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November 17th, 2016

[info]maundersee in [info]madisonvalley

WHO: Madge Undersee and OPEN
WHAT: Trying this coffee Gale told her about
WHEN: Thursday morning
WHERE: Starbucks
WARNINGS: Hunger Games warnings, talk of death
STATUS: Open/Ongoing
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[info]_mizpah in [info]madisonvalley

Despite the fact that American Thanksgiving is infused with the appropriation of Native Cultures and based more on mythology than fact, I agree with Mrs. Sheppard that the general idea - of giving thanks for what we have - is a good one.

I would like to do something perhaps a bit controversial and give thanks to the dome in general. Being brought here over a year ago saved my life, and allowed me to know joy that I never could have enjoyed back home.

I know that many of us are not happy to be here, but for some of us, it truly was a life-saving experience.

[info]molls_carpenter in [info]madisonvalley

Harry Dresden

Hey. We've been invited to Kara's for Thanksgiving by her and Barry. If you want to follow through on us destroying a bird together that's fine. Barry said he could come by and you can meet him. Or we could go to Kara's and possibly eat edible food!

[info]drawntodeath in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Lydia Martin and Kate Danvers
What: Bumping into each other
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: Downtown
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed/On-going

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[info]smarterhalf in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Jemma Simmons and Sue Storm
What: Coffee Shop Shenanigans
When: Thursday evening
Where: Starbucks
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed/On-going

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[info]seamless in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Gale Hawthorne and OPEN
What: Reacquainting himself with the town
When: Mid afternoon
Warnings: Not likely, possible HG talk
Status: OPEN

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[info]seamless in [info]madisonvalley

So, hi. I'm back.

Katniss told me you've got a baby. Congratulations.

That must be exciting.

[info]okteiviakomskai in [info]madisonvalley

So you all know, Aurelia and I will be staying in the cave. It is our home, I see no reason to leave it.

It reminds me of him.

[info]alphatalia in [info]madisonvalley


Would it be terribly awkward to attend the Thanksgiving celebration at the pack house that I've been hearing about?

As one of the Alphas in town, I almost think it's a necessary thing. And I do consider you and many of the others dear friends.

[info]nosmallspaces in [info]madisonvalley

Okay guys, true story.

I got attacked by a fucking squirrel today. I was going for a walk, trying to run off some of the steam left over from the supermoon, and I stopped for a second to catch my breath. Out of nowhere,

WHAM, this baseball-sized acorn smacks me in the head.

I look up, and this squirrel is sitting there chattering at me like it's the funniest thing in the whole world.

So I wolf out at it, thinking that'll scare it away. Does it? Nope.

It grabs another acorn grenade and clobbers me right in the middle of the forehead.

Moral of the story?

Cute woodland creatures are actually assholes.

[info]supersis in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Alex Danvers and Sara Lance
What: discoveries of a sort
Where: Verdant
When: Thursday Night
Warnings: Much of the narrative contains spoilers for recent episodes of Supergirl
Status: Closed/Ongoing
OOC Note: Random totally gave me permission for the summary of Alex's date with Garin :D

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