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Jul. 2nd, 2019


[Filter to Pepper]
You've been awfully quiet since we got back. What's up?

[Filter to Ella, Elsa, Ariel, & Belle]
My daughter is turning three on the 14th of this month. I was wondering if you guys would be willing to come to her party. There are movies about all of you that she absolutely adores and while I know they aren't necessarily accurate depictions of your lives, it would blow her tiny mind to meet actual princesses.

[Filter to Dwight] added later
You're coming over for dinner tomorrow.

Jul. 1st, 2019


WHO Pepper & Dwight Hendrickson
WHAT Srs Conversations
WHEN Monday morning
WHERE Their kitchen
WARNINGS TBD; lots of feels
STATUS Closed | Incomplete

~+~+~+~+~+~ )

Jun. 30th, 2019



[Filtered against Pepper & Tony]

I'm ready to get off this boat at any time now.

Jun. 14th, 2019


[Darcy & Phil C]

Wasn't sure if I should reach out or not, but I'm doing my best to support her. Can't say it's easy, but she's worth it.


I know things are kind of complicated in the house right now. Why don't we take a camping trip this weekend? Do some fishing and such. Bring along any of your new inventions if you want, too.

Jun. 2nd, 2019


WHO Pepper & Dwight Hendrickson
WHAT Pain and misery Pepper’s home
WHEN June 2nd, v early morning (after her log w/ Tony)
WHERE Their house
WARNINGS Spoilers for Endgame, feels, etc
STATUS Closed | incomplete

~+~+~+~+~ )

May. 3rd, 2019


[Text: Dwight H | Pepper H]

>> You know, this morning wasn't your only birthday present.

[Text: Ryder | Pepper H]

>> Want to help me put together a few decorations to surprise Dwight with tonight?

Apr. 22nd, 2019



I can't wait for the weather to warm up. I'm over the cold and rain.

[Super House + Extended Family]

It's supposed to rain tomorrow, so dinner options please. And no take out.

Apr. 21st, 2019


An easter egg hunt where Cassie neither stole any eggs or hit anyone with her basket.

I consider that a small victory.

Apr. 19th, 2019


WHO Everyone! (Party Post)
WHAT Easter Egg Hunt & Brunch
WHEN **SUNDAY APRIL 21** (Forward dated)
WHERE The Park
WARNINGS There better not be any y'all

Happy Easter! )

Apr. 14th, 2019


[Dwight Hendrickson]

Hey so I was thinking. Pepper mentioned you might know where to get some bait in town?

Apr. 9th, 2019



It's hard to believe it's already almost Easter. Would anyone be interested in another Easter Egg Hunt and perhaps a brunch with it?

[Dwight H | Pepper H]

I may be a bit late coming home today.

Mar. 24th, 2019


I have a job.

It is the first job since I was a child. I am not sure yet, but I think I will enjoy it. I wish...


Who knew there were so many damn hoops to buying a house?

Running missions, hitting things until they fall down, strategy...easy. Filling out these forms? Stupid hard.

Mar. 20th, 2019


Who: Open to Everyone
What: Mercy and Clay’s Wedding!!!!
Where: Pack House
When: 12 pm noon until the party ends
Warnings: None.
Status: Open to Everyone, In Progress

Welcome to wedding of
Mercedes Thompson & Clayton Danvers
Spring Solstice, March 20th, 2019

I hope you don’t mind that I put down in words how wonderful life is while you’re in the world )

Mar. 16th, 2019


[Filtered to Friends & Family]

Father told me the most wonderful news! Jesse and I are expecting a child together, due in October according to the doctor.

Mar. 3rd, 2019



The last three months are supposed to be the easiest right?

Feb. 26th, 2019


Bad Axe will have a saint Patrick's day thing don't you worry none. That said.

Somedays it's hard working with people. They want me to hands on show them things and I just can't. They don't get personal space and touching them gives me migraines. I both love and hate my ability, but some days ugh.

This message brought to you by people who like touching my hand at work and getting zapped. I really didn't need to know about how poorly your coffee date went.

Feb. 24th, 2019



I think I may have just spent an unreasonable amount of money on Girl Scout Cookies. I'm not even sorry.

Feb. 8th, 2019


Hello darkness, my old friend.

Feb. 7th, 2019


Really? Was an additional day of warm, toasty, comfortable weather too much to ask?

That's it. I'm orbing between warm and clean places until this nonsense stops. If anyone needs transportation, let me know.

Feb. 2nd, 2019


Who: Everyone that signed up
What: Valentine's Day Movie Night
Where: The Old Market on Main
When: Saturday Feb 2nd
Warning: Shouldn't be any but let me know

Read more... )
Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Feb. 1st, 2019


Why are so many of the people here discriminatory against those of us brought here unwillingly? Are they not trapped the same as we are? One would think they would be far more accomodating, given they are in a similar situation.

These blood tests many of them require, what does that entail? Who does it hinder from employment and why? It is entirely ridiculous.

Perhaps it is simply because those of you I have met so far have been so friendly and helpful, but it seems quite pointless that those of you with skills to assist others are unable to do so due to laws against us so called "refugees".

Jan. 11th, 2019


So who wants to join in for football playoff watching this weekend?

Jan. 9th, 2019


Cadence is going to be four years old in four months.

How the heck did that happen?

Jan. 5th, 2019


Who: Everyone!
What: Cameron and Melinda's Wedding Reception
Where: The Musain
When: Saturday
Warning: Probably low
Status: Open/Party Post
OOC: Pretend invites went out a few weeks ago

~+~+~+~ )

Dec. 28th, 2018



Oh, the children are absolutely wonderful! I am so grateful to see our future family.

Dec. 27th, 2018


WHO Pepper, Dwight, Ryder & Madison
WHAT Family time
WHEN Christmas morning (backdated)
WHERE Their house
WARNINGS tbd, probably none
STATUS Closed | Incomplete

Merry Christmas )

Dec. 21st, 2018


You know, you'd think adjusting to being the oldest sibling of four would be harder than it's been. Especially when one of them is your otherwise older brother. But honestly, not bad. I could actually get used to this.

Anyone know what you get toddlers for Christmas presents? I mean, I'd assume toys. But I've made way too many time jumps in too short a time to have any clue what kids are playing with these days.


Who: Eretria and Open
Where: Town and Country Floral
When: Morning
What: Prepping for Christmas
Warnings: None
Status: Open, In Progress

no more christmas music, please!! )


This is the best day ever.

I have found pork cutlet bowls.

Now I must introduce them to everyone.

Dec. 20th, 2018


I miss home. I miss my friends. I even miss the Doc, as sad as that is. I am learning to do things like people here, though, so I am making progress.

it's just slow.

Dec. 8th, 2018


*voice to text*


My name is Joshua, son of Joseph. I've been in this..in this strange world for eight days.

So, Bjorn, you were right, this is the future, but it is so far into the future for me that it might as well be another world. I've been learning about your form of currency, and what you call electricity. The Romans I am told had indoor, but it was only for the wealthy. It seems so common now, and in winter as well, how is it is to keep clean and warm here.

Also..coffee. in my own time, only parts of the market sell coffee, but here it is so common, and so many variations.

I would..if it's no trouble to anyone, I would appreciate a sort of guide in this place. I've been able to work some things, like the television and the stove, but in terms of customs..how things are done, and so forth, some extra help is needed.

Something I have been wondering for awhile. This..this festival called Christmas, with the figure called Santa Clause. Who is he? Is he a god in this place? Seems one of the most humane gods I've ever heard of-giving presents to children as a reward for being good, I could get behind a god like that, and I only worship the One.

Nov. 27th, 2018


Okay that was fucked right the fuck up. I've only been gone a few days but it's been much longer. I don't..

Okay what the actual fuck.

Nov. 24th, 2018


I actually survived Thanksgiving fairly well. Pretty proud of that one.

Met Blake a couple days before that. He's a good guy.

Nov. 22nd, 2018


Who: Anyone and Everyone
What: Food and football
When: Thanksgiving
Where: The Farmhouse
Warnings: Let me know if any come up
Status: Open party post

Read more... )

Nov. 14th, 2018


Who: Dwight Hendrickson and Fred Andrews
When: Wednesday Evening
Where: Tried and true Wal-Mart
What: Supply shopping
Warnings: Definitely none outside of hot dads/guardians roaming around town
Status: Closed/In-Progress

There are way too many types of these things. )

Nov. 6th, 2018


This looks like fun.

Mine is The Daughter of Crows and Dream. Sounds like something by Edgar Allan Poe.

cut for image, no filter )

Oct. 27th, 2018


What: Moves in the Park
Where: The Park
When Tonight
Warning: None. This is family friendly. Don't make me lock this.

This was the last outdoor movies in the park before it got too cold so she wanted to go all out. )

Oct. 23rd, 2018


[Text: Dwight | Pepper]

>> [Image Attachment]
>> I think you were successful with your toy purchase

Oct. 22nd, 2018


So! Since it seems I'm really not going to be going home soon, I guess I should shout out a greeting to everyone.

Hi! I'm Adrian. I'm a vampire. But don't worry, I'm Lissa and Jill's kind of vampire, not the type that chomps down on everyone and has no soul or any of that stuff. I was born this way. I think there's a song in that?

Anyway. As long as Rose isn't here, life is good and I'll try to only go a little bit crazy on you all.

Oct. 10th, 2018


Who: Dwight and Pepper Hendrickson
When: Wednesday
Where: Their house
What: A surprise!
Warnings: Probably none?
Status: Closed/In-Progress

He would be home soon. )

Oct. 8th, 2018


Sorry ahead of time to the plant folks, but fallen leaves.

Man, I swear they multiply every time you try and clean those suckers up.

Sep. 28th, 2018


My Dearest Pepper )

Sep. 22nd, 2018


Now that it's finally fall, what do you all think about having a bonfire next weekend?

Sep. 4th, 2018


[Text to Kate Bishop]

>> I need you back at the casino for at least the rest of the week.

[Text to Dwight Hendrickson]

>> I got the test results.
>> Can you come home?

[Text to Phil Coulson & Darcy Lewis]

>> I need the rest of the week for personal reasons. I've asked Kate to come in and help.

[Private to Kristof Nast & Foggy Nelson]

>> I need to take the rest of the week off for personal reasons. Everything is well organized, but I'll deal with anything else next week.

Sep. 3rd, 2018


Hazard of carving by hand, you uh, slice open your hand. That said, I sutured into my own. I may have given my boss a mini heart attack.


What: Last day of the fair!
Where: The fairgrounds
When: All day Monday
Warnings: Unlikely


ALSO, since it's the last night, there will be a fireworks display at sundown.

Aug. 22nd, 2018


So, I need some womanly advice.

Aug. 11th, 2018


[Text: Dwight | Gibbs]

>> You up for another fishing trip?

Aug. 1st, 2018


Been around for a long bloody time, but even after all these years I still find myself getting surprised. In some of the best sodding ways.

Getting hitched was...amazing. Even taking her last name as my own was one more delicious layer to the icing as well. Figured William Summers had a better ring to it then the alternative.

Now I've just got to figure out how to go about trying to deal with all this domestic bliss, and suss out how to make a proper go of being a good husband.

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