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December 26th, 2020

[info]madeofmagics in [info]madisonvalley

Christmas always is a mix of emotions - there are good memories and bad tied into one single day. I am grateful for my friends, for Garin and Sara, and Constantine and more. I have a good life here, and while it might not be the one I imagined, I can't think of a better one.

I hope everyone had a wonderful day. I am looking forward to New Year's eve. Might dust off some magic for it, too.

[info]isthedagger in [info]madisonvalley

So weird to think that at the end of next month I'll have been here a year. Still not sure I really like this place that much.

[info]herotruther in [info]madisonvalley

All right, all you fine people. Christmas is over, and I'm sure at least half of us got something from a boss/coworker/roommate/friend that we just cannot stand, will not use, or has us questioning someone's sanity.

Who is up for a white elephant party? Or just a massive swap of stuff?

[info]treesarehome in [info]madisonvalley

I'm used to people not knowing what they're doing with an axe. I'm used to people doing stupid shit with an axe. What will never stop surprising me, though, are those special people who somehow manage to get the handle embedded in the target and not the blade.

Like the guy today who got it in there so deeply it took me five minutes to work it out. That's some kind of impressive right there.