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August 17th, 2022

[info]sandu_shengshou in [info]madisonvalley

That was truly an interesting experience. I hope that you thought I was a good father to you, River.

Even though we had never met until then.

[info]michellewebster in [info]madisonvalley

Newbie Seeks Advice

Can anyone recommend a good place for fight training?

Not a single-style dojo. Something more eclectic, more practical self-defense oriented?

Asking for, well, me.

[info]eddiediazlafd in [info]madisonvalley

I was told to reach out here to see if anyone could direct me on who to talk to about something that came up.

I start with the fire department next week, and I need to find a care aide for my son, two to three times a week for 24 hours at a time. Someone who is preferably skilled in PT and dealing with a smart and very inquisitive preteen.

[info]margothecreator in [info]madisonvalley

[Filtered to the over 18 crowd]

Ladies and Gentlemen! Fiends of legal fucking age!

Orgy, my place. This Friday. All the usual accouterments will be provided, but please wear clothing on your way over so we don't get fined by the city.

[Magic users]

I am able to put up a barrier on my own for this, but I want to layer this bitch, the whole yard, to keep anyone underage out and from seeing what is going on. Is anyone up for warding my entire yard?

[info]yeggman in [info]madisonvalley

Me? A baker of desserts and bread? No, I can barely boil water without burning, much less make any food that is edible.

... Honestly, I am surprised I never wound up in the wood latch thingies in the town square for poisoning anyone.

[Filtered to Yelena]
For the recording, I am very much glad I didn't poison you.

[info]lanoelle in [info]madisonvalley

WHO: Noelle Lange & John Constantine.
WHAT: Having a nice romantic picnic.
WHEN: Backdated to sometime during Ren plot.
WHERE: Outside in town somewhere.
STATUS: Closed | Completed gdoc.

* * * * * )

[info]asgardsqueen in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Frigga & Nora
Where: Madison Valley Creamery
When: Wednesday Evening
What: Outing with her 'daughter'
Status: Ongoing & Open to Loki if he wants to surprise them.
Warnings: None for Now

Frigga missed her family... )