September 2016




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May. 15th, 2016


Well, this was bloody inconvenient.

Sherlock Holmes. You better bloody well be here.

May. 14th, 2016


Wait. When did they start showing Eurovision in the States?

Seriously, turn on CNN. It's the best form of ridiculous craic.

May. 13th, 2016


I'm glad this week is over with. I'm sure I'm not the only one to think that.

[Filtered to Bobbi Morse, Melinda May, Jemma Simmons & Katherine Pierce]
Just wanted to say thank you to all of you again for drinks on Monday, they helped a lot.

[Filtered to Steve Rogers]
Thank you for coming out with us on Monday. I really appreciate it.

[Filtered to Lana]
Once you're properly settled in we should talk.



What happens now? I mean, if we're here, do I get a job? Do we just live here? I mean, I don't even know what the point of any of this is? Why we're all here at all?

What do you all do every day?


You have no reason to want to talk to me or to trust me. I just...nothing is the same. I need someone to talk to and you're the only one here besides Grant that I believe would be honest with me.



How do I do this? Any of this without y


I was told I could find people I know on this?

Not that I have any idea what this is. Other than some muggle device. How does it even work?


cut for Legends of Tomorrow spoilers )

May. 12th, 2016


I can't believe... I didn't mean for that to happen. Tell me that was just a bad dream.


It's almost my birthday! A week from tomorrow, and yes, I do expect presents. I'm talking to you, Ginny and Fred!

Though I certainly wont turn down anyone else if they want to give me a birthday gift.


I wonder if I'll ever get used to my new home here. Everything is so different, but I have to say that I feel a lot safer here than I did back at home. I just wish Landon was here with me, all we have is each other and I hate to think that he's without his older sister.

That being said, it is very beautiful here. It almost reminds me of District 12, with all the trees. Not that I ever been out into the woods before, but I used to look at the tree line and wonder what it was like.

May. 9th, 2016


Obligatory post to let everyone know I'm still alive.

I'm alive.

May. 10th, 2016


Mondays suck. Or more to the point this Monday sucks. Other Mondays have been okay but this one is definitely not okay.

May. 8th, 2016


Damnit Katherine!


What the hell is going on?

Jemma, Coulson? Are you here?


I can't have been kidnapped.

Company I was in, I'd be the last one they'd want to grab.

That said, I don't know if any of the company I was in are here?

May. 7th, 2016


What's going on?

What is this?

Rose? Where are you?


What's going on?

I mean I know what they told me, but that can't be right?

Grant, are you here?


Europe was lovely this time of year, as expected.

Frank and I are back. Phil, we have a few things for you. Billy, I have something for you, too. Come find me when you get a chance. Jess - the same goes for you.

[James Rogers]
I'm back.


Okay what the actual shit

You people have exactly five minutes to tell me where my daughter is or I'll start to escalate.


I was told when I arrived there are others here I know. How did I come to this place? It should not be possible.

My name is Wanda.


Ugh I just got out of a small pointless town
But whatever

Um, can anyone help me? I'm looking for some friends of mine.

Damon or Stefan Salvatore, Bonnie, Caroline?

May. 6th, 2016


I'm not being shot at. I can't sneak into bars. Dance halls are a thing of the past. What do people actually do here? Why are there no teenagers here? Not that I know how to talk to them or interact with them but I could, at least, watch them and pretend I know


Really?  Random town, Maine?  Isn't there somewhere better I could have been mysteriously sent to?


If THAT is what is coming in my future?

Fuck everything.

Seriously, just fuck everything.

And even if it isn't? Fuck whoever thought that film was a good idea.

OOC: Be wary of potential spoilers in comments.


Yay. The magic wall is down. Awesome. Really.

And now there are shiny portals that my two year old is absolutely fascinated with. So that's another thing to have to worry about all the time.

Also her favorite word right now is 'no'. Because of course it is.

And I can't find my keys and I can't prove she didn't hide them or feed them to the dog.

And there may or may not be oatmeal in my hair. Again. And I can only find one of my shoes.

I'm running away to Jersey. Not that I think I'll be any more of a functional human there. But I'm curious if they have anything like Gotham. I almost miss smog. Plus I might get to kick a mugger in the face.

Matt, can I have time off? Will you be okay without me? Will you remember to eat and not somehow end up in a dumpster? Frank, will you babysit Matt if I take a vacation?

May. 3rd, 2016


This place is giving me a headache. All of the temporal inconsistencies. How do you all not tear each other apart?


You know I'm actually a little disappointed I haven't found any of the themed Doritos this time around.

(I bought some anyway, for the record)

Assuming everyone hasn't already spread to the four corners of the world, I'm thinking that the Avengers and Co. should Assemble for a barbecue or something before whatever happens happens with the movie that we're all trying to ignore.

That includes anyone on the sidelines fortunate enough not to be a part of the whole mess.

How about it? Takers?


potential trigger warnings for abuse and torture )

Hello, my name is Sydney.

Assuming what I've been told is true and that I really have been transported to small town Maine in another reality that is similar, but not the same as my own and I'm not in the middle of a very vivid hallucination, I have a very important question.

Where can I get a really good cup of coffee? Preferably a large one.


Maker's breath I must say, this place is fascinating. If rather inconvenient

But then, I suppose life never goes quite how one might wish.


Somebody has approximately five seconds to explain why I'm here and not at my wedding.

May. 2nd, 2016


I suppose it was too much to hope life might stay dull for just a little while.

Maker's Breath..


We're back from our trip and I'm so glad to see the town is still standing. But has anyone seen Carl? I can't find him.

[Filtered to Archer]
I think Carl is gone. I just don't know if he's gone back home or if he ran off.

[Filtered to AoS Ladies]
Okay, we need a girl's night. Seeing as we're all together again. And I did promise Bobbi we'd have one. So let's get to sorting one out very soon.


Apr. 30th, 2016


Ariadne and I are married.

We're off to Paris.

We might not be coming back.


I am going to assume that leaving Storybrooke doesn't mean that I can go back to Westeros.

Apr. 29th, 2016


Magic that held everyone here was undone by a child. There will never be a day when I understand the ways of it. Though I felt the barriers go down. It was unpleasant.

[Filtered to Dorian]
The world is open now, did you want to take time to go explore it? It's likely better I not be seen and stay here, but you should go, if you want.



Am I using this correctly?


Katie Bell is here!

Ginny, Katie, let's go to New York. I've never been!


And I thought this place was just a really bad hangover...

Posted via Journaler.


I can do this.

Hello? Looks like I'm going to be staying here for a while. My name is Katie Bell, they said this might be a good way to reach out to any friends or family that might be here.


So. Gwen's gone. Back to her world, I guess, to be awesome elsewhere. Without me.


Voice Post

What the hell is this doohickey? How does it work? Is this...?

Hello? Can anyone hear me?

This sure as hell ain't Paris...


I miss Phil. If he were here he'd never hear the end of it and I feel cheated that he's not around for me to make fun of.

With the barriers down I guess we can go anywhere. I'm not actually sure if I want to leave town and do a little travelling.


In case anyone's wondering I'm still dying. I hate trees and pollen and flowers and dust and spring in general.

I know we can leave. I'll be excited about running off when I can breathe.

Apr. 27th, 2016


Well, that was less than fun.

But, on the plus side, I'm still breathing. So that's something.

Could use a doctor with a better bedside manner, but I'll take what I can get.

Thank you.

I don't know if I would have made it if you hadn't found me and gotten me help.

I'm alive because of you, and I'm not going to forget that.

dr. mccoy.
I'm mostly kidding.

Thank you for helping me. I mean, I guess it's your job. But I'm pretty glad to be alive, so the sentiment stands.

On the plus side, I get a good view while I'm healing.

Sorry for missing a few days of work. Not the great first impression.

I sort of got stabbed, back home.

I'm okay. I promise. Sorry if I worried you.


I understand everyone's excitement about the town barrier being down, I really do. It's not exactly a way home for many of you, but it must be nice to know you can venture out and explore beyond this town. I'm sorry we don't have more answers about what you will find out there.

Because we don't know so much, I urge you to be careful if you do venture outside of town. Please don't go off alone, take some means of communication with you, such as a cell phone. We don't know how far our network will extend and we want you to be able to call for help if you should need it.

We've managed to get by this far by all sticking together and we need to do that now more than ever. I know we won't get the answers some of you need about what's waiting outside the town line without exploring and I'm not telling anyone not to leave. I just want you all to be careful. We are all Storybrookers, no matter what realms we originally came here from. We're a family and I think it's more important now than ever that we remember that.

That said, how do you feel about checking out some portals with me?


Huh. I really thought this place was a dream.

Ollie, Sara, Felicity, you guys still here?


You know, when we said "new adventure" and "vacation" this wasn't" quite what I had in mind.

Hunter, you better be here.

Apr. 26th, 2016


I need a ship and rum.

Who's with me?


This is fantastic.


No more magic barrier?

Sweet. I am SO out of here.


Okay, I've gotta ask this because it's something I've been thinking about since I found out the barrier was gone and I know that was only last night but it's been bugging me. I get that here I'm fictional or on a show or whatever the hell you want to say. It took me a while to get used to that but here at least I knew I wasn't alone in that and no one was going to think I was insane but if I go out there are people going to think I'm someone else or think I'm crazy or something? I'm sure I'm not the only one thinking about this.

As for the portals, well I don't think I'm going anywhere near those. I'd rather not risk getting stranded somewhere if they suddenly decided to close.

[Filtered to Archer]
So... do you want to go out there and see what the world is like?

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