September 2016




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Feb. 13th, 2016


I actually really like the snow, yes it makes me really cold but that's not necessarily a bad thing I've found out.

[Filtered away from Carl]
So I said I'd be a guardian for this kid, Carl. He's a good kid and I knew the show of his life was about and available to watch so I thought I'd watch it so I could understand him a bit more. I thought my life was bad but then I saw this and I can't believe he's not a mess. I don't know what point he's up to, like what he remembers but there's some pretty heavy stuff he goes through and I don't know if maybe I should ask him if he wants to talk about any of it. I mean I'm not going to just come out and say 'Hey, kid, wanna talk about how shitty your life is?' but I can let him know if he wants to talk I'll listen but I don't know if that's a good idea or not. I guess I'm just wondering what you guys think, I definitely think I should make sure he doesn't watch any of the show if he hasn't already.

Nov. 19th, 2015


I wish to run for Mayor, but I have not been here long enough. Is this still going on?

Can we get around that somehow, if my prior government experience includes being President of the United States?

Nov. 14th, 2015


Driving is more complicated than it appeers. And yet, still less trouble than a horse.

There are too many different kinds of mailboxes, and I'm not sure what the one I ran over looked like before it was unfortunately flat. I was just going to replace it in the middle of the night and hope no one noticed, but I have to actually ask them what kind they had.

If they have no preference I'm putting up one that looks like a tiny house.

The car was already dented, but I am still sorry, Neal.

Nov. 13th, 2015


Dear sham government that may not actually be run by anyone anymore because I think everyone retired,

Please make it legal to marry books, because then my nerd-geek sister might come back and I kind of miss her face.

Not literally her face. We're twins. We have the same face.

But you get the point.

- April Parker

Sep. 22nd, 2015


I need a job.

Any suggestions?

Sep. 21st, 2015


I never believed old Mrs. Cooper when she said be careful what you wish for. Maybe I should have.

Unless this is a dream. Am I dreaming?

Sep. 10th, 2015


Is there anyone who'd be willing to babysit my son for a little while? I need to find a job.

I'd prefer if it was someone who could defend themselves should something come up. This place seems safe but things back home were complicated.

Aug. 12th, 2015


I'm over this place.

Jul. 28th, 2015


You know, watching all the comings and goings in this place...

It's a bigger revolving door than the one that used to lead to my bedroom.

And that's saying something.


So, one minute I'm kicking ass on a giant demon spider, and the next I'm in...  Maine?  What's a Maine???


Storybrooke, Maine is not exactly where I planned to be this morning.


Good morning, Storybrooke.

Jul. 14th, 2014


I think I'm in danger of being a hermit. What do people recommend to do around here? Besides walks in the park, I mean.

Jul. 7th, 2014


Celebrating the Fourth of July in modern times never ceases to amaze me.

I hope everyone had a good weekend.


I know that it was Ruby's idea, originally, but the more I think on it, the more I like the thought of doing a town-wide block party.  Who would like to help me plan the event?  (Ruby, I'm already counting you!)

Jul. 6th, 2014


((after she's found Lissa and stuff))

So, I've apparently been transported from Montana to Maine by a magic portal, I've been here before, even though I don't remember it and there's some kind of barrier around this place that keeps us from leaving.

It's really sad that I have to admit I've actually had stranger days.

Anyway, hi, I'm Rose Hathaway. If I knew you before, sorry I don't remember you.


Getting kidnapped to Maine by a magical portal is definitely not on the list of things I expected to happen today, but I guess that portal has some pretty good timing, all things considered.

Uh, that fairy, though, that was a hallucination, right?

Anyway, hello, Storybrooke, I'm Allison. Are they serious about the whole being stuck here thing? I was kind of in the middle of something. Like dying, but that's beside the point.

Jun. 18th, 2014


OMG, seriously? How many times are they going to drag me here? I don't even remember that last time.

Alright. Roll call! Lizzie, Darcy, Molly, Jack; where you at? Please tell me you are here still.

Jun. 2nd, 2014


It's... surreal to be the only one from my world here. I have a couple friends that I made when I was brought here, but I miss everyone from home. It's hard to keep my head up, sometimes.

Who else here is the only one from their world? Maybe we should start a club.

May. 30th, 2014


Just as I was thinking I needed a vacation.


I suppose that if I'm going to be here for awhile, I should get a job. Only, I'm not entirely certain how to go about that here. At home, I held a position alongside the Minster of Magic, which would be the equivalent of a Muggle mayor. Perhaps I'll pay a visit to the mayor's office tomorrow and inquire as to whether or not there are any open positions.

May. 5th, 2014


I'm afraid I might need to find a job if I am too remain here too much longer.

It seems as though I am going to be here longer than I thought, so why not find something to pass the time?


I hate technology. Why do people keep insisting on me using technology for everything. What happened to going to the local bar and having a few drinks as a way to get to know people? Now it's all interwhatsis this and online that. Even fighting crime online now...thankfully that's what my partner is for. But even she insists on this technology stuff.

Where's a girl to get some civilian clothes, and a cheeseburger around here? Somehow running around in my uniform just seems like a bad idea.


what's a superhero?

And what's prom?

How does this box work? ...please?

May. 3rd, 2014


Ever get the feeling that something big is going down around you but no one's telling you anything?


What's going on? Simmons brought me all these pancakes...

Apr. 24th, 2014


So like, things I've learned from reading the network and life in Storybrooke lately:

  1. There are not enough reasons for light shows in town and that physically hurts me, kay?

  2. HYDRA sucks in every reality.

  3. People miss stuff and no I totally don't blame them. I mean, I miss Xavier's and all that comes with it. So I get it.

  4. Holidays. They sure do exist.

  5. Look at the person to your left. Look at the one to the right. Chances are, they are HYDRA. Or, you know, not really, but that's the topic of the month so you'll probably accuse them of being HYDRA even if you don't know what it is. (You don't wanna be HYDRA, kids. You just don't. It'll lead to bad things. Like hot plasma bursts to your face bad.)

  6. Some of us are bored.

  7. I'm feeling antsy. This is not a good thing. Things happen.

  8. No, seriously, HYDRA blows. Their color scheme sucks. So does their theme. Their leaders. Their plans. And their faces. Those really epically suck.

  9. Storybrooke needs a mall. Badly. I'll even take out the forest for you if you just give me build one.

  10. I think I'm the only person who doesn't watch Game of Thrones and it makes me feel special.

Long story short: HYDRA= Bad. BETRAYAL. BE...TRAYAL. What's a paladin? Everyone forgets that there is magic in Storybrooke and no one gets any truth serum or truth spells to see who is honest or not and instead they get all paranoid and panicky because that totally fixes all the things. People take sides and there are OPINIONS. And FACTS. And DRAMA. Storybrooke quickly implodes from the infighting and only one adult is left standing as the victor. Unfortunately, that person is also left with all the kids in Storybrooke, because someone will have selflessly sacrificed their life to keep them safe. So congrats, oh mighty victor of the Storybrooke HYDRA Incident. It's a boy! And a girl! And well.. repeat that until all the kids are counted up. Start saving your cash, because college tuition is gonna be a bitch.

The End.

Apr. 23rd, 2014


I've been here for almost a year now, but there are still things that I miss about my old life. Is that the right term? I'm not entirely sure. Either way, aside from before meeting The Doctor, this is the longest I've ever been in one place. I don't think I'll ever not miss traveling in the TARDIS with Amy and The Doctor. I'm just grateful that Amy is here and that we're together.


How is it that where I fell asleep last night is completely different than where I woke up?