm asking every one of you to keep your eyes open for her, and if you spot her, do not engage, do not approach, but let me know. Right away.

(ooc: * If you think you are, you are)


Who: Molly Walker and Bucky Barnes
What: Ghosts :o
When: late night
Where: Their house
Warnings: none
Status: Closed/Complete

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Veronica Mars and Steve Rogers
What: Ghost Trauma
Where: V’s house
When: middle of the night
Warnings: none
Status: complete gdoc

Hopefully Bucky won’t think this is a booty call. )


[back dated to afternoon]

What's with all the ghosts around town?


Who: Peter Hale and Laura Hale
What: Taking things out on trees
When: Wednesday night
Where: In the woods
Warnings: Peter Hale and the niece he killed...yeah nothing good
Status: closed/incomplete

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Who: John Constantine and open
What: Return of the Newcastle crew
When: Wednesday
Where: Near the apartments
Warnings: John Constantine, talk of possession, abuse, demons and everything you can think of probably
Status: open/incomplete

Read more... )


Who: The Winchesters
What: A Winchester Family Reunion
When: Wednesday
Where: Out
Warnings: Well, it’s the Winchesters so Drama Llama Ahoy
Status: closed/incomplete

I am thy father's spirit, Doom'd for a certain term to walk the night.* )

[*Hamlet – Act I;Scene 5]


Filtered to friends (if you think you are, you are)

She's gone.


Private to Jaime

Can you swing by my and Nick's place? Something weird happened this morning.


Who: Nick Sorrentino and Kate Danvers (with special guest Rocco)
What: Ghosts!
When: Wednesday morning
Where: The Little Pack House
Warnings: none
Status: Closed/Complete

What do you see? )



Your girlfriend didn't show up for training this morning. Is everything ok?


Malia went home.


Who: Pamela Barnes and Adam Vasic
What: The Best Damn Psychic Says NOPE!
When: Wednesday morning
Where: The Sadamela House
Warnings: Ghosts. Boo.
Status: closed/incomplete

(S)he was conscious of a thousand odours floating in the air, each one connected with a thousand thoughts, and hopes, and joys, and cares, long, long, forgotten.* )

[*Charles Dickens – A Christmas Carol]


I feel as if I am making progress here. It is a new feeling and I am pleased with it.

Have I lost my mind?


Who: Molly Carpenter
What: Return the Rag Lady
When: The wee hours of Wednesday morning
Where: Molly’s apartment then out
Warnings: PTSD/violence/vampires/mental instability
Status: Narrative

Oh cold, cold, rigid, dreadful Death, set up thine altar here, and dress it with such terrors as thou hast at thy command: for this is thy dominion!* )

[*Charles Dickens – A Christmas Carol]


I guess I went home for a little while. It wasn't a dream? Or being back here isn't?

I'll just say it was an eventful trip home and leave it at that for now.

Everyone still here? Pietro? Please still be here.

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