September 2016




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May. 20th, 2015


Maker's breath, this is more than a bit odd, and that's coming from someone who wandered about the Fade. But hey no one's tried to kill me yet, so there's that. I'm Hawke.

Feb. 11th, 2015


trigger warning: discussion of suicide )

Feb. 8th, 2015


Has anyone seen Anders? He didn't come home the other evening, and I didn't think too much of it until but I thought he would make it back some time today, but it's well after midnight, and I still haven't heard anything. Someone please tell me they've heard something. Please. I'd appreciate any information anyone has.

Feb. 2nd, 2015


( Cullen )
What did I do? I know you're here and I may not particularly like you but since the people I do care about seem to enjoy lying to me, you're really the only one I can ask. What did I do that has someone I've never even met calling me a psychotic mass murderer?

( Nate )
Is there something I should know, love?

Jan. 10th, 2015


You know, the last time I woke up in the middle of a group of strangers with no idea how I got there, there were much less clothes involved. Maker, that was a good night. Between the pirate and that lay-warden with the griffin tattoo...

So, does anyone want to explain this place?

Jan. 3rd, 2015


This won't be at all uncomfortable

It would seem there have been quite a few arrivals from Thedas recently. I haven't exactly been keeping track of how many want me dead, but I imagine it is a fair few

( nate )
Try not to shoot anyone. Even if they say unpleasant things, I probably deserve them.

( hawke )
Bets on who attempts to murder me first? I know you love a good wager.

( fenris )
How are you settling in here? I hope Isabela and Hawke haven't gotten you into too much trouble.

( solas )
Justice is willing to speak with you. You had said that you wished to, before you would agree to help separate us.

Dec. 2nd, 2014


The weather is a welcome change. It reminds me of my childhood, what little I recall of it. The Anderfels were always cold like this, and often with snow. Perhaps things will take a similar turn here. The snow from before was nice enough that I would not mind a repeat.

( rumplestiltskin )
This is foolish Nathaniel will I have been told that you are capable of feats of magic that others cannot achieve, and that you are willing to use that magic for other people, at a cost.

( nathaniel )
It is quiet here without Hawke or Fenris. It seems everyone has been keeping to themselves of late. Even the Commander, if such a thing is possible.

Nov. 5th, 2014


The quiet, slightly decomposing visitors with no regard for personal space seem to be gone now, replaced by snowfall and ice on the streets. This leaves us to wonder, did they dissolve and turn into snow? Or was snow simply their natural deterrent? Did the snow cause them to melt into the ground? We may never know the answer. Of course, either way it is highly unusual. Everyone knows that "zombies" aren't real, and if they were, they would be resistant to extreme cold. Perhaps, these creatures were a product of our collective imagination and vanished when we chose to think of other things.

Whatever the cause of the snow, it probably isn't the castle made of ice in the middle of the park, and we should just ignore it and pretend it isn't there until it isn't.

In any case, it would probably be a good idea to wear a heavy jacket. And maybe some gloves and a scarf. And be careful on that ice. I hear there may be snow plows soon. If that's the case, I pray everyone will be safe from those murderous beasts. Snow plows, after all, are simply winter's equivalent of streetcleaners, and everyone knows the dangers of those.

Also, I'm making hot chocolate. With extra cumin, guajillo chilies, and extra nutmeg. I love nutmeg, and not just for it's poisonous nature and hallucinogenic properties. Anyway, the hot chocolate should be wonderful. Just like my mother used to make it. I think. I don't actually remember my mother, so I am largely working on assumptions here. But, you know what they say. If you can't assume things about your dead relatives, who can you?

Oh! And, this is very exciting. Khoshekh and his kittens are here. They appeared via portal in one of the spare bedrooms this afternoon. Carlos, of course, has to avoid the room, because of his allergies, but so far everything is fine. Khoshekh and the kittens are hovering in the air at various heights and seem very happy with their new home.

Sep. 18th, 2014


Nathaniel, before you say anything, yes, there is in fact a box of kittens in our shared living space.

But, in my defence, it's a box of kittens.

Sep. 10th, 2014


What Where What's going on Where is he?

I don't understand.

Oh Maker, what have I done?

Sep. 8th, 2014


Would anyone care to enlighten me as to the situation I have gotten myself mixed up in this time?

Oct. 10th, 2013


Well...this is..different. I've got more hair now, much more.

Uh, Neria, Hawke, Merill, Sarissa...I don't suppose any of you would be up for providing some pointers...because I can't seem to do a thing with it.

Oct. 3rd, 2013


I really do like this place a lot. It is nice to be able to spend time with my sister, without constantly worrying. And it is, of course, far preferable to death. I have come to terms with what would have been my fate in my own world, but I am glad nonetheless to avoid it. Still, there is much I still do not know about this town. Ser Howe, would you perhaps be willing to come exploring with me? You were so very helpful when I arrived, and I would quite like some company.

Sep. 8th, 2013


( voice post )


Is this working?

The woman who explained this place to me told me that I could use this box to speak with people. But I'm not certain I'm doing it right.

Mother? Marian? Carver? Are you here as well?

Sep. 2nd, 2013


This place is certainly not where I expected to end up after the leaving the Deep Roads. I would have assumed transportation to a realm other than the Fade was beyond the abilities of magic.