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February 24th, 2023

[info]geezerupstairs in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Butcher and Sven (with Kristoff :P )
What: they run into each other
Where: outside
When: Thursday, February 23. Mid day?
Warnings: Butcher is probably the warning tbh
Status: g-doc

Sven is a strange name for a reindeer... )

[info]waitforittttt in [info]madisonvalley

Finally this uploads after a half an hour!

This is a crime!

How am I meant to catch up on Telemundo when the power is off, AGAIN?

Do we need to blame Barry Allen?!

[info]plantstalktome in [info]madisonvalley

[Filtered to friends and family]
My art show is two weeks away.

I'm mildly panicking, but I took a few days off of work.

Consider this my Please come see my art and drink fancy cocktails invitation.

Lunch tomorrow? Sorry, I've been drowning in art.

[Klaus M]
I never thought I'd say this, but I need your opinion.

[Allison H]
I need your talent to make my hair pretty for my art show.

[ooc: if you think you're part of this filter, you probably are.]

[info]spotsnargles in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Luna and Anakin
What: being cute
Where: their house
When:backdated to Feb. 20th
Warnings: low
Status: g-doc

something )

[info]alltheworries in [info]madisonvalley

Number of times today that I have had to explain to a customer that no, they are not special, we cannot make the power work just for them: Six.

[info]geekymonkey in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Claudia Donovan and Cosima Niehaus
What: a marriage proposal
Where: their house
When: Saturday, February 26.
Warnings: should be mainly cute
Status: g-doc

Will you marry me? )

[info]notthateve in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Eve and Kristof
What: The ceiling comes down on Eve, Kristof saves the day
When: Late Afternoon Feb 24
Where: Building under construction
Rating: low

The Ceiling Fell Down )