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December 3rd, 2013

[info]scarletlily in [info]madisonvalley

Who turned our tea kettle into a Portkey?

And why did it bring me here, of all places?

[info]deathbydrapery in [info]madisonvalley

So what or who is determining who gets to come here?

Because this is absolute bollocks.

[info]karrinmurphysi in [info]madisonvalley

WHO: Karrin Murphy and OPEN
WHAT: Thinking about Christmas
WHEN: Tuesday morning
WHERE: Cafe Camille

~+~+~+~+~ )

[info]lovekillsdinos in [info]madisonvalley

WHO: Thomas Raith and OPEN
WHAT: Nursing his ennui
WHEN: Tuesday morning
WHERE: Hinkle's
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+ )

[info]nishuilleabhain in [info]madisonvalley

WHO: Sinéad and OPEN
WHAT: Thoughts of Christmas
WHEN: Tuesday morning
WHERE: Looking about the little shops downtown
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~+~+~+~ )

[info]ofgilead in [info]madisonvalley

WHO: Roland Deschain and OPEN
WHAT: Braving Walmart at Christmas
WHEN: Tuesday morning
WHERE: Wal-mart
STATUS: Open/Ongoing

~+~+~+~+~ )

[info]iamnotfood in [info]madisonvalley

Europeans are crazy, dude. You know the best thing that came out of Europe is us. The United States of America.

[info]rubyraven in [info]madisonvalley

All right, so this family that I was told I had to stay with is kind of freaking me out.

They told me that if one of the other 'refugees' (and, seriously, how weird is it that they call us that?!) is willing to take me in, I can do that.

Um, so, anyone willing to help me out?

[info]for_family in [info]madisonvalley

We've had some additions to our numbers since our last request for guardianship of those under 18. And some of our previous volunteers have disappeared.

The current list includes the following:

Karrin Murphy
Jo Harvelle
Marius Black
Clara Oswald
Katherine Pryde
Evelyn O'Connell
Helga Hufflepuff
Johanna Mason
James Lester

In accordance with the city council's decision, our youth are being allowed to choose whether they remain with their appointed guardian or if they wish to pass into the hands of our own volunteers. The volunteers themselves are being asked to undergo a background check and social services will visit your residence--which must be established prior to acceptance of a child--to insure that the living space is appropriate for children.

Family are exempted from the process and may take their relatives immediately.

That said, if you wish to volunteer to take on a child respond here. We would also like to know if you have issues with magic, how many children you are willing and able to take on and what age range you would prefer.

filtered: Georgia and Lissa )

[info]bythesoundngsea in [info]madisonvalley

Like, how long do you think we'll be here? Will we have time to get used to it?

It's not bad, really, but I kind of miss the angst. It's a lot easier to write depressing angsty romance or poetry in the zombie apocalypse than in this...pre-rising ennui. Although maybe I could use the ennui.

Or maybe I'll just write more porn.

[info]ladyofwinter in [info]madisonvalley

[Filtered to Harry]

I need out of here, Harry. I need out of here. This stupid dome or whatever is amplifying everything and my head's been aching since Sunday. If this doesn't stop, I'm not going to be able to leave my apartment ever.

[info]agelessbeauty in [info]madisonvalley

WHO: Caroline and Elena
WHAT: a chat
WHEN: Wednesday morning
WHERE: the TVD house
WARNINGS: doubtful
STATUS: closed/Ongoing

Read more... )

[info]adaptvimmnities in [info]madisonvalley

[The writings of Shaun Mason, unpublished]
People don't know how to handle crazies. They see people with mental problems and automatically assume it's like the old films and shit. Like the stories they read in articles that sensationalize the issues.

I guess we make them afraid.

Though we're not actually any more likely to commit violence or violent crimes more than the average person. Statistically speaking.

But then I also think my dead sister talks to me, so what do I know?

[info]mahelt in [info]madisonvalley

There is something I find very strange about this place and time.

Everyone seems so very isolated, in their little solitary apartments. There is little conversation to be had and that which exists must be actively sought out. Don't misunderstand me; there is a great deal I appreciate about this America, but it is - not at all what I am accustomed to, that way.

Even when I first went to live with my husband and his family and I didn't know anyone I wasn't so  lonely cut off from things. There were always people about, if not family then servants, or guests, or people visiting on business.

I wish Hugh were here. And my children.

[info]treesarehome in [info]madisonvalley

Oh, hey, this place does have its moments. I found my favorite axe sitting on my coffee table when I got up this morning.

[info]purewitchrising in [info]madisonvalley

Who: Diana and [open]
What: Christmas shopping... or pondering it, anyway.
When: Tuesday evening
Where: Randomly around town
Warnings: None I can think of
Status: Open/On-going

Shopping and thinking... oh dear. )

[info]thingsgotmessy in [info]madisonvalley

Huh. Wasn't expecting this.

[info]pureinheart in [info]madisonvalley

What strange land is this? This does not look like the Kingdom I am to rule. What magic is this that takes me from my Kingdom to here? Who dared abduct the Queen of Tabor?

Eric? William? Are you here?

[info]20lbscrazy in [info]madisonvalley


I don't know where I am or how I got here, but someone gave me a cell phone, so I figure you'll eventually trace this and find me.

[info]watch_tower in [info]madisonvalley

Well, I have a job. It's a freelance job at the local paper but it's some money at least.

If anyone has a lead on a story, let me know. There isn't a whole lot going on here, so I'm sure any help will be welcome.

[info]floatsfeathers in [info]madisonvalley

House Filter
You know what we should do? Have a party. With everything that's happened, I think it would be good for us.

Filter: Anna
Hey. I know you're here and we haven't really gotten to.. talk. I just want you to know there are no hard feelings anymore, at least on my end. And I don't want things to be awkward. We're all stuck here for now and- I guess I'm just saying that I'm here, as a friend, if you're interested. I'm shutting up now

[info]deathbydrapery in [info]madisonvalley

I have a public service announcement:

If Georgia and Shaun Mason die by motorcycle, it's not my fault.

It's also not my fault if their inferi zombies happen.