September 2016




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Aug. 10th, 2016


I don't know about everyone else but I think it'd be really nice if we had a big BBQ like we had before. We've not got much left of summer so we really should all make the most of it before it leaves us again.

Jul. 29th, 2016


[ Francis, Bucky, Mini Cap ]

I say possible cool older-yet-younger and still hip people's trip to Mexico for Tacos and you say?

So. Some of you are coming for Tacos? In Mexico. With Tommy and I? Y/Y?

Jul. 25th, 2016


When you finally remember to pull your head out of studying forever because you're seriously considering writing wedding vows to your biology textbook, you have to finally admit something is wrong. So, barring the low probability of transdimensional whisking away of things. Does anyone want to go out for tacos? Is there even anywhere to go out for Tacos?

If not, does anyone want to come over and help me not burn down the apartment making tacos and subsequently helping me eat the likely way too much food I'll make?

Nov. 28th, 2015


Small little Maine town. And here I was starting to think maybe I'd just made this whole place up. Small miracles I guess. Except for the part where I miss thanksgiving. Are there leftovers available anywhere because I am starving.

Sep. 15th, 2015



So. I want to punch you less than I want to punch most people, even when you're annoying. And you aren't entirely terrible facewise.

Do you maybe want to go see a movie or something? Like as a date? Or something?

I may have made a huge mistake.

I asked someone out.

I blame you and your weird boy issues.

Sep. 7th, 2015


Francis Barton:

So. I wanted to try this ask you know if you'd like to go out and get something to eat with me. Like. The kind of dinner where I'd wear something nicer than usual and maybe you could walk around town with me after?

So. On the off chance things go horribly, if I buy a gallon of ice cream will you help me eat it?

Sep. 3rd, 2015


Okay. Time for a few announcements won't actually matter to anyone except my family probably. But I don't care. I feel like making announcements.

1) Given I'm beyond confused about my age at this point, with all the being here and then going back to that same point in my personal timeline back home right before I get dead by explosion, I am just going to declare that I'm the same age as May, whatever that is at this point. May, how old are you again? I can never keep track. It's only fair, since we're twins. Besides, it's not like my age ever made sense anyway, what with all the symbiote hybrid clone stuff.

2) I'm changing my codename. Because reasons. Namely...
A - Mayhem sounds like a supervillain name. be fair...
B - It also sounds like a terrible pun on May's name. be fair...
C - No codenames you pick at 16 are good codenames...
D - My whole family gets spider codenames, so...
Anyway, I'm going to go with Scarlet Spider, because sorta-maybe-clones have AWESOME luck with that one.

3) I'm starving. Who wants pizza?

4) I also kind of want to punch someone in the face. Any takers?

This whole post and its...everything is probably why I have like...two and a half friends.

Jul. 14th, 2015


fuck yeah, i can do magic now.

i've got magic summoning powers. so step right up. twenty bucks a pop and i'll wish your favorite people into this weird ass magic town for you.

unless your favorite people are assclowns, then i have veto power and will refund your twenty.

i'm magic. sorry billy, make room on the magic throne.


Can we quit with the back and forth already?

I mean, I'm not exactly enjoying going back to right before I apparently die. Seriously, portals. Worst trip ever.

May? Peter? You guys still here?

Jul. 13th, 2015


Filtered to Tommy Shepard:
So. Hi?

Filtered to Gwen Stacy:
I think I want to hide in a physics textbook forever.

Jul. 5th, 2015


So I was thinking about Tommy's stupid post and how people kind of liked it. And then I found this post and figured whatever.
Malia Hale has a reputation for a remarkable talent at intimidating people. Additionally, she possesses the power to read the memories of others, however she must speak words of power to do so. Malia Hale is known for her marvelous knack at fighting in the dark and she is able to communicate with sloths in any language. She resists assailants wielding an accurate stinger that also grants a startling combat sense and she developed the talent to make hats appear from nowhere. Lamentably, Malia Hale is infamous for being woefully unskilled at seduction.

May. 20th, 2015


I don't suppose anyone wants to come over and help me eat all these cookies I've made for reasons we're totally not going to talk about?

( Dad )
You showing up would be pretty great. April's gone home. Again.

( Francis )
Hey. Could we hang out tonight?

Mar. 16th, 2015


Этот ублюдок.
Я собираюсь надрать ему задницу, если он возвращается
Я начинаю ненавидеть это место

It appears that Logan was sent home.

Mar. 9th, 2015


Okay, I'm just going to go with what the actual fuck?

Because...seriously? A magic portal that leads to a fairytale town in Maine? Am I the only one who thinks that's complete bullshit?

Mar. 7th, 2015


I've finally come to accept the fact that I'm not going to wake up and find a certain someone here. He's gone. He's left. And every time he's come back things have been different. I'm the only one hanging onto something and it's just not happening. It's time to face facts and move on. With that in mind I've decided I should probably start dating or flirting again because why not?

Also, I should probably get a job to afford things.

Also, should I have not announced my intention to get back out there over this thing? That's not normal, right?

Also, how do you flirt?

Also, someone teach me to people.

Also, I want a dog. We can call it my therapy dog and I'll name it, like, Alex or Brock or Steve but none of those names because I just remembered they're terrible. The job will probably need to happen before the dog with the terrible name.

Feb. 27th, 2015


My not so secretly nerdy heart is broken. Who wants to sit around and tearfully watch Star Trek with me? The original series. There may or may not be drinking.

Feb. 12th, 2015


Filtered to May Parker

So I was wondering
Valentine's Day is on Saturday and I was just thinking
Would you want to
I'm terrible at this

I was just wondering if you were doing anything on Saturday. If not would you be interested in doing something with me? Like a movie or... something? You don't have to but, you know.

Feb. 5th, 2015


Filtered to Francis Barton, Jessica Drew, Tommy Shepherd, Peter Parker, and Gwen Stacy )

Feb. 3rd, 2015


The last time I wound up in a strange new place I missed out on sixty-six years, give or take. I guess I should consider this an improvement. I appreciate all the orientation information but I was in the middle of something important I'd really like to get back to.


I don't know how it happened but back home guess who got a new suit?

Prepared for Max Fabulous )

It is damn adorable. Gwen! Can you make me one for here?

I miss Torunn. It's weird being outnumbered in the apartment.

Feb. 2nd, 2015


I'm just going to admit it... I only watched the super bowl for the commercials. Who saw the Snickers one?


I take it a thing occurred with your American football and there was much grousing and griping of men with multi-million dollar paychecks? Yes, I suppose, your sporting arrangements have always held some odd fascination for me.

As for myself I've been camping in the woods for nigh a week n

Feb. 1st, 2015


So. Baby bro is totally napping out and I am thinking of taking a web-sling around the towers. Keep the skills sharp. Any of the other slingers up for a race?

That being said, it's also probably going to work me up an appetite, and I really should consider getting back to some semblance of actual life. So. Combine these things with lunch at Granny's and then a serious discussion about employment for anyone looking? My skills include science, costume repair, inventing, and obviously baking.

And I'm awesome-not awesome- at interviews.

Jan. 27th, 2015


So, I gather there's been another round of this places rather famous disappearing acts huh? I might not have the best leg up on Granny's in the whole wide world but, if anyone's in need of a cupcake/cookie delivery, I can totally accommodate. Delivery's can be made via the window, for those of you who'd like a bit of costumed flare, or on foot.

I'm really sorry to all of you who've lost someone. This place is so weird

Francis )

Team Spider (all of them) )

Jan. 24th, 2015


I think Torunn's gone.

First not really but kinda sorta mom shows up and now Torunn disappears. Is this a Barton thing?

Aw, portals.

Dec. 3rd, 2014


Private to May Parker

So, hey, welcome back. I don't think I've said that yet.

I was wondering, if you had time, maybe we could go to Granny's and get some hot cocoa? Catch up, I guess.

I'm terrible at this

Nov. 11th, 2014


This is very...something.

So, magic and portals and now I'm in a small town. That's a thing.

And I thought everything else in my life right now was

So...I'm Gwen. What's a girl do for fun around here?

( Mayday )
Is Benjy settling in okay? I know he's had to deal with a lot of change lately.

And what about you?


So...Storybrooke. Really can't say I saw this one coming again. It's been awhile.

Hi. Again. Wonder who it is I'm supposed to find here

Jan. 28th, 2014


I still kind of miss being an adult.

Jan. 23rd, 2014


Filtered against Clint Barton (616)

So we're all slowly turning back and I just

Anyone up for grabbing a drink with me?

Jan. 22nd, 2014


I've been here for awhile now, so I should probably try and start making some more friends. I mean, I have some friends here already, but it doesn't hurt to make more now, does it?

To those of you I don't know, my name is Lissa Dragomir. I'm eighteen years old, I'm a college freshman, and queen of the Moroi vampire court where I'm from, but that last part isn't very important here. Would anyone be interested in going to Granny's with me? The food there is very good, and the staff is very kind.

Jan. 18th, 2014


If I'm reading this note right then this is the exact opposite of what I wanted. Thanks a lot, magic.

Teenage me had awful hand writing.

[May Parker]

The note also says I should check in on you and have you join me in cursing my Barton luck.

Jan. 17th, 2014


So. Uh. Kids. Everywhere.

Okay. So this place is weird. We can all agree on that right? I know there are a lot of people looking to set up stuff like guardians and stuff. I'm totally not looking to do that right now, but if anyone needs like, babysitting or entertainment services? I'd be happy to help out.

Or, you know, if anyone wants to come over and, just hang out until this craziness is over?

( Francis Barton )

So, you're still like, you, you, right?

Jan. 16th, 2014


Things are just so weird right now.

[Loki (MCU)]

Are you still the same age or are you suddenly a mini Loki?

Jan. 13th, 2014


I'm bored. It's times like this I miss Gotham. Even with the smog and the psychopaths, there was always something to keep things interesting.

I could really go for a game of rooftop tag. Tim? Cassie? Kara? Any of you in? Girls, mind your crazy super strength around us humans. I'm looking at you, Cass.

Kate? America? Other Cassie? You can play too.

Really, I'm cool with anyone joining as long as you can navigate rooftops and handle possibly getting kicked in the face.

Jan. 11th, 2014


So, if someone is trying to make new friends and experience new things, where should she start?

Jan. 5th, 2014


It's rather late, past the time a reasonable hobbit should be in bed.

But I am finding myself hungry, anyone want to see if Granny's is still open?

Dec. 15th, 2013


I've decided I don't like Christmas specials or characters from Christmas specials.

So... this ball thing? I assume it's a dance. Dates aren't mandatory, right?

Dec. 13th, 2013


Never been to Comic Con before.

The name's Raylan.

Nov. 27th, 2013


So... Thanksgiving. What is it and why should I care?

Nov. 8th, 2013


I wasn't going to say anything but

So. Since my sister is gonesince this is my first apartment ever, and I'm kind of not such a fan of all this time to myself, does anyone want to come over? We can watch movies or whatever. I think there's even a bag of popcorn left.

Oct. 25th, 2013


Too much homework, not enough coffee stupid nightma- Send help.

Oct. 17th, 2013


So, Hi, I'm May. I'm not sure if I ever made one of these introductions before..

Anyway, I was kind of hoping this trans-dimensional, ending up in some strange, disjointed, time-warp reality thing was, I don't know, temporary or something. It really doesn't seem like that's the case and, while I do have a pretty awesome sister that I did not have before, I figure I try and make some new friends -- you know, so I can not drive her crazy.

Aside from school,which I'd say could qualify as, I haven't really done much since I showed up, so I'd be up for almost anything really. It's getting close to halloween, so there's got to be bad movies on the T.V. If you can talk science to me, that's a huge plus


Filtered to under 25s and against authority types

So Jackson asked me to let everyone know!

The party will be Saturday the 26th, in the woods. We'll still need the magic wards that'll keep out folks who aren't coming. Plus, since it's Halloween, we should totally do a haunted forest/house/scary-ish theme. Anyone want to help with that!?

Sep. 16th, 2013


i wish i could go back and kill them for doing this to me. i used to be able to control this.

I hate the days before the full moon. I get so distracted and it's still days away. Does anyone have today's homework assignments for history and math? i'm sure i'll get failing grades on them anyway. I'm going to flunk out of high school


Okay, I'm just going to go with what the fuck?

Because...seriously? A magic portal took us to a fairytale town in Maine? Am I the only one who thinks that's complete bullshit?

Sep. 4th, 2013


I got a puppy. He doesn't have a name yet. I am open to suggestions.
He's a total sweetheart )

Sep. 2nd, 2013


So..uh..what's there to do in this place for the under twenty-one crowd? If I seriously have to go to school here, I'd like to at least enjoy some of this impromptu vacation.

Sep. 1st, 2013


I really do not have time for this. If someone could please point me at the person responsible so I can get back to what I was doing.


Right, now that I actually have some clothes other than

So, Storybrooke huh? Okay. Well. Believe it or not, this is not my first magic portal today. I gotta say though, showing up in a place where people give you money, an apartment, and a place to live? Serious improvement. Never mind this sweet phone.

Anyway, they tell me this is a good way to get a hold of people and where I should say hi? So..Hi. My name's May Parker, and I'm from Earth. New York in particular. They also tell me we're all stuck here so that's funbut, well, like I said, not my first portal today.

So..this is Maine huh? Awesome. So, who's in charge here, anyway?

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