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Nov. 16th, 2019


Well another birthday come and gone. A birthday I wouldn't have had back home. I definitely consider myself lucky.


Who: FP Jones and Faith Lehane
When: Late Friday Night/Early Saturday Morning
Where: Melbourne Portal
What: The Let's Try Not to Get Into Trouble Date That's Not a Date
Warnings: Language, TBD
Status: Closed/In-Progress

What do you think? )

Nov. 15th, 2019


Who: Dean Winchester and Lena Luthor
What: Hanging out
When: Friday night
Where: Lena’s place
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Damn it all to hell I have a head cold.

I guess that just means soup and movies all weekend.


( Filtered away from Terezi Pyrope )

What is generally a good gift for a girlfriend for Christmas?

She likes red.

I am at a loss.


I have heard much about the Thanksgiving desserts and I have to say, Walmart sells this pumpkin pie all year long apparently. Which is good. Because I might just eat it all year long.


Can I interest you in what I hope will be a romantic day away in another country?

Nov. 14th, 2019


Who: Jane Foster and Ty Johnson
What: Exploring Australia
When: Thursday
Where: Melbourne Portal
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


Apparently I have a secret admirer. I have notes to prove it.

( Nancy Gama )

It's so strange. I suddenly have a secret admirer after our conversation on just that!


Who: Tahani Al-Jamil and Brooke Maddox
What: Shopping
Where: Melbourne, Australia
When: Thursday Late Afternoon
Warning: Probably low, maybe some language?
Status: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~ )


Well, hello Madison Valley.

( Jessica Jones )

Did you miss me?


This Australia is a different realm? It is very different from the world here.


Is it wrong I am curious about what Aragorn thinks of snow? I can't recall him ever seeing it before. I cannot wait to take him flying in the snow.



Happy birthday, nerd. Your choice on when and where we do lunch for your birthday.


Hey, I've been wanting to get to know you better so I was wondering if you had any plans this weekend?



So, Hermoso, how about a fun little portal trip? It's your birthday after all.

Nov. 13th, 2019


[Text to Frank C]

>> I'm going to go find the ocean with Crowley!


Who: Reileen Kawahara and Isabelle Lightwood
What: Matchup
Where: near the portal/australia
When: Afternoon
Warnings: it IS relieen? :P
Status: in progress, closed

the mask of humanity slipped just a little )


Oh, what fun! This one has decided to open right to not only my world but one of my favorite years!

So many amazing things to do and people to see.


Who: Agent Washington and Agent York
What: Looking around
When: Wednesday evening
Where: The portal
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed/in progress

Read more... )


Who: Scarlett Bernard and Stephen Strange
What: exploring the portal
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: The beach and walking around
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed/in progress

Read more... )


So. Angel. Australia? We haven't been in, what, couple thousand years now, I think?

I was thinking we could see if Ariel wants to come. The city is near the ocean and she's been landlocked for a while now.


Interested in seeing the ocean for a bit?


Who: Jedikiah Price and Vanya Hargreeves
What: A couple different conversations, none of them good
When: Backdated to Sunday evening
Where: Vanya's apartment
Warnings: TBA
Status: Closed/On-going

~+~+~+~ )


[Poe Dameron]
Ready to explore yet another country with me?



Hey, I thought maybe we could go to the beach tonight, after sunset?


"Honesty will reward you well".

Screw you, too, fortune cookie. I knew I should have gotten pizza.

So this Australia portal. Is it safe? No monsters to fight or anything? I'm not really up to fighting anything right now, thanks.


WHO Jane Foster & Eleven (with Lizbet)
WHAT Checking out the TARDIS
WHEN A couple of hours after this
WHERE The park
WARNINGS TBD, will update if needed
STATUS Closed | Incomplete

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


Who: Rowan Fricks and Open
What: Soaking up some sun.
Where: Through the portal at the water.
When: Wednesday afternoon
Warnings: Doubt any but will update if this changes.
Status: Open, In progress.

Read more... )

Nov. 12th, 2019


Text to Bjorn: > My heart, can you come home? > I had a nightmare and I'm having trouble shaking it.




I spent yesterday exploring Australia through that portal thing and I plan to do it again today.

My question is... who's coming with me?


[Adam Vasic]


So, I realize that we haven't really talked. More than a few words and greetings. You know, the fancy cordial stuff, I guess.

But I thought you'd be a good expert on something for Paige.

Is it weird for a guy to ask another guy to check out one of those portals?


Who: Brooke Maddox and Max Caulfield.
What: Getting some fresh air at school.
Where: The high school
When: Tuesday afternoon
Warnings: None at the moment but will update if this changes.
Status: Close/Matchup/Complete

Read more... )



So I definitely took a wrong turn and I ended up in Australia!! So go check it out :D


I finally found the swimming pool.

Nov. 11th, 2019


Who: Five and Allison
When: Monday afternoon
Where: Their place
What: Five isn’t happy
Rating/Warnings: A cranky middle aged teenager?
Status: completed gdoc

**** )


WHO: Lisa Snart and Liu Ying
WHAT: A meeting
WHEN: Morning, November 11
WHERE: Out in the streets

... )


Who: Fat Amy and Tahani al-Jamil.
What: Match-up.
Where: Starbucks.
When: Monday, November 11.
Warnings: Likely low.
Status: Closed | Match-up.

My mama told me when I was young we are all born superstars. )


WHO: Julian Blackthorn and OPEN
WHAT: Studying and worrying
WHERE: Starbucks
WHEN: Today after school
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )


So, I've never actually celebrated Thanksgiving before. Or if I did, I was way too young to remember it. I mean, I understand the idea of it. Thanking the gods is something that I've done a lot. But I'm looking forward to sitting down with people and celebrating it in the traditional way.

Darcy, is there anything I can do to help?


Can we invite Leo, Nico and Samirah? I don't know if Nico will come but he should at least be invited.


WHO: Adrian Ivashkov and Sydney Sage
WHAT: A proposal
WHEN: Backdated to Friday evening
WHERE: Adrian and Sydney's house, then The Key West Shrimp House
WARNINGS: Shouldn't be!

~+~+~+~+~+~ )


Derek's gone. All my texts bounce back. First Clay, now Derek?


Who: Jason Mendoza and Number Five.
What: Match-up.
When: Monday, November 11.
Where: Starbucks.
Warnings: Likely low.
Status: Closed | Match-Up

... )


I am really looking forward to all of the food people have around here for Thanksgiving! So many pies!

Do you have a place to go for Thanksgiving? The farm house and the super house tend to cook a lot and invite people over, I can make sure you find all the best pies.

How are things at your house. I saw people went home.


[Text to Riddick]
» Come to my cabin
» I have a gift for you.

Nov. 10th, 2019


Who: Samirah and Zari
When: Friday Prayer
Where: The Mosque
What: Another meeting
Rating: low

Praying at the mosque calmed her )


Who: Penelope Garcia & Matt Murdock
What: confirming a departure
Where: Derek's apartment
When: after this
Warnings: tbd
Status: closed/in progress

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Shawn Hunter & Max Caulfield
What: Taking pictures
Where: The park
When: after this
Warnings: nope
Status closed/in progress

~+~+~+~ )


Who: Raven, Kurt, & Hank
What: Dinner
Where: Hank's apartment
When: backdated to Friday evening
Warnings: probably not
Status: closed/in progress

~+~+~+~ )


[Text: Nikita M | S Birkhoff]

>> So, two things.
>> 1) There's a guy here who looks like me.
>> 2) Thanks for being there for me while I was dealing with Mal being gone.


Who: Alex Udinov and Adam Milligan
What: A date, finally
Where: Random cafe
When: Saturday Evening (backdated)
Warning: Probably low
Status: Closed/Ongoing

~+~+~+~ )


[Text to Evie]

>>What are you doing tonight?
>>Work? Date?
>>I’m asking for a reason.

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