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August 8th, 2022

[info]lacrosse_wolf in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Scott McCall and Hope Mikaelson
What: Scott returns home from work
When: Evening August 7th
Where: Their humble home
Rating: low

Family Life )

[info]adam_vasic in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Adam & Savannah
What: A simple conversation
Where: The bakery
When: This afternoon
Warnings: a bit of implied violence
Status: complete gdoc

Adam could undo almost anyone with his smile )

[info]notthatkindofdr in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Bruce & Rowan
What: A father/daughter conversation
Where: Their home
When: this afternoon
Warnings: tbd
Status: closed/in progress

~+~+~+~+~ )

[info]eyeingmyrack in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Madam Pamela & OPEN
What: She shouldn't be but she is
When: Monday afternoon
Where: Market square
Warnings: TBD
Status: OPEN/complete

Fortunes forecast, lucky charms )

[info]tinynecromancer in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Alyssa and Chloe
What: chatting while Chloe helps Alyssa dress
Where: Alyssa’s room
When: After her log with Kol
Warnings: should be low
Status: closed/g-doc

Inside-out and all about my heart/Is always running out of time )

[info]screaminwcrayon in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Michael Guerin & OPEN
What: Counting his loot after a good haul
When: Monday night
Where: Campsite off the King's Road
Warnings: TBD
Status: OPEN/incomplete

To the devil with Robin Hood )

[info]fortheloveofwar in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Lady Irina & OPEN
What: She is unhappy that the Prince is snubbing her
When: Monday evening before dinner feast
Where: Court
Warnings: TBD
Status: OPEN/complete

I have thee sought/Bothen day and night )

[info]s_spellman in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Sabrina & OPEN
What: Someone wandered too far
When: Monday evening
Where: In the woods
Warnings: Devil dealing witch stuff idk
Status: OPEN/complete

A woman's heart/Burns deadlier than the sleeping beast )

[info]butwewill in [info]madisonvalley

[Letter to Irina Romanov]
My Dearest Sister,

My worry grows daily; today, when I was walking through the square, I saw a message on the bulletin board regarding those who have sinned, and what caught my eye was having a child out of wedlock. I am deeply concerned about this blatant statement so visible for all to see. As you know, Maxine's father is dead these past fifteen years and we had not married - forsooth, 'twould be better if I were a widow rather than what I am now! I still miss him so, and I have not been able to find another to take his place. So few would marry a woman with a child by another man.

I know that you are earnest in your pursuit of the prince to increase our prospects, and I can only urge you to please increase your efforts. I know that you'd never want to see harm come to myself or your niece, and I am deeply troubled about our future should the townspeople take it upon themselves to throw my past at the preacher, despite my current status.

All my love,


[info]heyassbutt in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Dean Winchester and Castiel
What: Pirates pirating piratily.
Whare: A pub.
When: August 8.
Warnings: TBD

...and really bad eggs. )