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March 29th, 2020

[info]fireinthesoul in [info]madisonvalley

Hello again, old friend.

How long have I been gone?

Feels like it's been a while and a day.

Dean? Adam? Cas? Mom? Jo? Any of you still here?

[info]fireinthesoul in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Adam Milligan, Sam Winchester, and Katie
What: Reuniting
Where: Adam's place
When: Sunday morning, after Sam's return
Warnings: Winchester Family Feels, possibly
Status: Closed

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[info]breadonfire in [info]madisonvalley

What is this place? Is this some new game by the Capitol? Some new arena? It seems so quiet, so peaceful...

I'd think it's a dream, but none of my dreams are peaceful anymore.

Katniss? Are you here? Did they get you, too?


Hey, um, apparently I've been assigned to live with you. Thanks for taking me in.

[info]bos_bff in [info]madisonvalley

Going to jump aboard this wtf train and post on the network because the overly friendly stepford wives of the welcoming committee said I should.

So, any Fae out there or is this another place where it's gotta be all don't ask, don't tell?

More important question - where's the best place for a drink? Cause mommy needs her special grape juice if I'm going to spend my afterlife in quaintsville.

[info]s_spellman in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Sabrina and Sam
What: Cheering her up
When: After she met Isaac/just before the orgy
Where: A chocolate cafe
Warning: Cute AF?
Status: Finished

Death by chocolate it is. )

[info]sarcasticfriend in [info]madisonvalley

I'm used to strange things happening, but this is new.

[info]donthavetostop in [info]madisonvalley

I'm actually starting to like this place. I've got a good job, my own place with actual windows. I'm even thinking about adopting a pet. Who knew getting pulled into another universe would be so awesome.

I don't even need to ask how many of us have it better here.

[Elena and Kitty]

About that offer from the full moon. Is there any way I can take you up on it? And maybe talk about something more pack like?

[info]fork_arms in [info]madisonvalley

Paper plates and plastic sporks are the best inventions. Frisbee for your dog? Paper plate. Saving that sandwich for later? TWO paper plates together. Oh, need to eat some macaroni or perhaps dig a very small trench? Plastic spork. The lock on your front door not working? Jam a spork right into where door meets wall from the inside. I'm planning on making a paper plate path from the kitchen to the TV just in case the floor becomes lava.

The beauty of it all is I've got a job on top of the $1000 this place gave me. I'm basically set for life. Anyone else get their entire $1000 out in singles and roll around in it? Yeah, I did.

[info]thevaldezinator in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Leo Valdez and Jason Grace
Where: Field near the Viking Settlement
When: Saturday
What: Testing out new swords/sparring
Rating: Low

You might as well call me victorious forever )