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Sep. 3rd, 2013


Filtered to everyone in the house: Caroline, Elena, Lydia, Jeremy and Damon

I think it's time to look for a new place.

Sep. 2nd, 2013


Who: Anna and Open
What: Taking a midnight walk to try and clear her head. She's having thoughts.
Where: Not far from the house where most of the Mystic Falls crew is staying.
When: Late Sunday night.
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete/Ongoing.

Regrets collect like old friends/Here to relive your darkest moments/I can see no way, I can see no way/And all of the ghouls come out to play/And every demon wants his pound of flesh/But I like to keep some things to myself/I like to keep my issues drawnIt's always darkest before the dawn )

Aug. 30th, 2013


Filter Against the Council

Could someone please explain to me why it is that we are succumbing to the whims of the fearful?


Can't believe I've been here a month and a half already.


Filtered against the Council

I am in need of a donor.

You will not be harmed and contrary to folklore, you will not be turned into a vampire. I'm an old vampire and do not require a lot of blood.

Aug. 27th, 2013


Someone needs to explain to me the point of giving an unchangeable immortal a vaccination. I'm sure my portrait doesn't need to be protected against smallpox.

Also, immortality seemed to be a bit vogue among the refugees, mm?

Aug. 26th, 2013


Who: Elena Gilbert, Jeremy Gilbert (Then Anna, Caroline & Damon)
What: Reunion Between Brother and Sister (Later getting back to their current "home" for explanations)
When: Monday Evening
Where: The Park
Rating: TBD
Status: Closed/Incomplete

Elena wasted no time )

Aug. 25th, 2013


Locked to Elena

Jeremy is here.


I don't understand. I could have sworn that I died.

Aug. 22nd, 2013


OMG! What the hell? I'm a banshee?!? Felt too real to be a dream. I am freaking out. Where is Allison when I need her? Ms. Blake tried to kill me because I knew too much. OMG.

I'm not going back to sleep. Ever.

Aug. 21st, 2013


So...what. This is like a giant arena? No way out without killing each other?


Hi, I'm Leisha Camden. Some of you know me, but for those who don't, I'm an eleven-year-old girl from 2019.

I've been talking quite a bit to the other kids who are trapped here. I'm a bit reluctant to post this message because I know that plenty of you are going to say I'm too young to know what I'm talking about. You might be right. I don't know that. What I do know is that I've got something to share.

I've been staying at the church. If anyone's interested, it's a good place to stay. Safe. I'm an atheist, and not a wobbly one either, I'm sure that there's no God, but none of the priests have given me any trouble over it, and I haven't tried to hide it from them. The worst I get is people trying to bless me, and it's not like that hurts. There's food here. Not the best-tasting food, but it's alright, and we have computers and I'll help anyone study who's worried about missing school.

I've been reading the network very carefully. It sounds ridiculous of me to call the church a sanctuary. It sounds like something out of a bad historical novel. It is safe, though. Not because of any inherent sanctity or anything, but because the Council trying to break into a church would be a publicity disaster so bad it'd actually work in our favor. I've been talking to people here and none of us think they're that stupid. So if you're worried about coming here, don't be.

Now about what I've been reading. I understand that some people here might be dangerous. People have still got rights, though. If someone commits an actual crime, I think it's fair enough that we hold our own trial for them instead of relying on the Council's justice. For a number of reasons which I won't go into unless someone actually wants clarification. In the meantime, you've still all got your Second Amendment rights, and following that up by taking Harry Dresden's advice on protecting yourself probably isn't a bad idea. Defending yourself isn't wrong. Initiating force is. There's the difference.

I don't think it's at all helpful for people on any side of this debate to start acting all irrational and taking disproportionate steps, though. Do you know who benefits from that? The Council. We're all individuals and as anyone who's talked with me at length probably knows, I like a good debate myself. I'm not suggesting conformity or silencing tactics. People have got the right to express their opinions, regardless of how much I disagree with them, and to talk things out. What I am going to point out is that the more important we let these arguments become? The closer we get to actually fighting each other? The better the Council will like it.

I can see that. I'm eleven. You're all grown-ups and I hope you can too.


Aug. 20th, 2013


Locked to Elena and Caroline

There's a young girl -- 17. She's at the church, but she doesn't feel safe. She says she's not normal, and that she's run away from her assigned guardians.


I can't stand this place anymore.


Well, this is interesting.


Filtered to Anna and Caroline

Has he lost his damn mind?

Is that wizard trying to get us all killed?


Filtered to Supernatural Types

We may have just as much to worry about from some of the other people trapped here as we do from this council. Be careful who you admit you're not "normal" to.

Aug. 19th, 2013


[Filtered; women age 21 and over]
Hello, my name's Justine. I'm also a refugee to Madison Valley, and I need your help. My partner Thomas is a vampire from, what in my world we call the White Court. What that means is that he's an incubus so instead of feeding on blood he feeds on lust. Usually through sex.

I'm incapable of providing sustenance to him myself, so I'm searching for one or more partners, who would be willing to become a source of sustenance for him. There are a lot of things you need to understand before you make this decision, so I'd like to talk to anyone even slightly curious about what this will entail, in depth. That said, he or I will answer your questions, but I didn't want to include him on this filter in the event you rather not speak to him immediately. I don't want him to scare you Though I can add him to it if you'd rather talk to him directly.

[Filtered; Thomas, added after the conversation with Jo]
Thomas, love. There's a woman who wants to help, but not by feeding. She suggested that she approach some of the people she knows here about a solution to your hunger, without using your name. I told her I'd ask you if you were okay with that, and that the choice is yours.

If you'd rather not have it spread around I'll tell her you said no. She'll respect that decision, I think.

And another woman who told me there's a vampire here. She wants to speak with him before she agrees to anything..


[Filtered to the Refugees]

Anyone who has need of it may come to St. Michael's Cathedral on East Street, and find shelter there. Father Williams has granted asylum to all who have need.

If you could check in with me when you come by - no names necessary, just let me know you're here so I know how many of you there are - I'm going to the store later to get food and bedding. I've still got about $500 on my card, anyone who wants to donate what they have to the church, please do, so we can purchase appropriate supplies.

Please, don't be afraid. God will see us through.


Are you alright?

Aug. 18th, 2013


Blocked from the Council.

Alright, there is a young girl here who is different needs help. Is there somewhere that she can go?

[Added a few minutes later]

[Private to Tommy Riordan] : Tommy, there is a young girl who just showed up here. I'm afraid the Council may target her. I'm taking her to the church.

Aug. 14th, 2013


Who: Anna and Elena Gilbert and Caroline Forbes
What: Talking.
Where: Elena's balcony.
When: Late Tuesday night.
Warnings: Angst galore probably. And mentions of character deaths from The Vampire Diaries.
Status: Closed, in-progress/incomplete

I pull away to face the pain/I close my eyes and drift away/Over the fear that I will never find/A way to heal my soul/And I will wander til the end of time/Torn away from you. )

Aug. 13th, 2013


What the hell?!

Where did Mystic Falls go?


Filtered Against the Council

It pretty much goes without saying that most of us here don't trust this council. So we may need to be a bit creative in how we choose to deal with them.


How are you doing?


Obviously you and I don't need to worry about the food issue, but the others here are going to have a hard time if we don't help them.

Aug. 12th, 2013


Attention Refugees!

As many of you do not have Social Security Numbers, or other means of identification, we would like each of you to come by the Clerk's office and fill out some paper work. We will be taking fingerprints, a blood sample, pictures, and asking some information about you, to keep on record.

If you do not come to the Clerk's office and register, you will be unable to find employment in the town, as this information is now required for payroll.

Thank you,

Madison Valley City Council

Aug. 10th, 2013


I'm sure this will just seem like rambling to most of you, and I'd hardly blame you if you just ignored it but I...just keep having this thought and having it just go around in my head isn't doing me a bit of good, so. Maybe talking with...all of you, sort of, will help.

I've been freerer here than I have been in years. And even if [...] certain things had not happened, I would still have more freedom here, as a woman. I miss the people I love, but I'm [...] happy here. With what I can do and be, in a place like this.

But I know that's not the case for a lot of you. That the things the leaders here are doing to some of you, because of what you are, make you afraid and angry. And I can't blame you at all. And even those of you who aren't, who just desperately need to go've every right to that.

What I'm saying, in far too many words is [...] I want to be happy here, but it doesn't feel right, knowing what this place is doing to so many people, and [...] I'm just losing too much sleep over it among other, and I suppose wanted to know if I'm the only one feeling that way.

Aug. 8th, 2013


The hell is this, then?

Another day, another hell dimension?

Aug. 7th, 2013


I'm not dead.

Not only am I not dead, I'm actually supposedly well enough to get up don't tell Sai Sybil, she fusses over me too much and I guess that makes me right as rainbarrels.

Except that I'm now terrible weak and the less said about my reflexes the better and aren't I the lucky one to be in this dimension-shifted town instead of back home where my enemies might see that and make mock. Or, you know, shoot me.

Is there a practice-ground here? Where I can shoot without alarming ordinary law-abiding folk, because that would just be the height of rudeness, say true. Failing that, if anyone's got a scrap of land I could go hunting on? I'd rather not get done for poaching, and I know townsfolk can get tetchy about that sort of thing anyway. It's only practice, I'd share the proceeds, though vouching for my cooking's something you'll have to do yourself.

Aug. 4th, 2013


I had an actual job once. I worked in a hardware store. And then I joined the service.

I can't believe I'm looking into getting a job. That's what this place has reduced me to.

I need to hit something.


I don't like this place anymore.

I'd rather go back.


This is ridiculous. If I'm still going to be stuck here, could someone from home at least be here too?


Really starting to think this place is some kind of hell.

Aug. 2nd, 2013


What happens if we die here?

I'm not afraid not really but it would be inconvenient. I had plans for my summer after graduation, this wasn't it. And the children I've left them at home and Irma will be

I've been thinking about it. I was six years old when influenza swept through our--my? [...] world. It had a certain.. virulence to it. It's rather morbid to think about given the current atmosphere here, but I think I've.. gotten something. Influenza kills the young and old, but that pandemic seemed rather intent to wipe out a different generation altogether.

[Filtered; Sybil]
It's getting worse, Ms. Nurse Crawley.

I am short of breath and there's a chill.

Jul. 31st, 2013


...what is this place? Mom, are you here?

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