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August 26th, 2021

[info]hisonething in [info]madisonvalley

Peter Parker and Ned

Your presence is requested for breakfast and cartoons Saturday morning. I would have insisted it be dinner or at least lunch but since a certain Spiderman hasn't seen fit to say hello to me or the small person that calls him Uncle Pete, I've decided to insist that you both watch Morgan after breakfast while I take a much needed coffee break.

[info]toeless in [info]madisonvalley

I GOT A JOB!! And it's even something I can do AND I'm good at!

[info]samanthacarter in [info]madisonvalley

I miss my motorcycle.

Is there anywhere around here to pick up an old one that might need some work?

[Jack O'Neill]
We should look for a house. Something with a yard for Six and maybe a garage.

[Daniel Jackson]
I had lunch with Vala the other day. Did you know that her current reality TV obsession is Say Yes to the Dress?

[info]mysterion in [info]madisonvalley

Look like Ned is gone. Like gone gone.

Guess that also means no more of his pies at the tea shop.

[info]contradictions in [info]madisonvalley

Going through that portal last week made me realize just how much I miss pure research.

[info]yeggman in [info]madisonvalley

I believe I am finally starting to find relaxation here. This Madison is definitely my favorite of the Madisons.

[info]callhimant_hony in [info]madisonvalley

Peter Parker, Ned Leeds, Alyssa Gardner and I are moving. This is so sudden they didn't even know I was looking for a house.

I closed on the house this afternoon.

( Insect House ) you guys like the house?