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November 26th, 2021

[info]the_broken_one in [info]madisonvalley

Text to Ty

>> [photo of her in lingerie holding a plate of leftover turkey dinner]

[info]bos_bff in [info]madisonvalley

Listen Betty White, I know you knew I wanted that mascara and you took it just to spite me. I'm about to Liam Neeson you if you don't bring it back to me.

[info]lacrosse_coach in [info]madisonvalley

Has the Dome gone insane?

I know Hinkles makes good burgers, but there's literally a line around the block and I just broke up a fight between two dudes wrestling over the ketchup.

[info]bitsofmadness in [info]madisonvalley

Well, now that we're out of a holiday I don't even actually celebrate, it's... on to insanity?

Alright, then.

[info]ivedonebad in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Crowley and Penny Kirkman
What: Black Friday Madness
When: Black Friday
Where: Target
Warnings: Possible Language
Status: Closed/ongoing

Let's hear it for the boy! )

[info]xavier1984 in [info]madisonvalley

Some idiot almost ran over me with his stupid car in the Walmart parking lot. He pulled over and started screaming how I got the last box of goldfish crackers after he had called dibs. Dibs! I may be dead, but getting run over would've fucking hurt still.

What the hell is in the water today?!

[info]scorpisrex in [info]madisonvalley

Now that the American Feasting time is over, and the Holiday season can really shine, I thought it was the appropriate time to do this.

Let's have a moment of silence this season for all the big city men wearing suits that are about to lose their fiancée to small-town guys wearing plaid. #HallmarkChannel.

[info]ewwwdavid in [info]madisonvalley

What the actual fuck?

I just got into a fight over the last Cranberry Bliss bar at Starbucks.

While two others got into a fight over the fact that there were no more Peppermint Mochas.

[info]history_hacker in [info]madisonvalley

Huge lines, fist fights, and general mayhem?

Sounds like a typical Black Friday to me.

[info]maybevader in [info]madisonvalley

I thoroughly appreciate being warned that today would not be the best day to try Walmart for the first time.

People were fighting over the last chocolate bar.

[info]lolfubarbrb in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Sherlock and Wade
What: Random interaction/matchup
When: Friday evening
Where: Sidewalk outside of Cocoa Safari
Rating: TBD, Wade

To the Batmobile! )