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August 25th, 2021

[info]waitforittttt in [info]madisonvalley

The waterpark has me thinking.

People will swim in the ocean, even though there are definitely many corpses in it. BUT! People will not swim in a pool with a corpse in it. All people seem to have a corpse:water ratio that is acceptable for them to swim in.

[info]godsfave in [info]madisonvalley

[Sam Winchester]

Hey, asshat, did you miss seeing that Bobby is here?

[info]fireinthesoul in [info]madisonvalley

I'm going to be a dad in a couple of weeks. I feel like it's been a long wait and it also feels like it's happening so fast.

How are you feeling?

[Bobby Singer]
I heard you were in town. Hey. Welcome to the crazy.

[info]hadthatcoming in [info]madisonvalley

Why is this water park so exciting?

And man, times like this are when I really hate not remembering things.

[info]alltheworries in [info]madisonvalley

With as much as this place throws at us, it's a wonder anybody ever feels like they've settled in.

[info]godsfave in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Dean Winchester & Lisa Braeden
Where: Their House
When: After Dean returns from being sent home.
Warnings: SPN Spoilers, talk of death, general feelings of emo

When he had returned back home, he hadn't remembered Madison, but the second he was in the strange town again, he remembered it all. )

[info]spacepirate in [info]madisonvalley

I can safely say I did not enjoy those giant stompy lizard things.

Thanks to Jack, I didn't get squished by one though. I owe you one, darling.

[info]isaveteran in [info]madisonvalley

Never thought I would say these words.....but does anyone want to go to the park with me? I could use a day out in the sun.